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Dream Interpretation

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Dream Interpretation

i dreamt of walking with a person i just dont know and i see a 2 lost necklace gold on a street and i grab it on the ground to make it mine then i have planned to sell it on a pawnshop

2007-09-11 22:32:35 · 4 answers · asked by blue_prince23 P 3

Ok well i have this dream where im walking down the street and i kiss the girl i love which will never go out with me and i really feel the kiss nothing else. and i know its not my mom or anything lol because o told her NEVER lol and i lock my room door and i have no sis. but i can only feel the kiss i think its a vision lol but she tells me she only likes me as a friend the seting is about midnight street lights are on . plz help

2007-09-11 14:45:25 · 4 answers · asked by Drew 3

I had a dream in which I was walking on water. It was sea water and the water was black in color. I was walking toward the seashore and my family on the shore were calling me and telling me to hurry. I was within a feet to the seashore when a big black wave stood infront of me blocking me from reaching the land. Then I woke up!

2007-09-11 14:25:05 · 7 answers · asked by Paula 2

I keep having one over and over where I can't really remember the beginning, but I get in trouble and then I'm on the planet Xyphis, on a giant red cliff sorrounded by sand dunes forever, sand then this reptile guy gives me a magic card and suddenly I can go anywhere I want instantly! Then he shows me a tunnel that takes me back to earth, and suddenly I own this giant pyramid shaped restaraunt in the harbor, and I'm super rich, and I can go around the world with the magic card! But then suddenly my mom finds me and says I have to go to school, so I try to use the card to go back to xyphis but all I can do is kinda see it, and then the card stops working! Then the cops come to take me back to school and it really sucks and then I wake up!

Sorry that I rambled on about somthing that you probably didn't even read, but what's YOUR strangest (or coolest!) dream?

2007-09-11 13:26:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The other night my husband had an awful dream that he was being torn apart by demons. Any idea what this might mean??

2007-09-11 10:41:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok here's the deal my Father had a dream that he was in the house and he woke up really scared but in his dream he said the angel of death had come for him and he told the angel of death that he didn't want to go with him and the angel of death was waiting for him in a nice big carrige to take him...so yeah thats the dream...Does that mean my Father is gunna die? I am really wondering this and i want to know what this dream means? Please if you know anything about dreams let me get an answer!

thanx. :(

2007-09-11 10:31:57 · 8 answers · asked by Janet L 1

Last night i had a really weird dream. I was laying on my chest on a what i think was some sort of operating chair at a 45 degree angle.

On my back there was a doctor operating on me. He was doing something with a knife or scalpel on my neck, shoulder, middle of the back and lower back.

I was sedated but not unconsisous cause i remember talking to him during the time he was operating on me. I also remember feeling pressure from the scalpel on the back of my neck, like if he was scratching me.

Anyway after the procedure, i remember watching my back in the mirror to saw that i had 4 horizontal stiches on my neck, shoulder, back and lower back.

Any ideas what could that mean, i know it's really weird.

2007-09-11 09:40:42 · 7 answers · asked by Kaynos 5

2007-09-11 09:14:54 · 16 answers · asked by Yvonne B 1

here's my problem. last night i was sleeping and had only been asleep for a short while when i started haveing a really bad nightmare. and i tried to wake up, and i did but only in my dream. (like a dream inside of a dream) and when i tried to wake up from my second dream i felt like i couldnt move and i couldnt breathe. i had this lady in the background screaming at me, and i was asking my husband to help me wake up and then i just couldnt move. it freaked me out so bad i finally woke up crying. what the hell happened??? it was insane! i hope it never happens again.

2007-09-11 07:03:31 · 10 answers · asked by muffinfacekilla 1

i was walking through this massive park there were lions everywhere,but they all kept there distance from me and these other people,then the dream changed and lions were chasing me and my family down a street,then two of them cornered me between two doors,thats when i woke up or they would have ate me

2007-09-11 06:50:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am nine weeks and I have had three horrible dreams. They are sickining and cruel. I am a little concerned.
THe first dream I was taking my husbands pants off and when i looked down at them in my hands it wasn't his pants. I had skinned him from the waist down.
The second dream I was taking my socks off and instead I had pulled all the skin off my feet.
Last night was the worst of them all. I was bathing my 18 month old and I was using a wash cloth on his bottom and legs and when I finished I realized I had been using a knife and had carved his bottom and legs like you would a bird.
I am horrified by these dreams. WHAT DO THEY MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-11 04:22:11 · 4 answers · asked by Selena H 1

it is interesting to know about that. some one told me that blind people can not see dreams, was him right? why do you think like that?

2007-09-11 02:10:17 · 7 answers · asked by Lily-Rose 2

I dreamt that i was in bed, sleeping, and suddenly i feel like an invisible person attacks me, i feel them dropping me onto the ground and trying to kill me, even though i can't see them. i dreamt that i woke up screaming and telling my parents there was a ghost, but there was no one, and i had to go back to sleep very very unpeacefully, always waiting for someone or something to jump onto me again and attack.
what does this dream mean? in reality, i didn't scream or anything, it's just in the dream.

lately, i've been having dreams which i dreamt of myself being in a bad situation and actually feeling myself fighting back etc etc. as though it were real, and when i wake up i'll be extremely surprised that it wasn't...so what do these dream mean?

2007-09-11 02:07:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever had a dream where you actually realize you're dreaming? It happened to me the other night, I was in the middle of a dream then all of a sudden I realize I'm dreaming, at first I almost forced myself to wake up because I got scared, but thought "well its just a dream lets see what happens", but for some reason immediately my heart started beating very fast and hard, and I forced myself to wake up.
Has anybody else had an experience like this?

2007-09-11 01:33:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

explain your yes or no please

2007-09-10 23:21:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was in my house and saw these large yellow-jacket / bee/ dragonfly insect heading right toward me in the house and I was trying to mumble a prayer but it was futile. The only thing I could do, now that these insects were kamikazying straight at me was to say "In the name of God" with uplifted hands. When I said that the bee/dragon fly just dropped at my feet, fluttering it's transparent wings. Others were coming and I just held that stance and they all dropped to the floor fluttering. Next thing I knew I was at my place of work and I saw a swarm of these creatures coming like locusts so I decided that it worked for me at home, should work for me again. I lifted my arms and shouted as I did the first time. All my colleagues were ducking and covering their heads while I stood and watch them drop down to the ground again. Any serious ideas? Thanks.

2007-09-10 22:33:05 · 9 answers · asked by me 4

2007-09-10 18:34:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i rarely have dreams at night but i love them!! is there a way you can help make urself dream at night and maybe even control it?

2007-09-10 16:10:53 · 11 answers · asked by horizon 4

ok, so the only really interesting part of my dream was i was walkin in my field [i live on a farm] and i saw a big brownish[probably like 5-6 ft.] snake eating a smaller [probably 2-3 ft.] black snake. after that, the bigger snake simply just went into a hole in the ground. now i know different things mean different things in dreams, so, can someone help as to what this means. maybe it will give me some insite as to what i should do with the things that are troubling me in my life or how i should go about the problems...

2007-09-10 16:04:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

hello everyone i was wonderin if anyone out there could help me figure out this dream i had
all my theeth just started to fall people have told me it means someone is that u know is going to die is that true?

2007-09-10 15:54:20 · 12 answers · asked by tania c 2

I see it when I'm in my house (where I live with my parents because I'm only in Middle School), when I'm turning on the lights or when I'm walking to the bathroom. I see it in our little "hallway" where our front door is and I see it in there when it's dark. I either see a piece of cloth that is shaped like a cylinder with a White, Black, Blue pattern, or I see a ribbon that is sometimes blue, sometimes purple. Can someone tell me what do the things I'm seeing really mean???????? I see those things, but they are not really there. I also see it in my dreams, chasing me inside my bedroom. Is my mind/eyes playing tricks on me, or am I really seeing something that is important? I don't exactly know, and I'd like to know, because I've been seeing the ribbon for 2 (two) days, and I saw the peice of cloth last christmas when my Uncle came to visit us with my Aunt and her daughter in the exact same spot I'm seeing the ribbon. HELP????!!!!

2007-09-10 15:24:16 · 5 answers · asked by Zuzu 2

Ok, Ryan is the guy I was OBBESSED with last year, but this year, I just really like him alot. In my dream, we were dating and he came over. The house was exactly like mine. Joel Madden, the lead singer of Good Charlotte, was my dad, just like in my stories that I write. Ryan met my “dad.” My dad” needed to improve of Ryan and he did. I was in my room while that was going on. Then Ryan came into my room and closed the door. I went to the end of my bed and sat down. Ryan sat down next to me. Then he said the plain leaves in like 5 minutes and we had to leave ASAP. Then it was fast forward to me being pregnant. The baby wasn’t even in the womb. It was under all the organs. I was perfectly fin until the baby change poison and had to get surgery. The doctor said it’ll take a long time, but it took only like a second. Then the doctor started to talk to Ryan. Then I woke up.

2007-09-10 13:49:25 · 4 answers · asked by Ashley M 1

when in the future do you think we will be able to go in and control our very own dreams? i know about people who can already do that..lucid dreams? but what about the other people?

2007-09-10 12:19:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

A very vivd and detailed - almost cinematic - starship battle (not in fleets, but rather "every ship for itself") right outside a balcony window (like watching a meteor shower or fireworks display), which was very authentic and eerie, and eventually I got a very strong feeling that one of the ships had become interested in me, Then I woke up. (the ships were doing a lot creative and unique stunts; like vision of Stephen Speilberg's)

2007-09-10 09:31:21 · 3 answers · asked by ? 3

I promised my friend id ask what her dreams mean.

Shes been having strange dreams lately and she was wondering what they mean.

heres an example:
Shes out in the woods and a group of guys are chasing her, and when they catch her they stab her in the stomach and then it ends.

Heres another:
Shes by her pool, but the pool isnt at her house, instead its at her school, and this guy comes up and stabs her multiple times and then leaves.

Can someone help figure these out, and SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY

2007-09-10 08:15:28 · 8 answers · asked by The Eternal Warrior? 4

My mom really wants to know what this dream means...

I am running through a fower field and a giant bowling ball comes rolling up behind me, get really close, then dissentagrates and goes inside of me.

Does anyone know what this means?

2007-09-10 04:11:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I saw someone that i knew in the past, but has been dead for quite some time. i saw Will in my dream. The setting im not so sure i think we were at a place similar to where i used to work at with Will. One of my friends who is living named Jim was with me , but he never knew Will. I'm suprised in my dream to see Will and something seems different. He looked well i dont know quite how to say this, He was alive, but he looked dead. Will is sitting down and im standing there with my friend Jim looking at him so i said Will you died!?! and my friend Jim says to me maybe he doesn't know he is. Thats all i remember.

2007-09-10 03:35:22 · 3 answers · asked by Balrog 2

dream details: in this dream I am escorted to this pool area with my oldest brother, he shows me where everyone is. when i get to this pool area all the swimmers are dressed in all white swimsuits or beach gear. there are lots of pools too, can't remeber the exact number but at least 5. they landscaping is beautiful. my brother begans to tell me what each pool is made or used for (i.e 'this is an olympic sized pool, it has 3 lanes, etc) Then as i look more closely all the pools except one, are extremely dirty. i keep asking, 'why hasn't anyone cleaned the water?' there is one pool that is in use and NOT dirty, it is a jucuzzi, lots of people are in this one. they have cameras, and keep asking to take pictures of me. The people at the pool are all gay (both man and female). they start trying to run up and take pictures with me but i am uncomfortable. i keep saying this area is beautiful but dirty, while they keep tryin to take pictures....then i wake up. HELP?!

2007-09-10 02:17:38 · 7 answers · asked by yvicks 4

i have been dreaming quite regularly about this guy from highschool. we used to walk home from school together, who i had a crush on but never told, I am flirting and want to cheat(always wake up before though) and in dream feel guilty, know it is wrong and dont care. I do it anyway, always at his house which i walk past on way home from school.

This is really confusing in waking life as he lives near relatives and i go past his place quite regularly. Now i think about him all the time. Am i making myself dream about him because of this or am i noticing his house because of the dreams ??

ANY IDEAS?? I am starting to feel guilty HELP !!!

2007-09-10 00:49:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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