This third time I'll lay files on the table. This is a packet of such as Elemental Cauldrons; Solitary Moon Rite; Basic Circle Ritual; What is a First Degree; Solitary Neophyte Ritual from Usenet; Circles; Imbolc Solitary; Self initiation; Dedication;WICCAN TOOL LIST MASTER; and The Wheel of the Year.
If there is enough interest I'll continure to modernize more files and put up questions as to who might want them. No, there are no strings attached. This kind of thing goes with being an Elder and Librarian of the Lore.
If this packet would be of use to you, send me an Answers e-mail with an e-mail address to which I can attach the files. The files have too many characters to post on Answers.
Click on my avatar and check my "fans." That's all I can say. You would be surprised at how careful I am with these files--I have about 20, 000. It's your choice, but please don't scare away those that might wish to avail themselves of these files.
10 answers
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