convert the followint fractions to decimals: 1.) 7/8, 2.) - 5/2, 3.) 39/50, 4.) 1/6....convert the following decimals to fractions: 5.) - 1.3, 6.) 125, now: write each fraction as a percent to the nearest tenth of a percent: 7.) 1/12, 8.) 5/6, 9.) 3/11 the last one: write each percent as a fraction in simplest form: 10.) 6%, 11.) 37.5%, 12.)17%
i would like these in order but if you only now indivudal ones please put the number and ill give the 10 points if you explain how to convert and all that stuff..... thanks a lot if i get them correct i give 10 points
11 answers
asked by
fatty mcfatphatpfat