Mexicans, Asians, Jews... everyone is hated or stereotyped regardless of race or religion. I'm gonna take a gamble here and say that you are hated because you're a jerk, not because you are black. With that kind of an attitude, I can see why you would be hated...
2006-08-30 09:19:45
answer #1
answered by Whatever 5
Well.I am white and married to a black man and have 3 kids by him.You know the kicker?I hear about how us white people did the black people wrong because of slavery,so that makes all white people bad.And....I hear it from my husband's Aunt also!So do not feel like you are alone cux I am sure their are alot of people out there that can tell you some stories.I was in the grocery store the other day and a bunch of my kids little friends said,"I did not know Brittany's mom was white".No I'm purple,that's why they are mixed!Don't feel so bad.Like I said,you are not alone ok!I thought America was over this but there is alot more of it out there than you think.Hopefully one of these days,but I doubt if I live to see it!Have a great day and don't let it bother you so much!Peace!
2006-08-30 09:23:05
answer #2
answered by jill f 2
A. your statement is not true and B. if you think you personally are disliked in some way because of the color of your skin, read your own's just you. You don't get a free pass because of the color of your skin. How about this...research grammar, become a productive member of society and quit using the pity me please race card to claim your right to have everything handed to you. I would SO love to be there when you present God with that one! More power to you there buddy.
2006-08-30 09:22:09
answer #3
answered by justme 3
Honestly I think its the blacks attitudes. Not all, but a great majority are loud, obnoxious, and vulgar. I will be taking the train home and there will be black people on there swearing their *** es off. Ive seen this even if there is a little girl sitting right next to them with her mother. They have no regard for other people. That makes people uncomfortable, and my guess is thats what black people want. Its a "F-U I dont care what you think" attitude. Dont know if thats concious or sub-conscious. Then you got to see athletes like Terrell Owens and Maurice Clarett make a fools of himself. You dont see any other race doing that ALL of the time. You guys got to stop seeking attention by being loud and annoying. It just makes you guys look worse.
2006-08-30 09:24:38
answer #4
answered by Bababooye1 2
No, we're not, not in the world....I've been to Europe, and I have been treated nicer than I have ever been treated in America (my "homeland"), and people are genuine. I have a friend from Russia, who told me that in Germany, Indians from India are seen as a social disgrace...people believe that they have lice, and dirty houses, and that they are a nusance. Now understand, this is coming from another person I knew, so I don't want any hate mail from anyone telling me about how wrong I am.....racism is everywhere and you will always find someone who hates someone else.
2006-08-30 10:15:38
answer #5
answered by Genea_80 3
There are quite a few minority groups that have gotten the bum rap like blacks. Jews are the current target of choice. People have always hated Jews, homosexuals, Mormons, and quite a few others.
2006-08-30 09:19:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Although we are hated worldwide, I don't think we're the only group of people to ever be hated. No, I don't believe that your skin color will get you into heaven. I believe that accepting and believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that He died to save us from our sins is what saves ones soul (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10).
2006-08-30 12:41:58
answer #7
answered by mochasister 4
You just think your Race is Hated,Just because some blacks may be hated such as Barry Bonds,Terrel you sit back Play the race card to gain sympathy..
but get a life and open your eyes people from each and every race are hated..
2006-08-30 09:23:02
answer #8
answered by steve 3
Trust me; you're not the only one that is being faced with hatred. I think this get's back again to people who are ignorant, un-educated and have low-self-esteem. The only way they know how to back slash is using Hate as their weapon. I ensure you, your color will not be effected by when you enter heavens gate. It rather will be calculated what kind of character you have been and how you appeared to your next neighbor or next of kin. Hope that helps. Sincerely A friend!
2006-08-30 09:21:40
answer #9
answered by angelikabertrand64 5
Get real- at one time or another, EVERYONE IS HATED.
Consider- you're too old, too young, to smart, to stupid, to lazy, you work too hard, you're islamic/christian/jewish/buddiaist/rastafrastrain/flying spghatti monster from Kansas,,,,,
Consider this, since the year 2000 White Anglo-Saxon Males have been the minoirty. Blacks and Hispanics have made more chilren than "whitey" so get off your soap box, and grow up- TAKE RESPONSIBILY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS
2006-08-30 09:16:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous