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Other - Society & Culture - 6 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

One day I took the train,
Across from me was a girl.
When I saw her, my heart did a twirl,
For I knew she was the one.

I ventured near to her,
And asked her name.
Said the fine dame,
Her name was Rose.

Ah, what a beautiful name,
Is the name Rose.
When I hear that name my heart glows,
As bright as the sun.

Alas though,
She got off at the next stop.
And my heart did flop,
For never again did I see her.

To this day,
When I look at a rose, my heart cries.
And I look to the skies,
Wondering, wondering, what became of Rose.

(i thought of this myself and had no help do you like it?)

2006-06-06 03:25:51 · 25 answers · asked by Sammy Hagar 3

2006-06-06 03:23:33 · 6 answers · asked by nick i 1

i will wish
1) Long live
2) Healthy live
3) Become rich
how about you

2006-06-06 03:22:18 · 65 answers · asked by Anonymous

talk black and braid their hair dont you know that if he wanted a black woman he would get one duh//////// myself i have been with a black man for 10 years and have a mixed child but i am what most would consider a redneck

2006-06-06 03:21:07 · 18 answers · asked by jessiknowsbst 2

It was usually used in kungfu and architecture, etc.

2006-06-06 03:20:37 · 1 answers · asked by Tieu Dang 5

I am one.

Don’t worry I wont get offended or anything if you answered negatively. I just want some honest opinion…

2006-06-06 03:12:39 · 11 answers · asked by SYD♪* 2

2006-06-06 03:11:39 · 8 answers · asked by timmy 1

They're people half my age who have lost it. I plan to wait until marriage but I'm still single. I'm a handsome, honest , and loyal guy, just very shy.

2006-06-06 03:10:57 · 63 answers · asked by Anonymous

in the US, the americans sue over just about anything that they can think of. people inother places dont do this. so why do the americans?

2006-06-06 03:02:04 · 19 answers · asked by Daniel 3

Here we go...

2006-06-06 02:51:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-06 02:51:07 · 4 answers · asked by Bopeep 4

I Personally Think Of Things No One Else Wants To (Religious Theories, The Ways Of Our Society, Etc)...I Feel It's A Gift And A Curse, But Im Proud Of It...

2006-06-06 02:47:36 · 18 answers · asked by Can't Make A Good Avatar!!! 3

2006-06-06 02:47:15 · 5 answers · asked by sukyoonbae2004 1

2006-06-06 02:43:36 · 12 answers · asked by trurojoust 1

Ok the question is , would you mind expolring sexually with your mate?

Me and my bestfriend were on the phone last night and we were talking about this. I am a lesbian and she is straight. I said that i wouldnt mind watching my partner have sex with someone else and i wouldnt mind having three somes and all of that. She says that she feels as though that can break up a relationship and i said well if you trust your partner and they trust and love you then why would they run off. I mean its just all fun and games its nothing serious i just think that you should be emotionally secure and know that if your love is there with you they are. But she makes a good point too. She says if the sex is better with the other person your partner might run off. and if you are with somebody you are only soppused to be with that person not any other, fun or no fun. She thinks if you let your partner do this they will cheat on you or they already are if you let them have sex in your face.

2006-06-06 02:36:21 · 15 answers · asked by Leany 4


2006-06-06 02:32:36 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do white american expect their husbands to give up their love and loyalty to their mother when they marry?women expect their husbands to give up their love and loyalty to their mother when they marry?

In India we embrace our mother-in-law and consider her an important part of our family. In America on the other hand all you ever hear from wives is "me first, me first!" and talk about "boundaries" and such. Why do american women have such a problem with their husbands mother? She's the woman who raised him and shaped him into the man he is. Doesn't she deserve his love, loyalty, and respect. This doesn't mean he has to give up his wife though. Why are American men always put in a position to choose between their mother and wife by their wife? Why does it always have to be either/or?

2006-06-06 02:31:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I never know from day to day, sometimes minute to minute what "mood" my husband will be in.

2006-06-06 02:30:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you have a breakdown or do you know where we can find a breakdown of the number of filipinos in the major cities?

2006-06-06 02:30:06 · 15 answers · asked by meco031719 3

These two changes bother me a lot. I think races should remain pure because I find original people so beautiful and interesting. (Don't get me wrong - there is beauty in mixed race people too)
And when I choose an exotic clime for my vacation I feel sad to see people wearing jeans and tee-shirts. I want to experience the native culture which I also find to be more interesting that western culture.

How boring it will be when we all look and act the same!!!

2006-06-06 02:24:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-06-06 02:20:56 · 12 answers · asked by Addy 4

My things keep coming up missing and my husband is just the sick, sadistic type that would do it. Yesterday, it was my check from work. It has disappeared. This morning, my cigarettes were missing-I had half a pack when I went to bed.

2006-06-06 02:17:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have u ever noticed that when people use the phrase "I have many (minority) friends, they generally follow up that statement with something anti-minority? Why is it that we never seen liberal people using "I have many (minority) friends" as a justification?

What r u trying to accomplish when you say this?
Are u lying so that you can try and pretend that u understand minorities, so taht you can discriminate them?
Are you trying to understand them for a better tolerance of them.

NOTE::: this is only for people who actually use the term in sentences, not for people who have minority friends but don't point it out constantly.

2006-06-06 02:09:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-06 02:06:27 · 3 answers · asked by lyndon7 1

2006-06-06 02:04:12 · 9 answers · asked by heather p 1

I can't get my head around it. All the time I hear people moaning about The English ,and all the nasty things our ancestors did , centuries ago to people and therefore, those people hate us. How comes it does not stop them from wanting to come and live amongst us?

Yesterday on the radio, there was a West Indian gentleman, Jamaican born discussing who he would be supporting in the World Cup. He lives in London and has done for 45 years but said he will be supporting Trinidad and Tobago over England, and WHEN they go, he will switch to Brazil????

What is that all about? He has spent most of his life in England and is house and employed here, been fed and educated here.

Is it just me that is offended by these sort of people in England, and Britain for that matter?

2006-06-06 02:01:23 · 27 answers · asked by super_star 4

is it the cross? the smiley face? it's not the middle finger, is it?

2006-06-06 01:53:47 · 28 answers · asked by patzky99 6

just like me

2006-06-06 01:50:17 · 5 answers · asked by mary902 2