Okay last night I had two very strange dreams and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. They are a little long so bare with me.
#1: I was in the woods walking at night with a friend of mine, and we came across this really big, muddy creek. Of course we had to cross it so we jumped onto a big pile of mud, then swam the rest of the way. When I got onto the mudpile, I got stuck, we saw several animals pass by, two dogs, a cat, and ducks. Then there was a mountain lion, but when he jumped he got stuck on the tree, so I jumped off the mudpile into the water and he jumped in after me. I grabbed his mouth and held him until the game warden came with my friend, then I woke up.
#2 I was in the woods, again, and this man thought I saw him do something so he walked with me into the woods and he was going to kill me, also my mom was there and she was going to go with us but changed her mind and the man was going to kill her and me as well while we were in the woods. But I got away and
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