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Sociology - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Sociology

2006-07-14 09:26:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question is not to take a shot at women, but just the opposite. I think that when a male teacher has sex with his female student (who is a minor) he gets the book thrown at him. In my opinion this is rightfully so. However, I am troubled that alot of female teachers don't get as harsh of punishment as men do when they have sex with their male students (who are minors).
In my theory, I blame us men for this. Instead of viewing both instances with equal repulsion like they should, and as most women do, I think they (we) tend to apply a double standard. I think that men hear of the women teachers doing things with their students and subconciously revert back to schoolboy fantasies, thus making it not seem as bad in their mind's sight as a male teacher doing the same thing with his female student. Do you agree? Why or Why not?

2006-07-14 09:24:24 · 9 answers · asked by chuck3011 3

he wants me to be lawyer like him and im only 13.

2006-07-14 08:57:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If Yahoo!answers had been around during your college days, would you have used it to gather material for those painful sociology (or whatever subject that didn't float your boat) essays? Would it have been considered cheating or research? Younger folks should feel free to give your opinions or information about it, too.

2006-07-14 08:31:30 · 10 answers · asked by md_51900 2

or were you live?

2006-07-14 08:06:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alchemy, not just a myth anymore. Bacteria craps gold...
Read this article.

So this German, Dr. Reith in Australia, has discovered a microbe bacteria that eats dirt and craps out gold.

So, why is the accumulation of gold what determines who is important and who is not?

The greed or thirst for wealth is actually the accumulation of bacteria Sh**. Are you proud of your wallet? If you are ultimately materialistic, your god is bacteria crap.

2006-07-14 07:31:12 · 6 answers · asked by abehagenston 2

Most people think they are more intelligent than the average person, and almost no one thinks they are less intelligent. But by rule, half must be above average and half must be below. Which side of the fence do you think you’re on?

2006-07-14 07:20:51 · 38 answers · asked by Mike 4

If so then why are you more intelligent than most people?

2006-07-14 07:10:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do their hearts still breed contempt for us killing their parents and destroying their cities and towns?

2006-07-14 06:54:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont have proof that they exsist or not but its a 50/50 chance. please dont take offense its just my opinion and i dont know if it is true or not.

2006-07-14 06:53:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my opinion I think the people who are better in this world are the tribes that are hidden from the rest of civilization, like in the Amazons. They are in peace, nobody bothers them. They preserve their own culture and beliefs. They have their own natural resources to be able to sustain. They have no stress. They don't have to wake up early to drive to work. etc etc.

If you were born again would you like to be born in the Amazon or be a person with many privileges but in a sad and sick stressful environment.?

2006-07-14 06:46:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-14 06:41:20 · 10 answers · asked by popcorn 1

Anyone ever just say i don't know or i have know idea
jeez you cant ask a question without
being expose to the good ole ego trip
why is it all about bashing?
i haven't read one posting were someone said "hey you know i didnt know that".
and if you have the most points does that mean your smart
or does that mean you"ll comment on anything
even the things you know...you have know idea what your talking about.and does sarcasm translate over the net?

2006-07-14 06:38:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

ive seen alot of complaints on yahoo answers about typo"s
personally "i said personally " so please dont rush to bash me
i think its really petty i dont know about you but 80 % of the time
this does not warrant my full attention you know multitasking
i eat,hold my daughter research other things type with one hand
answer the phone etc you get the point but yet someone always
will take the high road on a question you ask as if they were sporting an i.q of 165 say you ignorant because you misspelled dawg why dont you use spell check.....does anyone agree that this is petty .....if its not ill stop but really does that put you high
on the the interlectual food chain because you can catch typo"s
by the way the typos r sarcazem......

2006-07-14 06:03:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been doing research for some time now and I'm trying to find the true answer to why relationships fail. I believe that relationships fail because people do too much lusting and think that it is love while forgetting to look or even glance at the personality

2006-07-14 05:06:03 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

should i try to talk to them or just....what?

2006-07-14 05:02:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-14 04:56:38 · 32 answers · asked by Heidi K 1

What else do you think of them?

2006-07-14 04:03:11 · 18 answers · asked by coffeekisses 2

people are always in front of the "White House" with signs,who
reads them? does raising others consciousness include becoming a pest?

2006-07-14 03:59:32 · 1 answers · asked by anitababy.brainwash 6

2006-07-14 03:21:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

In John Q the movie with Denzel Washington, what are some of the social concepts/issues?

I am looking for exact terminology, as in Ideology and discrimination.

Can anyone help?

2006-07-14 02:54:18 · 3 answers · asked by mediocre_poet 3

When I was a child, Halloween was a very innocent holiday where children dressed up and participated in make believe. The holiday of that day was not connected to any pagan practices. Slowy it became politically incorrect and certain customs weren't allowed socially since they were "satanic." As adults started assigning all these meanings, then the entire Holiday has became poltically incorrect.

2006-07-14 02:49:06 · 7 answers · asked by whozethere 5

Well, animal species are going extinct rapidly. When Zoos bring pandas together, the pandas dont have a choice. Just think of yourself as a panda with a choice.

2006-07-14 02:47:21 · 42 answers · asked by Nothing to say? 3

Not looking for Oz........just a place to find courage, compassion and intelligence.

2006-07-14 02:21:35 · 4 answers · asked by Free Bird 4

of all the things that we must just accept "as is", what is it you
simply can't live with?

2006-07-14 01:59:23 · 7 answers · asked by anitababy.brainwash 6

some defendants wear suits to court, do you think this will affect
their outcome? do you automatically think they are hiding something? does the suit mean,therefore,"I'm Innocent"?

2006-07-14 01:43:54 · 34 answers · asked by anitababy.brainwash 6

2006-07-14 00:48:14 · 9 answers · asked by rodneycrater 3


I have always been interested to know,

Why is it that there is so much HATE in this world?

We are all the same can't we learn to live in peace?

I respect and admire all the cultures of the world and,

Feel that sometimes arabs are unfairly treated by others.


2006-07-14 00:35:25 · 25 answers · asked by East Bay Punk 4

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