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Science & Mathematics - 22 October 2007

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2007-10-22 18:31:18 · 7 answers · asked by paper12 2 in Physics

Can you please list some and what stores they can be found in? Thank-you.

2007-10-22 18:30:52 · 3 answers · asked by RozeRouge 2 in Physics

This is for a science fair project, perferably chemicals that can be easily looked up

2007-10-22 18:29:57 · 16 answers · asked by FearMyBroccoli 2 in Chemistry

So is it true that if the Earth got lost in a big black hole, time would turn back? If so how far, and how fast?

2007-10-22 18:26:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

always perpendicular, no matter what the shape of the curve is.

2007-10-22 18:21:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Is the limit uniform? (Hint: Find the max and min values of f_n). For which values of x is (lim f_n)'(x) = lim f '_n(x)?

2007-10-22 18:20:57 · 2 answers · asked by han 1 in Mathematics

thease are 2 differnt questions and please answer this one as well... How many equilateral triangles with 1-inch sides can be cut from an equilateral triangle with 3-inch sides?

2007-10-22 18:16:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I live in Minnesota - who else has this problem? AND WHEN DO THEY GO AWAY? I don't care if they hibernate or die or migrate or whatever, but when? I can't keep the darn things out of my house!

2007-10-22 18:07:26 · 4 answers · asked by Fuckette 3 in Zoology

2007-10-22 18:03:39 · 3 answers · asked by tcooper19 1 in Mathematics

25.0 mL of a solution of .200 M NaIO3 was added to acidified iodide ions, the iodine produced reacted with 20.3 mL of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3). Calculate the concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution given the redoc equation:
IO3 + 5I + H -----> 3I2 + 3H20
I2 + 2S2O3 ------> 2I + S4O6


2007-10-22 17:57:05 · 3 answers · asked by techie08 2 in Chemistry

You own 24 CDs. You want to randomly arrange 6 of them in a CD rack. What is the probability that the rack ends up in alphabetical order?

The letters in the word MATHEMATICS are arranged randomly.
What is the probability that the first letter is M?

2007-10-22 17:54:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-10-22 17:52:13 · 2 answers · asked by Onika D 1 in Mathematics

how do you do this??? please show me how you got your answer

write an algebraic expression for the given expression.
- sin(arccos x)

- sec(arctan 3x)

2007-10-22 17:45:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

34. Power transmission lines often use a form of electric current called alternating current, but in many regions, such as the Province of Quebec, high-voltage direct-current lines are used instead. Direct current is the kind of electric current you are studying in this chapter. A certain direct-current power transmission line has a resistance of 0.255 Ω/km. 812 kV of potential drives the current from the generating station to a city located 125 km from the plant.

2007-10-22 17:41:57 · 4 answers · asked by Brittney J 1 in Engineering

ok, im kinda stuck on this one. heres the question

11. Factor 32x^3 – 32x^2 + 8x by finding the GCF. Be sure to factor completely. If this is not possible for some reason, state why.

heres what i got, but i cant figure out how to factor out the last quadratic left in the parenthesis. can some one help me please

2007-10-22 17:40:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

, my mass percent of ammonia + copper + sulfate is greater than 100%, that means no water in the complex, WHY IS THAT AND HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?????

2007-10-22 17:35:24 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

I was wondering where I could get a high-tech telescope where I can see starss close up and planets close up. do you know of any places?

2007-10-22 17:32:18 · 8 answers · asked by Howdy 1 in Astronomy & Space

how do you find the limits of this? the answer IS -1/2..but I have no idea how you approach that answer..if would be great..if you worked out theproblem

lim rad(x^2 - 9)/2x-6
x => infiniti

2007-10-22 17:28:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

...Suppose that a particular Norman window is to be 24 ft. in perimeter. Also assume that the semicircular portion of the window is to be constructed of stained glass which transmits only half as much light as regular glass. What should the dimensions be in order to allow the maximum amount of light to enter through the window?

You don't have to work this whole problem out. I really just want to know instructions on HOW it should be done or approached (in terms of math). I'm mostly just unsure about the part that mentions the stained glass and from then on. Thanks!

2007-10-22 17:28:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-10-22 17:28:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I really think it generates more heat than when your clothes are on and I don't mean from any movement or action. I mean strictly laying there. Now that I am telling him, "what a line." He says they teach that in survival school. (He was in the special forces and in the army for a spell.) Does this lack of outer covering actually working against the generation of body heat make sense to you? Any explanations? And do not mention sex causing heat; I am talking about no movement or friction involved. Just plain laying there. Does it generate more heat without clothes on than with clothes on?

2007-10-22 17:25:04 · 16 answers · asked by shallytally 4 in Other - Science

Why is it that when photons fall on atoms, it would be absorbed only if it posses specific energy corresponding to the energy differences between orbitals, whereas for Compton effect, it can be scattered, losing part of its energy only.

2007-10-22 17:22:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

By "ideality", I specifically mean "scientific ideality"( I could not fit Q-box limits w/o the shortening)

2007-10-22 17:20:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

Let n= first number

2007-10-22 17:20:06 · 3 answers · asked by SlySlick&Wicked 1 in Mathematics

At autopsy, the physicians are startled to see that the child's white blood cells are loaded with vacuoles containing intact bacteria. Which of the following explanations could account for this finding? A defect in the
A) lysosomes of the white blood cells prevented the cells from destroying engulfed bacteria.
B) surface receptors of the white blood cells permitted bacteria to enter the cells.
C) rough ER prevented the synthesis of the antibodies that would have inactivated the bacteria.
E) Golgi apparatus prevented the cells from processing and exreting the bacteria.

Q2: If you expose a photosynthesizing plant to water that contains both radioactive H and radioactive O, in which of the products of photosynthesis will the H and the O show up?
A) H in glucose and water, O in water and O2
B) H in glucose, O in water
C) H in water, O in glucose
D) H in glucose and water, O in O2
E) H and O both in glucose

2007-10-22 17:15:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

2007-10-22 17:13:30 · 7 answers · asked by Manrae 5 in Biology

During an equinox, Earth's axis is

2007-10-22 17:11:39 · 5 answers · asked by Ramsey D 1 in Geography

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