1-There are already exisitng laws that cover all manner of criminality perpetrated against U.S. citizens why tailor and re-legislate for a group who prefer same sex relations if not to "validate" a certain sexual preference as "acceptable"?
2 - Why are homosexual life-styles and sexual practices presented in many US Public school curriculums as normal.
3- Why is the former "Gay Pride Day" Parade now being billed as the "Pride Day" Parade.
What consenting homosexual adults do behind closed doors in the privacy of their bedrooms is just that..why must it be flaunted down Main Street USA in the most garish, vulgar displays imaginable particularly durting the infamous "Gay Days" at Disneyworld in Orlando... for five year olds to witness.
4 - Why can't a homosexual like everyone else strive to be accepted by the content of his or her character and his or her achievments or lack thereof, instead of what sex he or she prefers to have intecourse with?
17 answers
asked by
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender