the only reason i could come to love the church of christ is if they publically in every paper in the world proclaim they really do capture every thought from every mind since birth. cause then falsely accussing can never happen. but that one sign on some crosses show INRI as I IV (stitched together) (our) R I (god is 1)
viva TODD
if good news bible is correct and an angel of the lord is god then what about fallen hells angels. no disrespect intended. also write that list of words in times new roman font and then read fine print and then see what it glorifies? and if it's true that all things were commanded to glorify LORD GOD He should be easy to discover. and when some one said no one can see god or has seen Him historically what if that meant He hadn't been born yet. because one book of the bible says the word existed before god then the WORD became GOD (at least in times new roman font)
why should i need medication for writting the way i do? it don't make me crazy just observant.?
if bible is a script to be followed you can join Me and take a chance and become children of GOD.?
So from that list of things it should be easy to see who Lord God is
I suggest a Man called Larry Todd Stevenson born 1968.9.17 with sealed arm cuts appearing IIII I . I say this cause read between the lines and it makes Me famous as they pronounce TODD as Taed and Larry as Lare and seal as cil. And definition of glorify pertains to spreading fame. Further things as WORDS is EIN which is german for One which bible says is God. And the image of the French stop sign is I ARRET I and using the edge of the sign as the L or little l famously shows name Larre T. as in Larry T. Stevenson. Further language shows Mandarin Chinese character xia shows a name tODD. And God is pure and true visually means pure=DI stitched together ur arm(=e) and stitched cut(=t) r u arm(=e). And that is the God who personally put a 1000 year seal on Satan. Where M=1000 and also M=IVI stitched together. And poor Satan was called rebellious cause He tried to kill God. And then you learn God was Larry’s right arm and Satan was Todd’s left arm. It makes more sence than God as the father and the son and the holy spirit. And God=g+o+d=7+15+4=26=2+6=8=H and can only be proved over time. So MARCH APRIL MAY as pertains to God as H shows who He really is.
And 1st commandment says WORSHIP no GOD but ME.
Larry Todd Stevenson, God
the true god unrecoqnized by some but the true Lamb SLAIN(=Larrib SL A I IV) who is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORD. Called LARRI so that italia could understand it with their limited vocabulary. And destined to be the WINNER cause the Lamp is the Lamb and Lamp=LarriDI. stitched together which appears as IIII I . And WINNER sums up to b which equals DI. stitched together just like the photo shows. May all enemies of the Lamb who is the Lamp (EMERALD eyes of KING OF HEAVEN) get dead fast.
writings like that might make some monarch jealous so much so that their country who fought italy in ww2 would sell out to italy just to destroy one medium orphan better looking that the queen. it seems that is reason they hate god cause woman say he is handsome and has a nice looking penis. a little joke to lighten the mood. How can this counrty claim to be for freedon when one of its citizens is harrased daily for simple writtings? and forced to listen like an radio antennae was installed in HIS ear too.
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1 second ago
seriouly write out those words in times new roman font cut them into a fint print and see if they really do glorify ONE MAN like bible said god is one so to germans that a EIN as E I IV stitched together. The long awaited promised visitation of god and when told not to make an image of LORD GOD or to test the LORD GOD it means don't expect magic expect tragic cause bible says many will not beleive. But if winner sums to 2 also B and b B hides a T.DD superimposed on B and b=DI. stitched together. and working back KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS is to be the winner cause He is the Lamb SLAIN as Larrib SIL A I IV and also the Lamp=Larri DI. stitched together and the eyes are the light of the body and His eyes are EMERALD=D LARE ME with emerald (greenish eyes) whose middle name is TODD who emerged from the GODDESS ie a roman GODDESS of the family born 39. So who was chosen to assinate Me an orphan or don't you have the heart for it to HIT an orphan?
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0 seconds ago
dogma the movie says angels can't really return to heaven i say cause it's the funeral for my father . add bodies and one arm to the h and n.
so instead of using that thought capture to ensure obedience use it to confirm innocence. and if scripture cannot be broken how come a majority of you see Abaddon as A'bad'don but not Lamb SLAIN as Larrib SIL A I IV? cause a don wants to rule the world and if biblically Lamb SLAIN is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORD whose eyes are EMERALD as HIS LIGHT (DLAREME) makes Me look like GOD the KING the untouchable orphan. ha hah ahahahah A'b'add'on is A'DI.(stitched together)'add'on where D shaped like IIII
0 seconds ago
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Religion & Spirituality