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FIFA World Cup (TM) - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Sports Football FIFA World Cup (TM)

i am proud of every man that was on the field on saturday, our lost game only will make us determend to win the world cup next time. how many agree??

2006-07-03 01:58:03 · 5 answers · asked by nichola w 1

We have also seen the Koreans & Japanese dazzle in the last WC...And Australia take pride of place by giving Italy a real scare...But whats worrying is the absence of a Muslim nations not making it far in the tornament....Yours views on this or what afflicts them????????

2006-07-03 01:53:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

FIFA certainly thinks he was correct in his decisions during that match, or they wouldn't assign him to such an important game. So do I. In fact, I think it was one of the best refereeing performances in the World Cup. Many difficult calls, and all of them were perfect.

2006-07-03 01:52:50 · 5 answers · asked by Cosechero 4

I know that football unites us,but i watched your answers and i saw that in some casses,it ruins totally our ralations with the people around.Maybe we...what's your opinion?Please,it's only a question,don't be rude!

2006-07-03 01:46:56 · 16 answers · asked by #~*Deamon_chick*~Bee :D~# 5

People are saying ronaldo cheat and is not a good sports man!! but i have not seen that in any of the world cup game!! or World cup!! so poeple where they guy cheat! give me detaisl and what you think he said for rooney to get red!! dont rooney deserve that red!! is rooney a better sportsman???

2006-07-03 01:46:45 · 9 answers · asked by Scatter 1

Name 3 portuguese players that you would like to see playing in your favourite team.

2006-07-03 01:42:11 · 13 answers · asked by jokersmile 3

2006-07-03 01:37:52 · 35 answers · asked by stellamonkey2006 1

I'm just wondering. I'm neither British nor an English fan, but I've been reading all these posts, and almost all the English fans are blaming Ronaldo. I personally think that Rooney actually deserves his red card and that England probably wouldve lost either way. So I'm wondering, do all of you guys really blame Ronaldo or Rooney for losing his temper?

2006-07-03 01:33:18 · 14 answers · asked by ashleyxo603 3

we would had liked to see the best teams in the Semis rather than their exit in the Quarters......the World Cup 2006 has lost some of its sheen & fan following.do you people agree with me on this count?????

2006-07-03 01:28:50 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone remember a single World Cup when the Argi team (wich representing this otherwise great country) would accept the defeat with at least some dignity, not reacting like either animals or little cry-baby's?

2006-07-03 01:27:35 · 14 answers · asked by Nick G 2

We.ve all seen the ref's help Germany beat teams like sweden and of course against Argentina. Can and will the ref's continue to help Germany win the cup? We all remember what happened last World Cup in Korea one of the most fixed World Cups ever.

2006-07-03 01:21:36 · 11 answers · asked by tony c 2

define the final teams and the results.
Best answer for best answer.

2006-07-03 01:21:21 · 10 answers · asked by TennisHamster 3

Given how the English funs feel about vs Ronaldu issue, do you think it would be wise for SAF to just let Ronaldu move to other club; or do you think MU managment still has to try smoothing things out to make sure Rooney or other English players would not make damn Portugese cheater pay(which they easyly can do even behind managments back)

If you know any MU funs, then how they feel about it? I guess if I will have some time I will register at MU fan website just tosee what they say about the matter.

If funs are against Ronaldu he is dead man even if sir AF will try to protect his ****.

For all ladies here: Ronaldu is cute, we all agree about it, so please do not waste your time explaining it to us once again.

2006-07-03 01:19:04 · 7 answers · asked by Nick G 2

e.g Germany is X and Italy is the Best!!

2006-07-03 01:17:45 · 13 answers · asked by Lona aa 2

Becks has been a good captain for the past six years, hes definatley had his ups and downs.
Which England players do you think has the Characteristics to become the next England captain and why.

2006-07-03 01:16:37 · 13 answers · asked by Angel666 3

And why?

2006-07-03 01:09:51 · 19 answers · asked by jokersmile 3

In the last match up! zidane show skill over the ball and he assist the goal henry score! ronaldino seem to be the big gun going in to the world cup but have not shown these power and skill over the ball as zidane!! who you think is better and deserve the player of the year award???

2006-07-03 01:07:31 · 38 answers · asked by Scatter 1

Germany, Portugal, France, Italy?

2006-07-03 01:07:14 · 21 answers · asked by jokersmile 3

what was all the agrovation for, did somone say something to heinze? he seemed to be leading the dispute?

2006-07-03 01:01:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Portugal V England. The Facts: Before the Match Ronaldo utters to Rooney that he'll 'take him out of the match' THEN around the start of the match Ronaldo shakes Rooney's hand then as they walk off Ronaldo gives Rooney a little headbutt to the back of Rooney's head THEN Rooney is sent off NOT for accidentally stamping on a player BUT for pushing a goading Ronaldo (the referee thought he punched him) THEN as Rooney is leaving Ronaldo is clearly seen winking to his teammates with a 'job-done' expression on his face.

Its quite obvious the Portugeese wanted to remove our main striker either fairly or unfairly and leave us exposed. Unsportingly tactical. But my questions are:

How did you now feel about this? and
What do you think awaits Ronaldo at Old Trafford? and
ALthough teammates at club level, will Rooney retaliate?

2006-07-03 00:58:21 · 31 answers · asked by Boon5 3

2006-07-03 00:57:04 · 9 answers · asked by Omar Naser 1

2006-07-03 00:53:41 · 16 answers · asked by ajai 2

2006-07-03 00:51:07 · 18 answers · asked by paul1953uk 3

Say if you agree or disagree with my remarks, or your opinion on the topic:

1 - They let Zidane play because they thought it would be his last game, you could notice nobody really marked him. They were overconfident and allowed France to play.
2 - The coach Parreira is a moron, he was too slow on the substitutions and bringing Adriano first instead of Robinho was a really stupid move, since it was the midfield that wasn't working, and not the attack.
3 - The defense strategy (zoned) was awfully stupid, they only went to get the ball AFTER the french player already had it, you think if they marked man-to-man, specially putting someone near Zidane so he couldn't play was the right thing to do?
4 - Who had the ball never had options to pass, everybody just kept standing while somebody else had the ball. The only player really running was the one with the ball.
5 - It was a tight game even with Brazil playing 40% and France 150%? I mean, France could have won 4-0 the way Brazil played...

2006-07-03 00:45:21 · 21 answers · asked by No. 10 2

I dont see how argentina losing can be a problem? Sure, they're actually a really good team, but they lost? just like england and brazil. Who wudve thought that brazil wud lose to france?
Germany defeated argentina fair and square. Argentina was practically falling on the ground everytime germany tried to tackle them! there were many times where Argentina fouled but the referee never bothered and when they lost, who was the one who threw a huge fight yelling at the Germans? They lost through a penalty kickoff! That's just a fair shot! Their players kicked off, and Germany's players kicked off! Lehmann saved a few.. the Argentinian guy didnt? SO.. whats so unfair about that?

2006-07-03 00:44:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-07-03 00:42:34 · 10 answers · asked by Claudia 1

Considrering that Italy has won the world cup two times and Germany three - who is likely to progress to the finals, when these bigies meet on tuesday? Will Italy win against Germany, or will Germany continue its fantastic performance all the way to the final?

2006-07-03 00:41:37 · 9 answers · asked by RealArsenalFan 4

i heared that he is muslim likes Zidan .

2006-07-03 00:39:53 · 14 answers · asked by SSS 2

2006-07-03 00:36:59 · 14 answers · asked by Mr X 2

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