Alex Jones, The tv talk radio host based in Texas Predicted terrorism By the US Govt On July 25th 2001.
I dont know how to work the real tube into the blog, So please watch this 2 minute video clip here:
What about the Operation Northwoods?:
Alex is predicting it again:
What about the 400% Increase in put options on Septemeber 7th 2001?
What about the 1100% Increase in put options on 9-10-01 on airline stocks?
What about documents from the mid to late 90s when they said we need a new pearl harbor?
What about the confinscated tapes of the "plane" hitting the pentagon from nearby hotels?
What about tthe hijackers that turned up alve and interveed by the BBC?
ON 9-11 Even the media said people heard like bombs were going off
14 answers
asked by
steve v