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All categories - 17 July 2006

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I'm quitting and it's been 14 day and I'm thinking (irrationally) that I've made it this far, I can smoke one and it won't matter. Right? Help me.

2006-07-17 04:55:27 · 15 answers · asked by letmesurpriseu 4 in Women's Health

A quick survey for the afternoon. Do you wear glasses, contacts, both or neither. Please answer the simple question plus if you are male/female and if you do wear glasses/contacts if you are long or short sighted. 2 pts for a simple answer.

2006-07-17 04:55:24 · 45 answers · asked by Hobsch 2 in Other - Health

With the reaction the ensued with two buildings falling down---the economy going into a depression and millions of jobs lost in a day. One has to wonder what would happen if a whole city were obliterated? Furthermore, what would happen if Israel were obliterated? What would the American people do?

Furthermore, what if the aggressor did not identify himself---if north korea sells a weapon to Iran, which in turn gives it to a terrorist cell to obliterate Israel? Would we just become isolationist? totalitarian? or hunt all black markets around the planet? Nuke every aggressor nation that supports terrorist? give them 48 hours to hand over all nukes and surrender regime or we nuke them?

I think this day of post-apocalyptic doom is overdue--and I am pretty sure Americans would (over-reaction?) and obliterate Iran and N Korea off the map, with stricter security world-wide--This would be the real deal for a NEW world order. Thoughts?

2006-07-17 04:55:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

probably i m searching for running message display or digital watch or quiz buzzer

2006-07-17 04:55:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Engineering

Or if not a real one, any information of the size, layout, etc?

2006-07-17 04:55:11 · 2 answers · asked by Ironfoundersson 1 in History

I recently paid off in full a $500 bill. After I paid it the credit agency said they were going to mail me a receipt and some paperwork saying they were going to delete it off my credit report. If they delete it off my report does that mean that for the future there will be nothing about this incident on it or will it still be on there just saying that it has been paid?

2006-07-17 04:55:09 · 4 answers · asked by projectvtec 1 in Credit

Now we've been kickin it for quite some time
Remained beside me through my trials in this life of crime
We divorced so many times I forgot to count
I never hit you, not a coward, rather leave your house
Remember back in December when we was tight?
Sippin Alize and Cristal, whylin every night - in my bedroom!
Promised that I commit to you soon
Tongue-kissed me every time you seen me step inside a room
Straight out the hood
We promised to be good to each other, plus I love you
So I know you gon' make a good mother
Just try to understand if I change at times
it's only cause I never owned anything that's mine
So I'm tryin you can stay with my momma but keep the drama to a low
Never call the police, I never call you b***h and h*e
We were all born hungry in this world alone
Finally moved out my mom's house, and got a happy home

2006-07-17 04:55:07 · 8 answers · asked by Goldfinger 3 in Music

2006-07-17 04:55:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

2006-07-17 04:55:04 · 13 answers · asked by meta-morph-in-oz 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Are there actual physical traits that make opposite genders sexually incompatible.

2006-07-17 04:55:03 · 5 answers · asked by icyhott4urmind 1 in Singles & Dating

I feel that he was "A Great Communicator" because he knew how to act.

Many find it hard to believe he knew nothing of the Iran-Contra scandal. Something about knowing the former president sold weapons to Iran so they would convince, "Hezbollah" to release American hostages does not sit well with me. Whats even worse is the funding the Nicaraguan group who started the "Crack Epidemic" in our country.

Reagan was always able to deny knowledge of the many controversies in his administration, and appologize, and people acted like the situations never happened. Kind of reminds me of someone else.

I hear people say he was compassionate, but he was constantly trying to cut funding for social programs, i.e. Headstart.

He completely ignored the AIDS epidemic until it started effecting the "straight and white" community.

He did make the rich, richer though!!!

I do not feel all aspects of his administaton were negative, but the greatest president - "I Think Not!"

2006-07-17 04:54:59 · 12 answers · asked by aslongasitsfunky 3 in Government

Hey my birthday/ sleepover is coming up and i can't do anythng naughty :( because my parents are going to be supervising!!! Can you guys find some good dirty things to do that won't get me in trouble?!?!

2006-07-17 04:54:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Games & Recreation

What are some really sexy, erotic, sensual songs? I don't mean hardcore rap with the really graphic, degrading lyrics. But Maybe some R&B (Old and new), Soul (old and new), Pop, etc. Instrumentals are good too. Anything hot and steamy, that makes your spine tingle.

2006-07-17 04:54:36 · 15 answers · asked by thepoet_silentlucidity@verizon.n 2 in Music

Goin tommorrow an suggestions

2006-07-17 04:54:21 · 3 answers · asked by NEOTEH 4 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I mean, if you already know the answer, why ask the question?

2006-07-17 04:54:19 · 19 answers · asked by cirque de lune 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Folliculitis is a painful skin condition resulting in pimple-like sores between legs and under arms.

2006-07-17 04:54:16 · 6 answers · asked by coolbreeze44105 2 in Skin Conditions

with a whole lot of innocent people? seriously think a about it for a second. doesnt it make you kinda sick?

2006-07-17 04:54:15 · 5 answers · asked by midi_junkie 3 in Current Events

I’m pretty open or truthful in real life, but sometimes I get shy. But while online I don’t care when I meet a stranger, I talk anyways. There’s just something about being face to face with people you don’t know and being shielded between people you don’t know. Like in real life I’ll wait till someone starts a conversation with me, but online I’ll do either or and be more open to start communication. So is this a trait of the Gen Y in general or is it just me, because I know some of my friends do the same thing but not all of them? (I know this is categorizing us, but I’m just sayin’)

2006-07-17 04:54:14 · 2 answers · asked by Am 4 in Psychology

plzzz help

2006-07-17 04:54:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horoscopes

this is a serious question!

2006-07-17 04:54:03 · 5 answers · asked by caliboy80 2 in Earth Sciences & Geology

i think i have insomnia or however you spell it because i cant fall asleep right away; i wake up on the middle of the night and cant fall back asleep right away; ill sleep for amny hours and still feel tired the next day; i wake up early is this insomnia..

2006-07-17 04:53:59 · 24 answers · asked by LoVe 1 in Other - Health

I have a 2000 Mazda Protege ES which came factory with 195/55-15 tires. Those tires are "High-Performance" tires designed only for the ES edition of my car, while the LX and the DX editions of the car come with 185/65-14 size tires. Can I put the 185/65-14 size for the DX/LX tires on my 2000 Mazda Protege ES?

2006-07-17 04:53:54 · 3 answers · asked by lusisnaturae 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am a first time house buyer and need to find a mortgage wihtin the next 16 weeks. I would like to know what banks are doing the best mortgage deals at the moment, can anyone help?

2006-07-17 04:53:47 · 7 answers · asked by Gem 1 in Renting & Real Estate

we have 5 kids and raise them catholic, but also have them study my wives beliefs- i tell you what the kids love December in our house, presents all month almost!

2006-07-17 04:53:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

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