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Social Science - 24 July 2006

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

Given the conditions that I am rich and globalism.

2006-07-24 16:18:50 · 9 answers · asked by Vector_The Positivism 2 in Anthropology


Would you prefer your body to be covered gently, and to be exposed only to your lawful husband? or,
Your body to be revealed to all men seeing what they want to see and maybe touching "by accidant" what they desire to touch?
(Please excuse my langauge).

2006-07-24 16:15:38 · 13 answers · asked by A Muslim 3 in Psychology

life is to live with certain role...whether that roles are depending upon the family or from a society or from own his or her behavior...

2006-07-24 16:09:36 · 4 answers · asked by mindreader 2 in Psychology

Did you notice the relative peace and stability in the world during the period when OJ murdered his wife and then went on trial with his dream-team of lawyers?

Was it because all the news became centered around OJ - and so the minor conflicts of the world did not get blown out of proportion by the news networks?

It's a dim-witted thing to say, but maybe OJ, in addition to a jail cell for his double-homicide, should get an award for distracting the nation sufficiently such that we didn't feel the need to go to war with anyone.

Does anyone else see a minor teen-weeny correlation, here, or I am just an idiot?

2006-07-24 16:07:22 · 4 answers · asked by pezdispenserwisdom 3 in Other - Social Science

how can i get a song out of my head that's stuck in there?

2006-07-24 15:59:16 · 11 answers · asked by kelleygaither2000 1 in Psychology

just curious

2006-07-24 15:50:23 · 13 answers · asked by rabb_78 1 in Psychology

i lost this really cute sterling silver butterfly ring when I was a kid....it has been more than 20 years, yet I still think about it sometimes.......

2006-07-24 15:41:44 · 9 answers · asked by Cap'n Donna 7 in Other - Social Science

i don't really belive in the big bang, i beilve that god spoke let it be, and it was, the point is that umm.. well no matter wut (what don't type all that) ( there is a feather pokin' out of your pillow) (i know, it does that, it is anoyin') (hey the big bang, remember?) (i never end anything w/ a g exept for thing) (COWS GO MOO!!!!) (copyright<---) (come on let's just start typin' agianhappy<---(no g)) k bake to the thing (evolution is so stupid) (we ain't talkin' bout evolution!put the smilie things alisha!) back to subject (agian) k as i was sain' (more like i was sayin' it!) (wait wut were we talkin' bout agian?) the point is, god made it happen, it can't start off on it's own, basically god created everything!!

(sry bout the umm, crud wut are they called?parinthisisyah the parinthisis, it is 3 teen girls talkin' at the (-fart-crud i farted agian, agian) well yah, the really kool one, is me(you know the COWS GO MOO one!) (sry if we got off subject, but hey(gross did you fart agian?maybe....darn your feathers are pokin' me agian!wait, wait i got it!, i got the feather!) yah you might take this as a way to laugh at our big bang thing,(big bang thing, it ryhims!!!) and tell your friends, ha told you i was right! (and you won't guess wut time it is right now... well let me help, 2:02 am!) (looki! chocolates!y they swimin' n' water?) (all three...eww)

(-smack-chocolates can't swim, they fly!oh thanx!)

(i promise we ain't stupid! dumbs not blond!i mean yah w/e!)

2006-07-24 15:41:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2006-07-24 15:38:29 · 2 answers · asked by ashinchile 2 in Psychology

I just cant believe how can people ever believe in these fairytales ---God created everything

2006-07-24 15:35:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Social Science

2006-07-24 15:23:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I was reading an article today about relationships and chivlary.
The article was saying how chivalry is completely gone and
men do not act like gentlemen anymore. hmm...gee i wonder

Men are trained now, to see women as men, no different.
They are told not to open doors for them, give thier
seat to them, or tip thier hat at them, for to do so
would be sexist. Women now a days insist on acting
like the crudest of the male race, as if being a woman
in itself was some sort of disease that we have to
hide from. Any trace of feminity is called "needy" ,
"weak", and "sexist". Male hatred paradoxilly is
the norm, although women think that they have
to emulate the crudest of male behavior (ie sleeping
around, lack of manners and modesty, competitiveness
arrogance etc. )

However it used to be that women used to inspire
men to act this way by behaving the exact way
we are told not to behave. Women truly have
power to make boys into gentlemen, but not
by being a feminist. What do u think?

2006-07-24 15:23:05 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

Environment is one-tenth science and nine-tenths politics?

2006-07-24 15:18:34 · 2 answers · asked by abjad 4 in Other - Social Science

2006-07-24 15:14:48 · 7 answers · asked by Heather M 1 in Other - Social Science

My best friend and I used to date but we broke up because of various trivial reasons mostly due to our age and where we are in our lives now. Anyway we retain a friendship though a bit strained and after we broke up he has been smoking the Mary Jane where as he wasn't before. He tells me that he doesn't do it often but I'm still worried about him and let him know that he's being an idiot for doing it almost everytime we speak. I do love the boy and have for years as a friend and as more but things are so messed up with us it just seems that maybe arguing over his life choices isn't worth it because it's been taking a toll on me mentally and physically and he finds it greatly annoying. Am I crazy in wanting to look out for him or should I let it go and have him learn on his own?

2006-07-24 15:10:24 · 6 answers · asked by Layla 2 in Other - Social Science

If you believe the words of GW Bush and the MEDIA, then don't bother answering. Your propaganda is spewed in all other forms of media. This is my question and it is for PATRIOTS who can see through the BULL$HIT.

2006-07-24 15:08:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sociology

2006-07-24 15:03:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

(Answer what you will)

1) Why do many Pro-Lifers say abortion is murder, but support it in the cases of rape and incest? Can murder ever be justified? Do two wrongs make a right?

2) Why do many Pro-Choicers say, "I know abortion is wrong, but I wouldn't impose my beliefs on others"? If you do not stand for, (or at least voice) what you believe what will you stand for?

3) If women should have the only say in the outcome of their bodies, why is suicide illegal? Why can't people do with their own bodies as they please?

4) If women shouldn't be forced to bear a child, should a man be forced to work for, (with his own body) and support a child?

5) Since religion cannot dictate government, then the spiritual, including souls, cannot be considered in topics as abortion. Therefore, after an unborn child has developed all vital organs, why would it not be considered a pre-addolecent child?

2006-07-24 14:55:03 · 9 answers · asked by man_id_unknown 4 in Gender Studies

..Thanks, for answering, in advance!;)

2006-07-24 14:48:07 · 12 answers · asked by Kimberly 6 in Psychology

what are we going to do?

2006-07-24 14:45:54 · 33 answers · asked by the PimP ChimP 3 in Sociology

Why is it that? I mean, homosexuality; immoral behavior (especialy if it involves their own children), and on,and on,and on!! What does it take for a woman to finally say, "this is wrong, and I won't tolerate it or enable it anymore"???

2006-07-24 14:40:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

my girlfriend who wants to help seems to have a short fuse and often ends up criticising me in my dealing with my depressive disorder resulting in me feeling worse , why ??

2006-07-24 14:36:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

If you had to describe your life in 4 words... What would they be?

Mine would be... Painful, long, emotional, worthwhile...

Now pick yours... Best ones get 10 points :)

2006-07-24 14:31:03 · 19 answers · asked by Amethyst 3 in Other - Social Science

Write an essay 3 paragraphs long, each paragraph 3-6 sentences.
Explain the effects of Europe's colonization of the Americas on either Europeans or native Americans.

2006-07-24 14:24:52 · 7 answers · asked by Lion 1 in Other - Social Science

2006-07-24 14:23:01 · 13 answers · asked by sean_mchugh6 3 in Sociology

what have you done that makes you feel proud today?

2006-07-24 14:21:53 · 17 answers · asked by DonnaDoop 4 in Sociology

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