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Society & Culture - 22 August 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

and soap sculptures?

I would like that. :)

2006-08-22 07:40:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why do most people give Smith as a phoney name, why can't it be Carstairs or Higginbotham or even Wilfred Hyde-White for that matter?

2006-08-22 07:39:53 · 22 answers · asked by Polo 7 in Other - Society & Culture

Almost every song on BET has something about a womans booty.

2006-08-22 07:39:49 · 11 answers · asked by Jack 'N' Box 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Whose kids throw toys and stuff and make a lot of noise, and not only their kids but also they must tend other people's kids and they're yelling in a forgeign language and throwing stuff and trying to kick holes in our fence, and to make matters worse the neighbors' kitchen window is high and they can look over our back yard, and I sure want to put t stop to that, etc., etc.
Yes, I need to build an arbor, and should I use vinyl or what. And bolt it all together really sturdy.
And maybe just pay someone to build it.
And then the neighbors behind us have dogs, lord have mercy. Life in the city is an awful chore.

2006-08-22 07:39:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

Before each nations needed to be strong in front of the enemies, so each nations created their fable to control citizen. Like you have to make many children . So that is why we are not supose to protect ourselves in a sexual relation. But now it's different.And all the bad things the religion did to us( like confine Some scientists just because they found contradictions) Please if you Believe in god don't go to the church because you re suporting the worst thing ever. Just keep believe (not in the bible but in god) and make what YOU think is good .Im sure if there is heaven you will have more chance to go in than following stupid rules. Thanks that was my last massage.

2006-08-22 07:39:24 · 6 answers · asked by ? 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Does anyone know how possibly to combat all this crazy misinformation about Islam?

Where on earth do people get stuff like: Allah is a pagan moon god? or If you blow yourself up you get 72 virgins in heaven waiting for you?

2006-08-22 07:39:15 · 16 answers · asked by John S 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Oh yeah, religion said so.

2006-08-22 07:38:58 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Heh ! Lets see whats now... eh ? :)

2006-08-22 07:37:36 · 1 answers · asked by Wortho 4 in Religion & Spirituality


Us, and them
And after all we're only ordinary men.
Me, and you.
God only knows its not what we would choose to do.
Forward he cried from the rear
And the front rank died.

The general sat, and the lines on the map
Moved from side to side.

Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who.

Up and down.
But in the end its only round and round.

Havent you heard its a battle of words
The poster bearer cried.
Listen son, said the man with the gun
Theres room for you inside.

Down and out
It cant be helped but theres a lot of it about.
With, without.
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?

Out of the way, its a busy day
I've got things on my mind.
For the want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died.

Pink Floyd - Us and Them.
Let us reflect on this, or simply tell me what comes to your mind.

2006-08-22 07:37:36 · 3 answers · asked by Sniper Wolf 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Do you think it is right for us[ parents] to show are kids too be so superficial? With all these man made celebrations?!Its nice to celebrate christmas true meaning & thanks giving..but like easter? its not about our savior.its about this easter bunny with a basket of stuff. what does one do when they dont have money to keep up ?

2006-08-22 07:36:19 · 3 answers · asked by doll 2 in Other - Holidays

This nation was built on the belief in God, whether that is true or not it is working pretty dam well. If we get rid of the crosses, don't we get rid of America. No matter what you are, this is still a English Protestant country. We all take America for granted and think it should be tailored to our needs. Just because we are all equal doesn't change that this is still a white protestant country. No one said America was perfect but its was working better when it was white protestant instead of tailoring to everyone. THIS is not an excuse to hate and blame atheists and blacks for our problems. Hate screws everything up. There was so much hate in this country at one time, changes were needed. Now they are being taken too far. Should America be changed? I don't know the answer. I don't want answers. I want intelligent input.

2006-08-22 07:36:11 · 18 answers · asked by . 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-22 07:35:41 · 6 answers · asked by Austin S 2 in Other - Society & Culture

some holy shops such a britanicas prepare candles for people for specific reasons.you sometimes see these big candles in the supermarkets with pictures of jesus and and angels and prayers.I wanted to know is when they prepare these candles in the shop they use oil and say a prayer on it they tell you to write your name in it then they draw a star on it is this the devil's star [wicca] or is this the star of david is it good or bad?

2006-08-22 07:34:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

seeing as they are watching everyone all the time, naked or not. that is violating peoples personal space and privacy rights, is it not?

2006-08-22 07:34:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

So many people are stupid- not "stoopid"- enough, why oh why continue...? Why are people putting: "I'm trying to LOOSE weight!!!!!" Ugh. Maddening.... how did this thing start anyways?

2006-08-22 07:33:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

I hope all you religious fanatics will read carefully the answers that you will see here. Open your minds and your hearts, please. Try to learn something without judging.

2006-08-22 07:33:29 · 6 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I appreciate your responce to my question "why baptize infants?I also want to clarify that I don't hate catholics.When I was a child my parent would correct me when I did wrong , at that time I thought they hated me.That attitude follows us today . When someone says your wrong that means they hate you?No,Isaiah did well when the lord moved him to say "Learn to do well;seek judgement,relieve the oppressed;judge the fatherless,plead for the widow."Isaiah 1:17 Its just not are nature to do well and in a world where everyone thinks your not to judge someone hast to come forward and say thats NOT RIGHT . I thank you for the reproof I need help from all my brothers and sisters in Christ.However I will continue to remind people of the truth.Peter said ;I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though you know them,."Timothy was charged to preach the word;be instant in season,out of season;REPROVE,REBUKE,EXORT,WITH ALL LONSUFFRING and DOCTRINE 2Tim.4:1a-2

2006-08-22 07:33:29 · 1 answers · asked by don_steele54 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I swear I was someone on the Titanic. My birthday is 6 days before the anniversary that the boat sank. And I have a really big interest in it. And I love the movie =)... not a lot of people do. Who do you think you were and why?

2006-08-22 07:32:41 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I had an experience about 4 years ago.. where I saw three by my bedside..two kneeling... one floating above me...if anybody can relate to this..What does this mean?..I take it as a gift..but I still wonder if there was a messege

2006-08-22 07:31:22 · 10 answers · asked by hittykkiod 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I do not know why gays and heterosexuals can either act straight and reserved or flamboyant. Is this in act or is it natural and is it in our genes? I have been told that people cannot distinguish me from a gay or a hetero. I don't act like it, I just came that way. Thank you Mom and Dad for the good genes!

2006-08-22 07:29:36 · 13 answers · asked by justincausejustintime 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Zechariah 12 vs 10 "And we shall look upon him whom we have pierced, and mourn for him as a mother for her only lost child."

I let the Messiah of all the world in my heart and i found the peace of God and the power to keep it and share it too. do u have a Messiah-anointed one of God promised by the prophets? some of the Jewish people say -it doesnt matter if u believe in Jesus even if he is our Messiah -your not Jewish--why are some people so blind--why dont they read and believe our Jewish prophets-why do they say they are Jewish but reject even Moses-who says there is no atonement for sin without a blood sacrifice Leveiticus 17 vs 11

please pray for my Jewish people and Muslims and all people to believe the Scriptures and the Messiah Jesus who awaits to bring ttrue shalom -inner peace to their hearts -as he has for millions of Jewish, arabs and all peoples -even x drug addicte, sex addicts, porn addict, self pride addicts, religion against the scripture addicts, x drunkenetc

2006-08-22 07:28:50 · 11 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

who has time to hate blacks? at least they are americans! i have more important problems right now.

2006-08-22 07:27:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Women had to wear tons of layers of clothing and now it's like "Revenge!!" and so many are totally exposing themselves as meat! Why can't we just simply go in between? It can't be THAT hard...

2006-08-22 07:27:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I have always been a crusader. I would have been with Dr. King and marched to Washington. I was a commie hippie against the war. Now it's my hatred of religious fanatics putting their noses in other peoples business and just generally having some really screwed up ideas. I find it just ignorant and deplorable to hear any one say that a persons sexuality is a choice. Why would any one choose to live a lifestyle that would make them targets of ignorant and bigoted people? Have you ever asked a gay person when they first realized that they were more attracted to their own sex? Why don't you take the time to find out instead of spouting bible gibberish that has absolutely no relevance to anyone's life today? And if you do believe that hogwash than why do you think you have the right to judge? Ultimately, isn't it only God that should do the judging? Where in the bible does it say that homosexuality is a choice? I haven't seen the word choice anywhere in there, have you?

2006-08-22 07:26:51 · 16 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Even when I go to the webb, the information leaves me somewhat confused. Be explicit please!!

2006-08-22 07:26:45 · 5 answers · asked by sawmill 3 in Religion & Spirituality

The boss and another employee are yelling at eachother over some email problem. Is that normal? can't they just talk about it? They are both guys or I'd mention PMS.

2006-08-22 07:25:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

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