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Social Science - 24 July 2006

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

If they do what is the native language of England?

2006-07-24 07:31:43 · 17 answers · asked by SouthOckendon 5 in Other - Social Science

It's a currency tracking project and I wonder if anyone else (generally where) has seen those bizarre stamps on any money. There's also a Where's Willy for Canadians that can be also checked out on the website. No mind in the gutter business please!

2006-07-24 07:28:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics

that you are utilizing your time as best you can at this very moment?

2006-07-24 07:04:43 · 24 answers · asked by Valerie P 1 in Economics

I get extremely intimidated by intelligent people. A lot of the time I avoid answering questions here because of that. In person I often become quiet or refuse to comment and act undecided.

I realized that part of this is because of my age. I’m much younger than a lot of the people I associate myself with. My age embarrasses me sometimes, I know it’s silly but I’ve been teased and stuff.

What makes it even worse is how my father tries to pin it on illnesses (he’s currently trying to diagnose me with Williams Syndrome). He says I have nothing to be ashamed of, and that I’m “good enough” to socialize with these people without being worried, so obviously there’s some mental problem prohibiting me from realizing this. I don’t agree with him. I can be stupid without having a mental condition.

Am I being silly and unconfident like my father says or is it natural? Do any of you have problems with this? If so, any advice on how to get over it? Thank you!

2006-07-24 07:04:22 · 9 answers · asked by Steph 4 in Other - Social Science

Hi I'm a junior majoring in Psychology with a paper on cult practices due in my Social Psychology class. Has anyone here been in a cult? Could you tell me what it was like and how you got out?

2006-07-24 06:58:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

How would you answer this if this is the only info you are given?

2006-07-24 06:58:30 · 7 answers · asked by Marie 1 in Economics


Бабий яр. Большой овраг в северной части Киева, где в конце сентября 1941 происходили массовые казни десятков тысяч евреев. 19 сентября 1941 германские войска, разгромив в 45-дневных боях оборонявшие Киев советские части, вступили в город. Спустя несколько дней страшный взрыв превратил в руины гостиницу "Континенталь", в которой расположился штаб немецкого гарнизона, и близлежащие кварталы. Вспыхнувший следом гигантский пожар унес жизни многих немецких солдат. Германское военное командование решило, что за их гибель несет ответственность еврейское население Киева. В наказание за это евреи небольшими группами были отправлены в Бабий яр, располагавшийся тогда за чертой города. За два дня массовых казней там было убито около 35000 человек (по другим данным - от 50 до 70 тыс. человек). Их тела были погребены во рву 60 метров длиной и около 3 метров глубиной.
На Нюрнбергском процессе генерал-полковник Альфред Йодль опроверг предположение, что мины в городе устанавливало еврейское население Киева. Он продемонстрировал трофейную карту, на которой было обозначено расположение 50 минных полей, подготовленных советскими войсками перед их отступлением. Позднее специалисты заявили, что "эти данные раскрывают причастность русских к трагедии" в Бабьем яре, но главные свидетели остались погребенными под землей. В октябре 1966 в Бабьем яре на месте массовых расстрелов был установлен гранитный обелиск.

2006-07-24 06:54:49 · 4 answers · asked by Irina C 6 in Other - Social Science

in realtion to life in genarel or others life's.

2006-07-24 06:53:47 · 8 answers · asked by brakedown61301 4 in Sociology

Example: the wrong person saying hello, crossing paths with people, the wrong pitch of sound or noise period. We all have those days. I just wanna know how others handle them.

2006-07-24 06:33:41 · 9 answers · asked by d_rekt03 3 in Psychology

what are they?

2006-07-24 06:28:52 · 6 answers · asked by R30695 2 in Psychology

2006-07-24 06:27:11 · 10 answers · asked by Raphael A 3 in Psychology

Would we forget 'internal' conflicts like that taking place in Israel/Lebanon and build a Worlwide Defence Force integrating all national armys, militias, from all cultures and religions and unite as Humans? How close would it get to "War of The Worlds"?

2006-07-24 06:16:53 · 46 answers · asked by Jorge 2 in Other - Social Science

2006-07-24 06:09:52 · 20 answers · asked by suburbsformeandme 1 in Psychology

I had a theory.......It is what stupid people do to compensate for the fact that they can not figure out how things in the real world work.

2006-07-24 06:06:46 · 7 answers · asked by suburbsformeandme 1 in Psychology

I have a recurring nightmare of watching my husband have sex with other women. He never hears me screaming at him, nor does he feel it when I bite him or whatever. He just goes right on and usually he ends up telling me he is leaving me. I have it almost every night, it sucks.

Have you ever had a similar dream? What did you do to make it stop? What should I do, it's driving me insane?

2006-07-24 06:05:44 · 30 answers · asked by colorist 6 in Psychology

2006-07-24 06:04:59 · 34 answers · asked by vkrum1900 1 in Other - Social Science

By "thought", I mean any notion/idea/comment/saying etc. that goes through the person's brain.

By "average person", I mean a regular "Joe Bloggs" person with say around a 100 IQ (i.e. isn't a fool or a genius).

By "day", I mean the waking hours so roughly 16 or 17 hours.

2006-07-24 06:02:46 · 11 answers · asked by McDuff 2 in Psychology

Im not talking about all good things or all bad things , just a general mix of things but all of them quite major.

How do you chill out?

2006-07-24 05:54:12 · 9 answers · asked by suzairspliff 2 in Psychology

2006-07-24 05:50:11 · 24 answers · asked by Tony HB 1 in Economics

I noticed that because I took part in BBC hardspell last year, and I thought it would be easy, but it's not! I was the best speller in my school because we always wrote our spellings down when we had spelling tests, but when it came to the BBC Hardspell competition, we had to do it orally. It was harder, but I was proud of myself because I became the 8th best speller in Southeast England! They didn't show me on TV, though, which really sucked.

2006-07-24 05:47:01 · 7 answers · asked by hawaiian_shorts91 3 in Psychology

It seems that Asian are looked down by other races like white and black. Especially males,Asian females are likely to be dated,but Asian males are ignored by white and black females.

Is there anything wrong with my statement above? And how can you explain the phenomena?
As a Asian male,do you have any suggestion for me? Thanks!

2006-07-24 05:39:24 · 9 answers · asked by Jason 2 in Sociology

2006-07-24 05:38:43 · 5 answers · asked by hazeleyedsagn 1 in Psychology

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