a few yrs ago, i hooked up with a close friend. we lost touch somewhat but remained friends. recently i went to visit him, i'm not in love and i wasn't expecting anything-i just wanted him to know i love him. before i could, however, he came out as being gay, how he's "always known" and i'm one of the first he's told. then right before i left, i started crying and told him i loved him gay or straight, and that i needed some closure. he said at the time, he didn't want to reject me. i feel stupid b/c it sounded like i had aggressively pursued him and he was just sparing my feelings. but i normally never act that way with men and i do recall him initiating things. i doubt i was just a cover b/c no one knew what happened but now i feel ugly/foolish for thinking what what we had was meaningful. was he ever attracted to me at all? was i wrong to tell him how i felt? i didn't try to "turn" him straight, i just felt he should know how i feel. i'm afraid i scared him and ruined our friendship
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender