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Psychology - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2006-07-26 17:36:22 · 8 answers · asked by a V a 4

2006-07-26 17:16:41 · 5 answers · asked by Total Insanity! 2

If you're a masochist and you are a Christian does that mean you should follow the Golden Rule? Do unto others as you would have them do to you?

2006-07-26 17:12:16 · 4 answers · asked by wandererthelost 2

2006-07-26 17:03:36 · 14 answers · asked by a V a 4

2006-07-26 16:51:15 · 3 answers · asked by keke 1

2006-07-26 16:15:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Muslims countries women are swathed in clothing, in Western Countires they are stripped of clothing. In general most politicians and artist have been male. Do you think there is equality between the sexes and if not how can we correct it, or will it always be?

2006-07-26 16:12:34 · 18 answers · asked by honorbright24 3

I've brought it up to my therapist, who first introduced me to the word and he referred to Freud. So I understand where it's coming from, but I just can't seem to get over it. I needed to get to know him in order to be able to trust him. When I felt the transferance was getting to strong, I made it a point to stop asking him friendly questions and just focus on my problems. This has helped some, yet by not seeing his "human" side (his flaws) it re-inforces this idea in my head of this "perfect" man. So....other than trying to find a new therapist, do you have any sugestions? Or is this just a natural feeling that I'm gonna have to learn to live with?

2006-07-26 16:03:56 · 5 answers · asked by fleetfarmgirl 1

2006-07-26 16:00:49 · 13 answers · asked by oaksterdamhippiechick 5

It's an existentialist question. How do you know you arent just part of someone's dream? Prove to me that you exist.

Note: I may or may not exist.

2006-07-26 15:39:43 · 23 answers · asked by Spelunking Spork 4

2006-07-26 15:21:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Justice seems to be one of those "universal" values that Appiah argues is shared across cultures, but it is also one that is thin - something we all agree is good until, perhaps, we se what it means in practice.

My question is Does our (and their - the "TALIBAN") commitment to justice provide a sufficient ground for "conversation" from which we might come to a better understanding of the taliban and ourselves? Remember, we execute criminals too.

2006-07-26 15:06:57 · 8 answers · asked by FalennixonX 1

2006-07-26 14:59:42 · 9 answers · asked by Kalin P 2

my girlfriend broke up w/ me after 2 years. im 13. ive considered suicide, i cut my arms with a knife now....i dont know what to do...she has a new boyfriend, but says she'll still date me....i dont know when though. and i dont know how much more I can take before i totally collapse.......i need help.......

2006-07-26 14:58:58 · 55 answers · asked by Alex B 1

I am quite perplexed with myself at this time.

I have reccently cut all ties with someone whom used to be my best friend.

I feel no remorse or guilt about this action.
I can freely say that I am very upset with her chosen actions, and not feel bad.

She never crossess my mind in the least anymore, even after two years of being like sisters and almost dating [we're both bisexual].

I loved her like a sister, but now she's just a fleeting memory.

People tell me I should feel bad about losing someone so close..

But I dont.

Is this bad? Should I feel bad about losing my best friend? [or so I thought].

PS.. she isn't dead. We're just not speaking anymore.

2006-07-26 14:31:12 · 7 answers · asked by Patient Paws 5

i need a range for lowest to highest.......... and a good site to test ure IQ........

2006-07-26 14:18:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a guy and a lot of the women that I work with touch me a lot when they come up to me and I am sitting down. Are they attracted to me or are they just being friendly or is it just nothing?
Also, I just went to a restaurant and the waitress would do the some thing. She made a point to touch the side of my arm when scooting past me and had her hand on my shoulder when I was sitting down and she was asking me something.
I know this is kind of a weird question but I am really curious what is going through women's heads. I'm a tall, fit, goodlooking guy with very nice, blue eyes that I get many compliments on. Any ideas what's going on? Thanks.

2006-07-26 14:10:47 · 18 answers · asked by JMY1998 1

My mom's side of the family has a long history of people in the family drinking far too much. She keeps telling me to never start because so many people in my family have and wasted half their lives.(And all of them are really intelligient, just not in the right sense) Is it possible that if I drink the normal amount when I'm older(normal as in most people can drink it and not need more) when I'm older that I won't turn out with a horrible addiction?

I'm not planning on this happening or anything, it's just a thing I've been wondering. I personally think drinking is stupid, but it's just a question.

2006-07-26 13:58:30 · 17 answers · asked by GrnEyedGurl 2

Why is it that your penalised for asking questions? Some questions are very intriguing and deserve some sort of renumeration. There goes my 5 points like little bluebirds flying nonchalantly by my tired, sad face. I'm getting a pain over my left eye: I think it.s because I,m becoming delusional over yahhoo answers ansd questions. I'll look like something that's been dragged out of a grave before I have the wonderful accolade of being on the leader board!

2006-07-26 13:36:01 · 25 answers · asked by deco p 1

2006-07-26 13:25:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

take a pen and paper and write the word KNEE and then underline the word, then under that write LIGHT, ( i can't write it like that on this ask part) what is the puzzle?

2006-07-26 13:08:05 · 8 answers · asked by AFwife 4

I get scared, for sum reason when Im alone, its mostly when im in the garage alone. Now days, Ill start to go for a run, and ill just get scared and run back in the house. Plz help, its preventing me from running!!! U c, i just get this feeling that sum1 else is in the room wit me and wants to like kill me or sumthing. Should I consult a conciler?

2006-07-26 12:59:51 · 12 answers · asked by deseraa 3

2006-07-26 12:41:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-26 12:35:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-26 12:20:40 · 14 answers · asked by Frenzyyyyy 1

2006-07-26 12:13:49 · 23 answers · asked by Knuckles 1

Mindful of the various schools on this - wondered what the 'information rich' thought -

I would like to think so - 30,000 children die everyday in the 3rd world - 350,000,000 work in sweat shops - the goods we buy have dubious origins that are almost untraceable yet liberalist thinking seems to denote that an invisible hand will eventually tickle it's way down to the have nots..

Since accident of birth denotes where we are born.. (it is not achieved) and unlike in a game of monopoly we all do not start equally - it is obviously not fair that poverty exists..

Yet it does seem to be the case that rich westerns do think a rich person's life is more important than that of a poor person's.. there are 10 9/11's everyday and no-one builds sculptures for that, has one minute silences etc
Can therefore it ever be eradicated?

2006-07-26 12:07:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-26 12:01:20 · 14 answers · asked by Joshua 1

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