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All categories - 19 June 2006

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atheist cant prove a negative like i cant prove Bigfoot doesn't exists.

so the burdon of proof is on me to prove God does exists but when i give my reasons atheists dont listen anyway. so whats the point

-creation of matter
-fulfilled biblical prophecy
-world history / current events panning out just like the bible said it would
-the conscience instilled in you
-unexplainable healings
-crystal clear pepsi
-personal testimonies

Sure the KJV might have a contradiction of 15 but that doesnt make fulfilled biblical prophecy any less of a fact.

what else do you want? the 10 commandments written in the sky?
does God have to come to your door and try to sell you magazines?

2006-06-19 04:18:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-06-19 04:17:59 · 23 answers · asked by liquer_n_front_poker_in_rear69 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Guys, let me know what would "REALLY" mean something to you. Or ladies let me know what worked for you.

2006-06-19 04:17:53 · 15 answers · asked by Worshiper44 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have a red face tat is bothering me. It is always pink and sometimes it is so red that I am asked if i am sick or what is wrong... I asked my Dr. what It was and she said it was blushing. Is there anyone else that is experiencing the same problem? Do you know what will get rid of blushing problem?

2006-06-19 04:17:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin & Body

What actor played a role on this show who later went on to success on the big screen? He was not a member of the original cast but did have a semi-regular role, at one time.

2006-06-19 04:17:07 · 8 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Television

I need to learn local English.

2006-06-19 04:17:00 · 3 answers · asked by whoami 2 in Languages

2006-06-19 04:17:00 · 5 answers · asked by bertiousmaximus 1 in FIFA World Cup (TM)

I need some help.. I am almost 19 yrs old and i started my period on the 9th of june(i've had irregualr periods for a while) and i had it for 7 days and then i had sex with my husband and i spotted a little but i woke up this morning and i am bleeding again and its only been like 4 days since i had my period. I went to the hospital a couple of weeks ago and i had a yeast infection and a uti and they gave me medicine for it and i hope thats why i am bleeding from the infection getiing out of my system. I read a few of these message boards and i just hope that i am not having a misscarriage.. Polasistic ovaries runs in my family so i don't know whats going on. Somebody help me please

2006-06-19 04:16:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

My sisters are both into athletics, but I never was. It was music for me. I was the black sheep of the family because of it. My parents rarely attended my band concerts, but attended their every sporting event even if it was out of town.

Being a girly girl (cooking , cleaning, dresses, lace, jewelry, etc.) wasn't embraced yet men were talked about as if they were fools in our house. Did anyone else experience this? How did you overcome it to accept your femininity? Thanks.

2006-06-19 04:16:57 · 3 answers · asked by SuzieQ92 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

The person may belong to any country and may have also taken it in eithe test or ODI matches.

2006-06-19 04:16:54 · 21 answers · asked by Magster 2 in Cricket

What will happen if North Korean launches the missile they just fueled?

2006-06-19 04:16:53 · 12 answers · asked by bluskygreengrass 5 in Current Events

I don't know why many people seem to think it's a sign of oppression to women. Maybe it's because of the biased media? I respect Muslim women and It is such a big problem when they cover up but isn't such a big deal when you get people walking around half naked. And many Muslim women don't wear the hijaab.
If i'm so privelaged to meet these strong women, I would pay my respects to them.
What do you think?

2006-06-19 04:16:53 · 11 answers · asked by *Samantha* 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I don't understand why people are so against a sport that is free of performance enhancing drugs. These guys are simply going out there and giving it everything they have on a daily basis. I have never been a Hockey fan before this year and I have come to realize that the sport is fast paced, physical and exciting to watch. I'm sick of seeing basketball all over the place. If I was a 6 foot 7 freak of nature, I would be good at basketball. I would dominate a basketball court. Hockey really takes guts and seems really tough to do. Its just that the masses are fed that they should like basketball, just like the masses are fed with cheesy music on MTV. Will people ever wake up and start living their own lives?

2006-06-19 04:16:47 · 8 answers · asked by budlover 2 in Hockey

we have a 1990 plymouth voyager, the trans went out a few months back. she does have high miles, but the girl we bought it off of has all the receipts for all that has been done to it, we can't afford to trade it in, too many $$ medical bills!!! at first we have tried to find a new one, well, the price is too high on them, so how or what do we look for in a used one?? would any other year trans fit as long as it has overdrive, ( i was told it has to have overdrive, or the computer won't work in the van if it is the wrong one) any info would be greatly appreciated since i am no mechanic!!

2006-06-19 04:16:46 · 5 answers · asked by like2talk 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

would u sleep with ur friend, even though there's a chance that the 2 of u may never be more than friends?

2006-06-19 04:16:39 · 30 answers · asked by sexylips 1 in Friends

Most people i know HATE their middle names, including me. But do u hate ur middle name or do u like it? is it cool or is it dumb??

2006-06-19 04:16:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

whenever there is a deficit budget it is said the government decides to print currency. WHat will happen if the government decides to print the entire amount which is deficit in the budget.?

2006-06-19 04:16:09 · 3 answers · asked by raj 1 in Economics

2006-06-19 04:16:00 · 17 answers · asked by Dana F 2 in Other - Food & Drink

We've slept together 4x now at my house and some ways I feel bad but I don't think i should take all the blame because he is the one that accepted my flirting and played a long. Should I feel responsible and bad?

2006-06-19 04:16:00 · 31 answers · asked by Laura 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i have bad cramps in my lower stomach, and sore boobs, sometimes dizzy,is there any signs that you concieved or just wait until your perios is missed???im 21 and appreciate good answers not rude ones thans alot

2006-06-19 04:15:59 · 6 answers · asked by Victoria 6 in Trying to Conceive

yes you guys...I just ate a HUGE piece of carrot cake...enuff for 2 pple...my diet is ruined for the day.....the calorie gods are angry......and I fear that if I continue they will strike me in the buttocks and the thighs...(even though I am so skinny that I look like a toothpick with hair ) lol BUT I shall immediatly atone by drinking a diet coke ....glug..glug...I cant help it though...that banana bread brought out the inner primate within me...Ill be outside swinging on our swingset until you guys respond...any advice accepted...just try to be nice plz

2006-06-19 04:15:50 · 18 answers · asked by ? 2 in Religion & Spirituality

say something mean, like you were going to threaten them, like you wanted to kill them.

2006-06-19 04:15:49 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

We have a litter box that is 24" long and 16" wide. After our 13 week old kitten deficates, he then starts to scratch the sides and top ledge of the litter box asnd not the litter to cover it up. If the litter box is next to a wall, he starts to scratch the wall. any reason why? He has no health problems and uses the litter box each time.

2006-06-19 04:15:49 · 25 answers · asked by andrewwashington17 1 in Cats

Why is there such a glaring discrepancy in what people believe so faithfully in ???

2006-06-19 04:15:46 · 13 answers · asked by Furibundus 6 in Religion & Spirituality

My husband and I were out on our pontoon one night when he noticed our stern light had gone out behind where I'd been sitting on the back of the boat. I moved to the driver's seat while he tried to fix the light. A DNR Officer came up along side us. I'd been drinking. He assumed I'd been driving. Tried to fight it in court but jury believed "Officer of the Law". Now convicted of BUI and sentenced to wear a S.C.R.A.M. ankle bracelet that detects alcohol in my system.

I have no problem not drinking, but it's sooooooooo embarassing to have to wear this "Scarlet Letter" bacelet when I've never committed any crime in my life! Most people have never heard of S.C.R.A.M. and will assume I'm under House Arrest!

I know I shouldn't care what others thinks but it's summertime and I'd rather not spend it in pants. Any ideas for a lady to disguise this bulky thing while wearing a dress, shorts or a bikini?!?

2006-06-19 04:15:41 · 3 answers · asked by kittycathykay 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-06-19 04:15:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

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