My sister-in-law has decided that she will not baptise her son because she wants him to make up his own mind about what religion to follow. She says that she does not believe in God, god or gods. But,..... (typical) she puts up a Christams tree, buys presents, Easter Bunny comes to her house, loves Valentines Day (named after a saint), St Patricks day.... I feel that she is not teaching her son about religion, just commercialism. She does not feel comfortable when I read my children "A Christmas Story" because it is about the birth of Jesus. I want to include her son, my nephew, with the up bringing of my children and the values I'm trying to give them, but I do not know what to do. How can he choose if he is not educated.
I'm not saying my religion is the one for him. And I also teach my children about Hanukkah, Festival of Lights, Kwanzaa, and Ramadan (education brings acceptance)
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