I don't think it's possible. Here's my theory, picture timespace as a 3d grid much like this http://wwwvis.informatik.uni-stuttgart.d...
now lets say all the lines moving up and down and the one moving left and right are space, the one moving back and forward are time and the whole thing represents the universe. Now lets pick any interse ction and call it point a, that's where you are right now. With the earth rotating and orbiting the sun which is about a third away from the edge of a rotating galaxy, which itself is moving through space or the universe. You will never be at point a again in your life. even is you sat exactly still for exactly one year (use your imagination here) you would probably be in the same spot on earth and maybe the same spot relative to the sun, but the solar system would be in a different part of the galaxy and the galaxy would be in a different part of the universe.
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