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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

I sometimes think that there is a side to people that they fear but cannot keep it suppressed.

2006-12-09 12:14:40 · 8 answers · asked by cybermonkeypaws 1

2006-12-09 11:55:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

People treat me like im a child, i'm 15 which is stll young but i feel a lot older that i am. i've experienced a lot in my life i was abused by me father, had 2 sister that made many sucidal attemps (but there okay, i'm still scared about it though), i another sister who fell pregnant at 17, and i have been suffering from drepression for the last year (and latey it has been bad, i'm scared for my life sometimes). I'm a private person so i keep everything to myself and i just cant find the courage to let someone know how i'm feeling. I write poems to express myself but still it doesnt seem to completely help the problem. Wat can i do??

2006-12-09 11:50:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or am I just mad?
If it's happened, what was the last song you woke up to?

2006-12-09 11:46:58 · 16 answers · asked by nev 4

I can never live in the moment.
I'm constantly worrying about some kind of history exam, a two-page essay, what my crush said to me and what it means, my grades, my parents...
Believe me, I'm not depressed or anything.
No, i just worry too much, and my mind is constantly filled with confusing thoughts that just cannot be solved (such as problems with my crush).

How can I shake these thoughts away and just simply,
"live in the moment"?

2006-12-09 11:44:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pptreat me like im a child, i'm 15 which is stll young but i feel a lot older that i am.

2006-12-09 11:41:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is mister right?

2006-12-09 11:39:33 · 7 answers · asked by Aquamarine 5

I sometimes wonder if the generally perceived as poorly educated, smelly people of the 1300s were good company, or rather awful to be with. And vice versa, are we nicer to be with than they were?

Would we find people who grew up without mirrors and without the culturally levelling effect of mass media freaky, or wonderful?

2006-12-09 11:36:31 · 4 answers · asked by Tahini Classic 7

2006-12-09 11:26:42 · 19 answers · asked by nil8_360 6

2006-12-09 11:20:30 · 7 answers · asked by Bob Blahblah 1

think about the past and wish u could go back and change something that happened?

2006-12-09 11:18:25 · 13 answers · asked by ♥#1 Miley Cyrus Fan♥ 5

Is there anyone out there that is alike me. i need some one to talk to. should i have physoalisgest

2006-12-09 11:14:15 · 4 answers · asked by JW 1

This is my first sexual fantasy. dream, and it feels so weird! I engaged in watching a young man get raped in a very kinky way. Now I keep repeating the scene where he gets constantly thrusted. I can't get it off my mind, and I am sure this is a horrid turning point. I still go to school, that's the worse problem..

Does anyone know how I can get rid of sexual emotion? O_O HELP!!!

2006-12-09 11:12:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have another personality, While I am smart, funny, sensitive, and nice. This other girl steals, cheats, doesn't listen, and is just plain NOT ME. She is the most prominent part of me, I as ME am almost never out there. See I started noticing her after my seizure in 3rd grade, I was wondering, is it normal for personalities to split like that after something as tragic as that was?

2006-12-09 11:10:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How long did you go to school and does it pay well

2006-12-09 11:07:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

None of us come with instruction books, and our rules change over time, which is why our relationships often fail, or are not up to standards. If we all came with intstructions book, and handed them to our friends and families, life would be so much simpler. Just for fun write down a list of your rules, and don't forget to include the disclaimer "Warning rules may change at any time, with or without reason!"

2006-12-09 11:07:10 · 6 answers · asked by The Lonely Skywolf 3

are dreams just you thinking wthout you knowing?

2006-12-09 11:05:50 · 12 answers · asked by ♥Mandy♥ 3

2006-12-09 11:03:57 · 6 answers · asked by mary_o 1

Ok, I had this dream when I was much younger, back in elementary school. It starts off I'm in my grandmother's house, the living room, sitting in a cardboard box, I guess I'm playing or something. I look up onto a shelf to see this doll(I had a horrible fear of them back then, but that's beside the point). I keep thinking it's going to look at me, and it does. So I jump out of the box, run into the dining room, and find all the women in my family sitting at the table(my cousins, aunts, grandma, mother, and sister), and around them are a bunch of buff, tan, wearing only thongs, and dancing with giant human-sized bananas.

That's the end. Any thoughts?

2006-12-09 11:02:17 · 11 answers · asked by lackinganame 1

2006-12-09 10:57:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think she was. She (and every other person who claims to be self-sacrificng) are selfish. They give everything they have materially, so that they can feel good emotionally. But they don't admit it.

Anybody agree with me here?

2006-12-09 10:44:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you know someone like that? and why do you think they do it?

I knew this guy who could not hold a conversation without criticizing whatever was being talked about. There was no way. I would bring up a topic and he would manage to criticize something from it.

If I said "I saw the show Cops" (he'd criticize police) If I said "I think I'm becoming a doctor" (he'd criticize the health system) If I said "let's watch X movie" (he would go on about censorship within it)

There was a point where I felt like crying just cause I didn't wanna kick the hell out of him LOL

I mean I'm not an idiot so I know there are many things wrong in the world, but come on, let's just live and let live ...

2006-12-09 10:31:46 · 13 answers · asked by Olga 2

Okay well i was wondering what it would be called if you over exersize like your not anorexic or bullemic but you look like it because you cant stop excersizing

2006-12-09 10:27:48 · 10 answers · asked by ladythugstar 1

I'm making a free online psychology course (with tests, assignments, lessons, quizzes, etc.) so that someone can get an introduction to psychology, the different schools of thought, abormal psychology, etc.

But I was wondering, what kind of things (such as topics explored), would you want to see in it?

2006-12-09 10:22:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-09 10:13:27 · 6 answers · asked by Zach 1

What seems to bring us humans to the top of the intellectual self awarness post is the ability to ask and answer the question at very high speeds plus having enough memory capacity to hold the data.
Computers are racing towards being able to accomplish this task.
Some of the leading chip manufactures can now produce a CPU processor capable of executing a mind bogling ONE BILLION INSTRUICTIONS PER SECOND along with multiprocessing charging in and out of masive of internal storage.

Will a computer, some day in the future, simply pop into the realm of self awarness,as we humans did over a three million year period of time, stop following it's given programming, and begin an attempt to communicate with us and other computers,a computer capable of independant thought.

2006-12-09 09:46:48 · 7 answers · asked by Hank C 1

2006-12-09 09:44:04 · 16 answers · asked by nutcase 2

I had a single mum and so did my cousins, we are all now phds, lawyers, business people and so on. My mother never met anyone else and devoted her lives to us as did my aunts to their children. My Mum and my aunts are proffessionals themselves so did not claim benfits. Also, lot of chidren after the war were from single mother's. Why do we have such a terrible sterotype and seem to blame women for either not tolerating abusive relationships or for having unprotected sex then taking responsibility. Im not suggesting men are useless, but is there any need to critisise, when these men/women could end up widows/divorcees/unplanned pregnancy. Im sick of the judgemental attitudes or people on here with obvious cognitive issues, does anyone else feel the same, or are these just children with no life experience writing answers?

2006-12-09 09:35:32 · 16 answers · asked by oceanwaves 2

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