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Social Science - 16 June 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

Is this something that is truly innate? Or is this someone we do because we've seen it on TV and real life. If the latter, who started the kissing trend?

2007-06-16 16:54:58 · 23 answers · asked by BurningPyre 4 in Psychology

it all started at night in the living room of my new house............me and my brother were playing a video game called rampage..........and then my bro picked this horrible red pig character that looked like the devil........so i was creeped out.....and i had this bad feeling........about that nasty red pig...........so then whe begun the game........and all of a sudden that pig started hitting my character........and when me and my bro play we never beat each other we only get the buildings......so i was like stop it to him but he wouldn't stop it.......it was like the pig was contoling him or something........and i hit my bro........but all he would do was laugh at me and it was like he was possed by that character.....i was scared...a feeling of dread came over me.....and i felt like some force was in the pig or in my bro or something.... so i was scared....so we turned it off.

later that night i was listening to a song that my other bro sings...........and that was before bedtime and when i fell asleep i had a dream......i woke up kinda scared but not really.......my dream was a nighmare....and it was about these 2 little girls they were dead and they were under u know where ..........they had died somehow nut they could not remember.....why...and i was there with them brushing their hair and trying to help them figure out how they died....and so one of the little girls had her face all burned and the other on had her face deformed...so in the morning i woke up and i was telling my mom the dream and then i finished....and i was like maybe i had that nighmare because of the song i was listening to.......it went........swimming through the ashes of another life..........meaning swimming through the ashes of death.......so i was all freaked out...and i was repeating that phrase and going up the stairs and i reached the top step and ...........i was turning to go to my room....when out of the corner of my eye i see the death...........that thing that has a black coat on with a hoodie and i saw it there floting in my mom's room and i took one look at it.......and i dashed down the stairs and i was pale.......my mom was like what is wrong .............and i told her what i saw......and she got scared and i was so pale i was about to faint seriously...........so that was the end of that

next night i was falling asleep in my room with my mom bye my side.......but i felt so nervouse and scared..........but eventually i fell asleep......when i woke up it was 6:28 am and i remember the exact time because i was terrified!!...........so i woke up and the i had had another bad dream.......my first thought was i'm gonna run to my mom's room but then i remember she would be downstairs............so i was like no i can't go all the way down stairs i can't take seeing the death thing again......i would faint......so i was like well i can turn on the lights........so i did ............and i was like i should go back to sleep but i could not so i was like i'll just saty her till my mom comes up here to check on me .............but then at the end of my bed...i saw this skeleton thing looking at me from the other end of my bed ......so i jumped out of my bed and i ran downstairs like crazy.......i was pale again.......and then i told my mom and everyone what had happened and tehy were scared.........biut i was terrified.....they had not seen death they had not seen the skeleton and the dreams.......and i was the only one seeing the things.....so i was scared.....and later that morning my uncle told me and my mom that he had a dream that a little girl was dead but she was telling him how she died and he doesn't remember though so he was scared too

2007-06-16 16:38:02 · 7 answers · asked by S.Love 3 in Dream Interpretation

2007-06-16 15:54:08 · 8 answers · asked by ♥Coffin's R FUN to sleep in! 3 in Psychology

Here is my argument:
There are innate differences between males and females
Ex: Reproduction... if it were to be equal males should have to carry the baby for four and a half months, but that is not the case according to the 'laws of nature'

The laws of nature are also applied with secondary sex characteristics (males=muscles and etc. + females=curves and etc.)

Thus, the 'laws of nature' make females and males better adapted to certain things. (aka females are better at certain things than males are and vice versa)

So... if we are treating eachother equally are we effectively handicapping eachother to what we could be if we worked together and treated eachother fairly? Is there a difference between being treated fairly and being treated equally?

If two people who were hired to a certain company whose office was on the third floor of a building, would it be fair if their were only stairs and one of the people was confined to a wheelchair? They are treated equally.

2007-06-16 15:50:37 · 17 answers · asked by CoopALoop 2 in Gender Studies

what do you do?

2007-06-16 15:48:58 · 14 answers · asked by RT 6 in Psychology

What is the phobia it's self called?
Really interested...
please help

2007-06-16 15:32:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

objective or subjective both would do. pls thank you.

2007-06-16 15:14:17 · 4 answers · asked by wertypeek 1 in Psychology

basically i have a lil sister who always gets her way everything i want she gets...she talks like a baby around my parents and is always sucking up to my parents..she also tries to control every little situation and is very rude...why does she do this and how can i make her stop because its getting me in trouble.

2007-06-16 15:05:04 · 5 answers · asked by JESSICA 1 in Psychology

I needed to know if anybody out there is really psychic. If you are, prove it to me by telling me my name, state, and age. Tell me details about me.

2007-06-16 14:58:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dream Interpretation

I posted this in the marriage and divorce section but I think it wasn't the right place....

I was with a man and when we were in bed he'd say 'disturbing' things to me....like, he fantasizes about doing his sister...then he'd ask if I wanted to sleep with my brother? Or if I'd want to see my siblings naked? Does this stuff actually turn men on? (or women?) When I talk to him when he's 'normal' again and ask him those questions he just laughs it off. what does all this mean? why would he talk about those things?

2007-06-16 14:55:16 · 24 answers · asked by Danu 6 in Psychology

there is a lot of people who have low self-esteem...(im guilty of it myself)

but the ? is what is your best feature and your worst feature

Best Feature for me is my eyes
Worst Feature for me is my teeth

2007-06-16 14:51:20 · 12 answers · asked by i♥you 2 in Psychology

can anybody name college's in maryland,virginia or d.c that offer psychology as a major?

2007-06-16 14:50:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I don't know if I'm too sensitive or what, or if I've developed a loner type personality over the past couple of years, but people don't seen to really care if I exist or not these days. And it's kind of funny because I was pretty popular back in high school, and now I have no friends in sight! (I'm in my early 20's now) Not sure if it's because the crap I've been through with guys over the past few years that has broken me down or changed me, ruined my self esteem, or what, but it truly feels like no understands me, nor really cares to, and it makes me feel like an outcast! What happened to me? Any ideas? I appreciate any input. Thanks.

2007-06-16 14:36:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I would say the US and ? China? Japan? ?????

2007-06-16 14:36:22 · 8 answers · asked by Sunshine 1 in Economics

these psychological disorders gonna make me to suffer from a mental disorder god help me!!
oh.. my question what do you do when you study so long and tired and your brain hurt?

2007-06-16 14:28:25 · 6 answers · asked by priya 1 in Psychology

As far as I've been able to deduce, pain can best be "managed" by avoidance of it in the first place!...
... meaning that if a few simple areas of our lives are attended to, we will have much less problem with pain!
[No, I don't mean quitting the game!!]

- Exercise - surely this will get the blood pumping, the tissues strengthening, and the toxics and wastes moving appropriately through the system, and strengthen the heart as well [says he, with a sprained left thumb for yesterday's effort!]

- Diet - appropriate attention to meeting all the basics of a balanced diet, without too much junk ... and spacing the different kinds of food - timewise, so as to avoid overloading, congesting and confusing the digestive system and its enzymes, etc.

- Sleep - appropriate rest and avoidance of post mid-night bed entry.
As much as possible, live in the daylight and rest at night light

- Sabbath Day observance - one day, proven by medics, to be humanly necessary. But Spiritual observance rests al

2007-06-16 14:26:46 · 4 answers · asked by dr c 4 in Psychology

Me and this girl became friends over a year and a half ago. she was on my school bus and one day asked for my screen name. me and her eventually (a month) got close. me and her were very caring, listened to eachother and helped eachother. loved eachother as friends and maybe she liked me a little more at one point. and so did i. 2 months ago she became very dull to me and plain. very different. wouldnt tell me things, woulndt be caring or repectful and a month ago we had a fight and we disconnected and wern't friends anymore. tonight she posted a bulltien on myspace asking what dress for her to wear somewhere. i replyed back after not speeking to her in 2 weeks after i left and funny picture for her which she didnt say anything to me about. i told her what dress to pick. she said and said "thank you=]" i respnoded back and said "by the way you look very thin, u did a good job i'm proud of you" she thanks and that she ran this morn. ok how do i, or should i become her friend again?????

2007-06-16 14:23:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I have to hold back smiles when bad things happen..and i really am upset but i want to smile.. Why do i do this?
Nice answers please.

2007-06-16 14:09:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-06-16 13:19:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

The purpose of poetical justice is to enable the spirit so that it is in a better grasp of truth this does not mean to realise something that it affects the individual within the limits of what is profitable in terms of gain as Shakespear prefers the elevation of the sensibility and on certain issues poetry opens new horisons and new thoughts are developed within the zone of spiritual awareness and is the purpose of good imaginative thought to envision a possible future for humankind and the intellectual framework reaching toward spirit becames as a portal for higher purpose that wisdom visualises everthing in nothing however man has chosen to draw upon the division and diversity of senseless judgment to express opinions that in their lack of agreement indicates mundane incoherence - the harmony of a sweet voice -quickens the sounds of love - soothes and revives hope in heart of feminine intelligence - to give consolation - relief and moral revival of the feminine spirit.

2007-06-16 13:13:20 · 3 answers · asked by Sebastian Flight 2 in Psychology

So, I go into work today and see something that is being done incorrectly. I point out to the girl who is doing it, that the manager wants it donedifferently, and she snaps at me, well she isn't her. and I've been here longer than you, so I get to say how things are She's 17, I.m 55!

2007-06-16 12:56:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

whats wrong with them, i bet they spend 24hrs trying to be obnoxious to everyone they can. just wondered if you have experienced any?

2007-06-16 12:47:18 · 21 answers · asked by sweetpea 4 in Psychology

i have been having consistant nightmares everytime i sleep for almost 2months now. its gotten to the point where i dont even attempt sleep anymore because i know il just be woken up in 20minutes by a nightmare.
i get them no matter what time of the day i sleep or wether or not i eat before bed. i cant think of what it could be. i used to never have nightmares before the last couple months.
help meeeeee -_- zzzZZZZZZ

2007-06-16 12:43:59 · 13 answers · asked by tessin34 2 in Dream Interpretation

Everytime i go out i cant stop myself from wondering what other people are thinking of me. I look at my mates and think i want to be just like them as they are so confident and are not borthered what anybody thinks of them and will wear whatever they want to. I really want to be more confident because i feel like there is a part of me that only certain people that are close to me know and not everyone and im only 13 as well.. plz help thnx.

2007-06-16 12:01:20 · 9 answers · asked by *Beautifully Broken* 1 in Psychology

For the last year, I've had the biggest crush that I've ever had on this dude from my school. But then, he moved away and I still see sometimes. I told him I liked him and he didn't respond so I took that as a "no." So I took down our picture and all reminders of him and I let him go.

After that, I started dreaming about him- EVERY NIGHT. Even up to last night. Everywhere I go, something reminds me of him or he just jumps into my thoughts. Someone said it's because I'm really in love with him. I mean it was just a crush, I didn't even talk to him that much. I asked God to stop letting me dream of him if we can't be together but the dreams still come. I don't know I just wanna know what someone I don't know thinks about this.

2007-06-16 11:51:08 · 2 answers · asked by Rina 4 in Dream Interpretation

when i was young, and i would cry, my parents would berate me, tell me crying is a bad, i'm a weak , stupid person for doing it. they still yell at me if they ever catch me. they say, quiet down and stop that. whats wrong with you, god! it always hurts me so muc, it makes me feel like i can never be myself when i'm sad. is this a normal attitude about crying?

2007-06-16 11:30:04 · 12 answers · asked by lonesome me 4 in Psychology

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