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Cultures & Groups - 29 July 2007

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender · Other - Cultures & Groups · People with Disabilities · Senior Citizens

I see so many on here doing so much finger pointing, but the ones that are doing the accusing, do they not see the three fingers pointing back?
Yes there is a crime problem in the black race. I admit it, I don't deny it, there is gang violence, drug sales, single mothers...
but the black race is being treated like the scourge of the Earth, like we are to blame for every ailment known to man, and it isn't fair.

I mention the black race because I am black, I cannot really speak for any other race, not because I am biased.

2007-07-29 09:52:45 · 11 answers · asked by Annabella Stephens 6 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I have posted two. You can read them (click on my avatar and then go to my questions) and reply as they are still open and I need more responses please. This is my last one and I ask it here because this category gets more responses than any other. Here's the question:

Do you think it is just human nature to blame the victim when we feel helpless about a situation, or is it that we are so over burdened with social issues that we offer answers that blame the victim because we are not informed enough about the nature of the problem?

I ask because I can't believe we are as hard hearted as the responses I got to my questions. I asked if there were legislative efforts to end homelessness that I could support. No one answered that question. Everyone just explained why people are homeless (offering welfare, addictions, choice. DUH.) Maybe they didn't understand? When I say legislation, I mean things like slum landlords that profit from squatters, city ordinances that shuffle peop

2007-07-29 09:25:53 · 4 answers · asked by amazingly intelligent 7 in Other - Cultures & Groups

The whole "thumbsdown" "thumbsup" system.

How can you recieve thumbsup for idiotic comments about Black people yet, a response to the foolishness gets repeated thumbsdowns?

It only goes to show what kind of people are lurking on this site.

2007-07-29 09:22:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I am mexican and I love our spanish culture. There are number of mexicans that were born in Spain. During the time of the spanish revolution in Spain, a number of spaniards migrated to Mexico. They are old people that are still alive as of this day living in Mexico. Mexicans who are spanish born in Spain.

We have spanish cultural festivals in Mexico:





2007-07-29 08:54:13 · 27 answers · asked by spanishmexican 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Is it another term for no strings attached with sex? This sounds dumb to ask but there's a debate about the right answer. Some have said its like having no commitment. Some have said its like come over when you feel like. Please help clarify some light of this issue. Do not answer with wisecracks or insults. This is serious.

2007-07-29 08:51:49 · 27 answers · asked by smiles 6 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Loving someone soooo much, we hate them. Because they don't live up to our expectations?

2007-07-29 08:31:31 · 11 answers · asked by Mr Heart 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Trade places with someone you love, who is ill, so that you might better understand him/her and what he/she is going through? I would.

2007-07-29 08:05:53 · 10 answers · asked by kayboff 7 in Senior Citizens

Have any of you who have had dealings with Alzheimers/Dementia had any experience dealing with your loved one's hallucinations? Do you just play along or try to reason with the person?

2007-07-29 07:59:04 · 10 answers · asked by kayboff 7 in Senior Citizens

They wants us to help them with their immigration cause but what have they done for us lately? Hispanics look at blacks with disdain and say that they are lazy, but don't realize there are millions of successful black people that are are extremely hard working.

2007-07-29 07:56:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

The average life expectancy now is 78, and by 2008, the first baby boomers will begin to retire. Do you think the Bush Administration is playing on our fears to get his SS proposal accepted? I think it includes cut benefits, delayed retirement, and revised wages and price indexes, along with tax credits. In other words, does SS really need fixing or is this propaganda?

2007-07-29 07:51:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

Do you watch movies that consist of gay plots or relationships?
Do you watch movies that strictly have gay actors/performers for example Elton John, Rosie O'Donnell, Anthony Perkins, Rock Hudson, etc?

2007-07-29 07:35:12 · 19 answers · asked by smiles 6 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

the one's who feel the need to be racist are the ones who are in most dire need for security of indentity.
The ones who need to insult are then most insecure ones.
the ones who act the most tough, are the ones who practices showing toughness because they're weak inside.

2007-07-29 06:11:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I am so upset at the way Christians have treated gay people. Like they've drawn the line in the sand and gone to war with gays. It's not right. Not every Christian thinks like that, and I don't. It is true that the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin, but so are so many things. a sin is a sin. one sin is like any other sin. They make it sound like homosexulaity is worse, and it's not. So you have men who lust after women all the time going around telling gay people that they are sinners. like one is worse than the other. I think they are very deceived. It's no reason to exclude gay people from your life either. They should be finding ways to include gay people into their life instead of finding ways to exclude them. I hate the way this has progressed. Like what good did it do to have to vote about gay marriage. like you;ll have gay and straight states and ten have a civil war? didn't we do that already? didn't anyone learn anything? it's so incredibly stupid(cont)

2007-07-29 06:07:49 · 14 answers · asked by art_flood 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Yes we know white people (not all) are arrogant. Yes we know black people are angry. We got it. Okay. So why is it that we are all shocked and surprised when white people post stupid questions about black people based on an outdated stereotype and when black people complain about unequal treatment. As a black person you have to admit that you have it waaaaay better then your great grandmother did, and as a white person you have to accept and understand that things could be waaay better for minorities. And as PEOPLE we need to see that by pulling out eachothers hair kicking and screaming and what not we aren't going to get anywhere. So why don't we stop this whole "Whats better, black or white thing?" and try to hammer out the important issues facing us today (like say, Global Warming)

2007-07-29 05:54:27 · 20 answers · asked by MajorCrumpet 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Please dont answer rumours i want facts from professionals....

2007-07-29 05:52:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

1. What 60s group sang the hit song Nashville Cats?
2. Who was vice president to Ike Eisenhower?
3. What year did the first frozen TV dinner appear on the market?
4. What was a memorable event for you in 1957?

I know some will have "senior" moments but do your best!

2007-07-29 05:49:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

Latino Culture= Spanish Language ( Hispanics )
and Catholic Religion ( Guadalupanos , Romanos, ... Latinos )

So when Gringos brainwash Latinos to convret to Protestantism and learn Only English is called Cultural genocide?

2007-07-29 05:32:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

why are most Australians blond when most of Australians came from Burnett Britain??

i mean, British people are dominantly Burnett. but why is it that their relatives in Australia are dominantly blond???

2007-07-29 05:30:18 · 13 answers · asked by hamster-de-combat 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

they kidnap and kill those who are there to help them. Could it be that Afganese are modern day cavemen (neaderthals)?

2007-07-29 05:25:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-07-29 05:17:34 · 6 answers · asked by max s 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

---and dont get me wrong im not racist AT ALL. It's just it seems like if i went to a school that was all white mostly that high school would be funner, because there would be more people that i could hang out with. My group of friends is about 15 throughout the whole high school, and i dont want the fact that so many people are ignorant at the high school to ruin the "best years of my life" what should i do?

2007-07-29 05:16:41 · 22 answers · asked by Emily G 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Biracial..Meaning white mixed with either asian or black..

Do you feel whites treat you the same when you are around them?

2007-07-29 05:08:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-07-29 04:45:15 · 26 answers · asked by Gaymes Last Orchestra 6 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I am at my wits end with all these parents who say that their " Little Johnny's" are either ADD or AHADor ADHD, what ever! Every child in America is a "Special Needs" child. The lack of parenting skills is unbelievable. My Little Johnny can't set still in class, what a load!! My Little Johnny can't concentrate. My Father had a fix for that one too. POW, can yeah concentrate now? When I came up a parent would have been embarrased to admit that their child was less than perfect. Now the parents all line up so that there child can ride the"Little Yella Bus" Am I crazy here? Do you agree that the parents just don't want to face up to their responsibilitys and would rather medicate the child? AArrgghhhh, I'm losing my mind here. Tell me, am I wrong in my thinking? I realize that some child are "special needs", and God bless them. But the doctors are lined up with their prescription pads and the Moms are standing line while the children run rampant. What is going to happen when these kids

2007-07-29 04:40:36 · 26 answers · asked by Cheryl 6 in Senior Citizens

Before you flame me, read what I have to say. I am not anti-gay at all. I have many gay frineds, and have had for years. But here is what I have to say - I think gay people think that the discrimination, rejection they are experiencing is because they are gay - and it isn't that at all. The discrimination, alienation, rejection is just the same as heterosexual people who are widows, who are single, who have a special needs child, who have a large number of children. It also depends on location. It's like society says you need to be married, look a certain way and have the right number of perfectly healthy good loooking kids, or you don't fit. I live in Wisconsin - a very closed society. If a gay person were to come here and live they would feel as rejected as I feel, but they would think it was because they are gay. I am a widower, I lost my wife last year. We knew hundreds of people and then my wife died, and then everyone completely avoided me, complete isolation

2007-07-29 04:27:05 · 11 answers · asked by art_flood 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

What is being BLACK enough? Being in a gang? Being on welfare? Being an unwed mother or father? Speaking getto jive? As a white person, tell me!

2007-07-29 04:09:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

i am dateing a girl but am turned on by men what do i do

2007-07-29 03:56:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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