Salut, j'ai une traduction en Anglais, mais j'ai l'impressions d'avir fais des erreurs.
- Have you seen Alfonso again since his departure to Italy ?
- Yes, he came to me the day before, which was three days ago. We talk about things that no matter, and while talking, he told me that he was leaving France the day after.
- You did not ask him any questions about what had happened ?
- I wouldn't have dared. And I know he was innocent, even if he was compromise.
- What things do you talk about ?
- About the life that waiting him, in Modène. And also a little bit of Claire. he told me that ten years ago, he had had a feeling for her, and if it had not had Pierre, he would have taken her in his hut. It was the first time he told me that. I had never known anything.
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Sébastien R