Now, what language did jesus spoke in ?
Now can the number 666 be translated into Aramaic by using hebrew alphabtes ?
yes, of course....
Let's investigate.
Numeric Values of the
Hebrew Alef-bet
'alef =1 waw =6 kaf =20 `ayin =70 shin =300
bet =2 zayin =7 lamed =30 pe =80 taw =400
gimel =3 het =8 mem =40 sadey=90
dalet =4 tet= 9 nun =50 qof =100
he =5 yod =10 samek =60 resh =200
And not only this, but letter-numbers are added in descending order by larger to smaller amount. So it is not always easy to construct a number to where the symbolism shows easily. Usually a name is started with first (that is characters) and then interpreted thru numbers. In other words, www, or 6+6+6 does not add to six-hundred-sixty-six. It adds up to 18. In Hebrew, 18 is the exact same as hay, meaning "life."
On the other hand, what letter-numbers are required to equal 666 exactly, and in the proper configuration? Consult the chart above finding the largest number needed first, then the second largest, and so on, in descending order.
You will find that the letters in order are: Taw-Resh-Samek-Waw. In English characters we would represent them as Trsw. But Hebrew is represented by consonants only. Vowels came much later, except for the yod and waw. Waw could act as a long 'o' or 'u'. Trsw---is that a Hebrew word? No, it is a Hebrew spelling or a word-play on the name of a Greek city in Asia Minor. It was this city that the beast-666 came from, the city of Tarsus, the city where Paul, the teacher of lawlessness and apostate founder of gentile Christianity came from. Paul of Tarsus is the beast-666 of the Revelation
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