Now we know GOD dosen't send People to Hell, GOD is the Redeemer. Satan is the Dammer. This thought Occured to me 30 Minutes ago. (no Bible to back it up---no Leading and Guiding of the Holy Spirit that I can Tell) so this is Conjecture. What IF in HELL you had to Suffer Personally, all of the Hell you brought on Others? What if Hitler had to Die and Personally Experience over 6,000,000 Tortures and Deaths Personally? Get the Picture? Even Though GOD dosen't send People there(it is by Our Choice), would it Make Hell Fair.
Now at the End of it All, I "Personally Think they will Cease to Exist". And that would be the Mercy of GOD AFTER they had to Experience all that they Caused Others to Experience. Would that let GOD off of the Hook for those that Think GOD is MEAN---which HE Ain't.
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Religion & Spirituality