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Other - Cultures & Groups - August 2007

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I guess I'm mad about this. In Pompano Beach there is a public spot in which many drummers and fire dancers go to have some fun during full moon, drumming and firedancing. It is the taxpayers money that maintain the beach, it belongs to the public. So on my first outing to this drum circle I decide to bring my guitar and have my friend bring his also. An hour into being there the cops showed up and broke up the fun, saying that the city commissioner got word that there is underage drinking going on there and he himself instructed the police to break down these get togethers. What a bummer!!! When will the children realize they have the time to do what they want in their own time? What drives me up the wall is that I don't even drink, for me making music is fun. I don't go to clubs and bars. What can we do to get the full moon drum circle back?

2007-08-20 19:04:50 · 3 answers · asked by remove me 5

Some people just rubs me off as really intelligent through the way they speak, talk and write. Are they naturally gifted, or did they read lots of books and built their vocabulary at a young age? I'm fascinated with these people, and I want to be like them.

2007-08-20 18:47:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Serious question.

2007-08-20 17:18:23 · 18 answers · asked by finest_man_in_fl 1

2007-08-20 16:01:28 · 13 answers · asked by jayakrishnamenon 3

I live in Canada and we just say blacks . And no offence is given or taken from it.

2007-08-20 15:36:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tell me? and i don't want to hear that bullshi-t about everybody being a racist. white people created racism in the first place.

Don't white people know that when they populate only 2 or 3% of the world, their children will suffer by people of color. I mean you all know this is coming right?

White people killed off the native Australians to the point of extinction

White people almost killed of the native American to extinction.

White people enslaved black people because of there ancestory sick and psych path Ideas about being genetically superior ( which is BullShi-t because there nothing superior about recessive genes).

White people stolen resources and cultures from people of color.

Why whould some white people teach there children racism when there only setting there kids up for disappointment .

White people don't have to repay people of color anything but your just making things worse by teaching your kids hate for no good reason?!?!

2007-08-20 15:24:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently one of my coworker had made a negative comment about koreans eating dogs. He said that they eat dogs b/c they are poor? Now, there "might" be a some truth to his comment but his comment was mostly based on the fact that he felt it was an unhumaine, socially and culturally unaceptable here in the US. Americans' consider dogs and cats as part of the family. I told him that Korea is not a poor country, like other countries, it does have poverish sections, but korea is an agricultural country, their main diest is rice and vegetables, and consider meat "any" sort of meet a delicatisen. I just think that he feels that korea is inferior, he equates koreans to animals and culturally unaccepting. Does he sound racist?

2007-08-20 14:34:28 · 26 answers · asked by ?????? 1

I am an Eagle Scout who never had an Eagle ceremony, so I am considered unrecognized by the troop I was in. I didn't want it, because I never cared for ceremonies such as my high school and college graduation (which I also did not go to).

Anyways, I was thinking of showing up to a meeting. Should I go or stay away? I was at one about a year and a half ago but it's been five years since i graduated high school and I think I am too old to show up. On the other hand, maybe it would be good for the scouts to see someone who isn't such a loser and geek (I would be dressed up in a shirt and tie because I would just be getting out of work) that became successful as an Eagle Scout.

2007-08-20 14:04:00 · 8 answers · asked by MLeinart7 2

People always have to come in and say something really rude about us. Its a shame. And then everytime people say something nice about other races of women, then people always agree. And yes, the majority are probably White, I'm not saying all are like that though. I say nice things about yall, so why cant you return the favor!? You guys always have something neative to say!
Today, someone asked "Why do White men love Black women so much", ofcourse they werent Black. But I was so mad at the answers that White men put. They said they did not find Black women attractive at all and blah blah blah stuff like that. Why even respond if you think of us like that? We dont do that to you guys.

2007-08-20 13:13:53 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

dont lie....im white and if i had to be an other race i would be Mexican.

2007-08-20 13:09:49 · 17 answers · asked by Matthew L 3


2007-08-20 13:00:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

they only score lower if they are made to check a "race" box before the test.


2007-08-20 12:59:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-20 12:43:24 · 25 answers · asked by bratz_swetty_tyesha 2

I hate the green leafy people because some are stupid. Not like the blue crunchy people because one of them gave me a dollar. The purpleish gray people are also bad because they aren't my favorite color and I also think the orange smooth people are bad because one of them stole my TV. The red and gold gilded peope are also bad because some of them eat (insert domestic animal here). The really light in shade with dark growth people are also bad because some of them smoke newspaper. Are you getting the point yet? So why do you think people stereotype?

2007-08-20 12:17:04 · 9 answers · asked by ? 5

I would like to find out how psychological and psychographic profiles are used to divide people into different groups, in terms of how their personalities affect how they make decisions. That is, are they quick decision makers, are they deliberative, etc. Are there are researchers who have done work in this field? Who are they? Why is their work interesting? Have they published any research papers or books?

2007-08-20 11:37:04 · 1 answers · asked by Paul D 2

what do you think about gothic girls? do you think they are as pretty as other girls? would you rather date a goth or prep or.......what?

2007-08-20 10:46:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am just curious to know how many African Americans out there still have this whole preconceived notion that lighter skin is better? I never really thought about this or allowed it to bother me until one of my lighter complexioned African American friend came to college, and she said to me that she would never have a child with a darker skinned black man bc she wants her children to be fair. This was like a slap in the face to me, bc I can't understand how someone could be so brainwashed. Then, later in the day we went somewhere and a Caucasian man hit on me. Now, she was literally awestruck when he was interested in me (a darker skinned AA). I told her that color has nothing to do with beauty. For some reason, men or different races seem to be attracted to me and she darker skinned guys like her. She just detests when they show more attraction towards me instead of her. Why is that? Has anyone else dealt with this? All races opinions are welcome.

2007-08-20 10:22:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just wanted the opinions of people of MidEast and North African descent about bellydancing? Is it shyed away from? Are there only certain people that are expected to practice it? Do some cultures continue to teach it as a valid tribal/cultural art form? Thanks for your answers, and I apologize if I've angered anyone with my ignorance.

2007-08-20 10:19:14 · 1 answers · asked by gurlycirl 3

so disappointing

2007-08-20 10:07:57 · 11 answers · asked by N.Oboi 1

Why do people not agree with polygamy? A lot of people already cheat on their spouses because that may not be enough for them. So why not make polygamy legal. Gay marriage is legal in my state...so whats wrong with polygamy?

2007-08-20 09:44:44 · 25 answers · asked by sierra 2

I grew up in DC and i lived in South Carolina, PG county MD, and Miami Fl. I currently reside in Northern VA. Anyways, I always went to many private schools when I was younger. I had gotten a lot of scholarships and my uncle had gave my parents a grant so I could get into more private schools. I'm not wealthy at all, both of my parents are lower middle classish. I went to school with a lot of wealthy Black children. Many of them shunned me and treated me like I was nothing and they made fun of the way I talked and said that I was "ghettofied" lol. Anyways, I started to go into public schools in the 6th grade and I had gotten the same treatment they would call me "bougy" or "white" and they made fun of me because I would always do well in school. It's getting a lot better as I get older. But everywhere i go, wearther it's with wealthy Black people or not so wealthy Black people i feel like an outsider. Has anyone else gone through the same thing?

2007-08-20 08:57:08 · 20 answers · asked by Ayita 5

Sort of, barely no one on my fathers side of my family has been to college or barely finished high school. In my moms family college is mandatory. Almost everyone has a degree.

2007-08-20 08:39:39 · 13 answers · asked by Ayita 5

Do you find them ugly, pretty, a turnoff, etc....

I know that the too groups look different...but I'm being very general.

Also please don't give me the "every race has some pretty people and ugly people" or "everyone beautiful." because I want some real feeling when you see one walk down the street.

Btw most, like me have black hair, brown eyes and tan skin.

2007-08-20 08:03:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see a lot of questions regarding issues that become "emotional issues" due to a total lack of any sort of proper research.

Is credibility of source even a consideration for kids these days or they just believe everything they hear?

2007-08-20 08:02:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-20 07:39:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is a Bald Eagle called a Bald Eagle? It' not bald.

2007-08-20 07:14:51 · 4 answers · asked by iwish4love 4

I believed they were modeled off of blacks.

2007-08-20 07:06:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

In general, who do you think is the most powerful gang? By gang i mean the mafia, yakuza, crips, ms-13 (street gangs and organized crime)I've been thinking, street gangs such as ms-13 have members over 100,000, but organized crime families such as yakuzas have members of about 85,000. (info from wikipedia)street gangs may be big in numbers, but organized crime families such as yakuzas/traids/italian mobs have more money and connections in business and political...overall who do you think is bigger and better?

2007-08-20 06:37:00 · 10 answers · asked by ???? 2

I mean ever heard an old person say that there child hoods where better than ours and that we are out of control, not to mention all the other rubbish they come out with.?? Like A levels where harder for them than us.????

Is it coz they are now past it and all they have left is to moan about the youngsters who have what they dont "YOUTH"


2007-08-20 06:34:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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