We have employed this gardener, John XXX, for the past 20 years. He will come to tend our garden only once every month when our grass and weeds need to be trimmed. When he first came here, we were still in our early teens. We had then asked him how should we address him. He replied, "Just call me John". Hence, from then on, we just simply called him John. He accepted that and carried on his work.
My mother is someone who tries not to get involved with matters relating to the garden. All these are usually handled by my papa. So he will be the one who will also give instruction to the gardener what is to be done. At the very most, my mom will just give me the money to give it to the gardener to pay him when he finished his work.
Recently, my mom so happened to walk the garden when the gardener is tendering the grass. There was something I needed to tell the gardener to do. So I approached him and addressed him as "John". Straightaway my mom shot back and said "Why are you calling him John? Shouldn't you show some respect to a person more senior than you? Can't you call him Mr XXX?" Almost immediately, John also replied "Yeah, is this how you should be addressing your seniors? Shouldn't you be showing more respect?"
Since then also, John became insistent he be addressed as Mr XXX. He became very reluctant to carry out our instructions when we called him "John". It became very difficult to talk to him.
Was what I had done wrong? Must I now addressed him as Mr XXX? Isn't this ridiculous? I have called him "John" for the last 20 years. He was also the one who told us to do that.
If I were to comply with that, I will also feel very silly. I feel like I am being treated like a little kid to be told to do that. Why should I do that? I am already in my thirties!!!
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