When people see a hobo on the street,how many people want to give him a few extra bucks,and how many actually do
In high school when a kid is being pushed around, most people around arent doing the pushing,they are just to afraid to stop it
Why else do people tend to take the religion of the people that surround them
How many times do kids disagree with their parent but say yes ma'am or yes sir anyway
the truth is very few people regularly stick up for what they believe is right,unless they are surrounded by others who are doing the same
Why else should people tend to do most everything as groups
ex: sports,churches,nations,customs and numerous others
is it possible that it is necessary for us to be this way
the world is chaotic enough with just over 200 nations, what if there were thousands or even more nations and cultures
Also i have heard osama bin laden being villinaized by bush for cowardice. yet how often does the president leave w/o his secret service
thoughts please
7 answers
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kitty is ANGRY!™