How about this for a theory. You know when you have a dream of a place and it feels so real, even though you have or haven't, been to that place before. What if that dream was an out-of-body experience (astral projection). What if ghostly experiences, encountered by other people, are actually people tuned to the same wavelength as your astral body and can only interpret the experience as having seen a ghost. By that token, what if it's possible, not only to project your spirit through time as well as space. It could explain the phenomena of hauntings through the ages. That's not to say that I don't think ghosts exist, I like to keep an open mind on that. When I was a kid, on Holiday in the West Coast of Ireland at my Grans House, there was a neighbour who would stop by most evenings on his way home. He loved chilling us kids with Ghost Stories (I think he put the shivers up a few of the adults as well) which he told us were all true. (Thanks to him I have a real fear of open wardrobes)
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