Matthew 5:14-15)- syas that we as Christians are the light of the world, like a city on a Mountain top, and that we shpuld hide our light but let it shine, so that the world may come to Praise god
My brothers, Europe has been invaded by the Muslims, by sheer numbers and influence they have taken hold, if you disagree with them in any sence your racist, so eupropean Nation have caved in, Brothers these are nations that produced the Crusaders and now are worried about the feeling of Muslims?
Well let me tell you brothers that thee is no purpose to life less it be for the will of God, and with that said I am not here to appease stone worshippers, By the grace of the lord I will unite the truely righteous, those that have the light and once merged that light will be a strong Beacon, to guide back the lost sheep of christianity and to pirece through the lies of the secular world and Islam
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Religion & Spirituality