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[Selected]: All categories Travel United States Miami

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2007-10-16 04:53:30 · 1 answers · asked by bugzyaka 1

I am arranging a 2-3 day Miami trip for my Parents from India who are visiting me in Gainesville, FL. Can anyone recommend any bus tours or trips for things they can do in Miami. Not looking for those hotch potch trips where they combine 2-3 places in a single day for 40-50 bucks. Looking for quality elaborate tours, not so much quantity. Also those that offer lunch/dinner as a part of the trip. Would be particularly interested in the everglades, miami city and/or fort lauderdale

2007-10-16 03:53:49 · 1 answers · asked by S T 1

what should we expect and all?

2007-10-14 13:21:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really need the latest cuban population between '05 and '06 in Miami,FL or in the state of Florida.

2007-10-13 13:08:18 · 2 answers · asked by Felix 1

If there are any left . Specifically around Homestead and Cutler Ridge .

2007-10-11 13:54:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 19 & I've lived in Gainesville (if anyone knows where that is..Go Gators!) my whole life. I can't decide which place to relocate. I work in the healthcare field. & I love the beach! Jacksonville beaches are nice but they don't compare to Miami's beaches.

2007-10-10 07:06:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going down to Key West next weekend. I was thinking about going swimming with dolphins down there. However I can't seem to find a cheap place. Some of these places charge like $165 per person which is about double what I was looking to spend. Also I want one that guarantees you get to swim with dolphins and play with them. I don't want any of the wild dolphin excursions because those are random luck. Sometime you might go out and see 50 dolphins and sometimes you'll see none, but either way you're paying.

2007-10-10 06:23:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I currently with USAIR , but they have no positions open in Miami, so I am looking at other airlines, just wondering if there was a site catering to Airline professionals...


2007-10-09 18:31:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 10 days to spend in Miami! I was thinking of 5 days staying near South beach, 3 nights in Ft Lauderdale and a couple of nights in the Keys.

Does any body have any opinions on this, are some places better than others?


2007-10-07 08:29:39 · 7 answers · asked by dan_the_man 2

I have a friend who lives in Orlando who is considering moving to Ft. Lauderdale. He needs to find a cheap apartment in a decent neighborhood. One that is close to the gay district is even better for him. Any sugestons

2007-10-05 09:54:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have nothing to do but go to school, work, go to the beach and get tattoos....[That's all I have been doing]. I have few friends, how else can I enjoy my time living down south...

2007-10-03 10:24:13 · 7 answers · asked by CHICO07 1

I want to come with my friends at the thanksgiving break... Im wondering that how is the weather and night life.. also do we able to get tanned, is the sun still hot? thank you

2007-10-01 16:33:52 · 3 answers · asked by zeck 1

I live in Miami and I'm turning 30!! I want to go somewhere fun with my friends... it's going to be about 20-25 people. I'm thinking of a cool lounge, bar or even club if it has a terrace area so we can also talk.
We've already been to Martini Bar and Gatsby's to celebrate a few birthdays so I would like to know if anyone has any new ideas.... thanks!

Oh, if anyone has been to Christabelle's Quarter (Coconut Grove) please let me know if you liked it. Also, how much is the cover on Sat. nights?? Thanks!

2007-10-01 07:24:19 · 1 answers · asked by Janet 3

Isn't it between Golden Glades and 62nd St.? or does it stay clogged on down into downtown Miami?
South of 62nd St., which is the next entrance to 95 south before NW 8th St. or NW 5th St. (If I'm going down NW 7th Ave.)?

2007-09-30 14:19:08 · 5 answers · asked by topink 6

I am wondering to go to in February where the water is nice and warm

2007-09-22 16:20:43 · 5 answers · asked by rhoten_19 1

I need a change of scenery in my life right now and am wondering if Miami is a city I should move to. I grew up in the SF Bay Area and have lived in San Diego for the past 6 years. I love it here but I have lived in CA my whole life and want to live somewhere away from the West Coast. After living in SD I realized I love the beach and need to live near the water and I prefer warmer climates so i though Miami might be a cool city to consider moving to. So just wondering if anyone has moved from CA, either Northern or Southern CA, to South Florida and what they thought of it? Also what is the city and area like compared in general and what's it like compared to SD? I have an urban studies and planning degree and am currently a junior transportation planner, so hopefully there are jobs related to those fields available in the area, if anyone knows about that please let me know.

I just basically want to know what Miami is like and if it's a good city to move to?

2007-09-21 09:38:12 · 7 answers · asked by Sav 6

A lot of people say that you got to speak spanish fluently to live in Miami but is that completly true. I took spanish in my sophmore and junior of highschool but I'm no pro at it. plus I'm looking to move to either North Miami or North Miami beach so what are those areas of Miami like for an 18 yrs old? addtionally, whats the entertainment scene like over there becuase I want to get into Audio Engineering and Music production.

-thanks in advance

2007-09-15 17:39:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm in new in the area. I just want to know where people shop for their grocery. I also want to know where do you shop for clothes,(Which malls do you go)jewerly, shoes, movie theathres, favorite mall, park, church.

As the grocery stores I like to get your opinion either good & bad and your reason behind it. Thank You.

2007-09-15 08:22:33 · 2 answers · asked by tasha 2

My girlfriend and I will be staying at South Beach, FL next week for 2 days. I wonder what are some must see tourist destinations in Miami. Thanks.

2007-09-14 18:29:33 · 6 answers · asked by RoboZombieMerTurkeyman 2

I'm going to Miami for a few days to party, and I know every city has different party days like LA's most popular day is Wednesday. I want to go to Mansion Night Club, and just want to know which is the best day to go there!

2007-09-14 16:39:32 · 6 answers · asked by missindependant03 1

2007-09-14 11:44:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-14 03:10:41 · 1 answers · asked by Diamond Diva06 1

I'm not going down 95, so I'm experimenting with the commute, and it seems the hard part is all the Miami River bridges closed. Is the NW 22 Ave. bridge closed now?
So far, going down 441 is o.k., til you get to Miami River.
NW27 Ave is o.k., but that light where 9 comes from the NE and turns south onto NW 27th is a killler. It sometimes takes 2 or 3 rounds to get through.

2007-09-13 11:14:38 · 2 answers · asked by topink 6


Where is a nice affordable place in the keys around early Jan?.Would prefer lower key area!!!

2007-09-09 05:44:26 · 2 answers · asked by cindy t 1

Please nothing where a haircut costs over $100.

2007-09-02 04:48:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


okay so i am going to miami beach in three weeks and i've never been there and don't really know all what to do there.
i don't have hundreds of dollars to spend there, and i can't go clubbing or anything yet.=[
other than sitting on the beach what can i do?
and what is the weather like there?
thanks! =]]

2007-09-01 12:15:04 · 6 answers · asked by BABYFAYCE ! 1

Besides the weather...I mean in terms of standard of living, jobs, money, housing, etc. I'm a 29 y/o woman w/ an 8 y/o, not single.

2007-08-30 06:31:35 · 8 answers · asked by Diva 2

2007-08-29 15:00:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey I'm planning a trip, thinking about going to the Keys this weekend, but I'm thinking that it might be crazy with traffic and tourists since it's a holiday weekend. Anyone have any experience with this? Is it worth it to attempt it or best to go somewhere else? When would be a better time to go?


2007-08-29 06:02:00 · 4 answers · asked by impermanence 1