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Science & Mathematics - 15 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Science & Mathematics

Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

A buddy of mine told me it was pretty much impossible to be in the air for 1 second starting at the moment both feet leave the surface then reconnect. Is there any truth to this? It seems feasable to me.

2007-10-15 12:37:19 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-10-15 12:35:42 · 2 answers · asked by dupre1ke 1 in Weather

if u take calcium carbonate antacids such as tums or rolaids for an upset stomach due to hydrochloric acid build up, u are more likely to burp than if u take a magnesium hydroxide antacid such as milk of magnesia. why are you more likely to burp due to gas build up in the stomach if u use tums? write out the word equations for the two chemical reactions and compare the products.

2007-10-15 12:32:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

If space is finite but unbounded it will curve back on itself so that it would be possible for light to circumnavigate the universe. If its circumference is less than 14 billion light years, we could see images of the same galaxies in opposite directions. This would also show up as patterns in the microwave background radiation.

But what if the universe is much bigger than 14 billion ly? Is there any way that we could ever know if it is finite or infinite? If it is finite, how could we possibly estimate its size? The visible universe might be just a tiny fraction of the whole universe.

2007-10-15 12:32:28 · 3 answers · asked by Jeffrey K 7 in Astronomy & Space

These need to be simplified . I keep getting the wrong answer when i do it . can you please show work ! thanks so much .

1. 3x^2-2[x-(3-2x)] = 3(x-2)^2

2. 7-[x+(3-2x)] = [-(2x-4)-18]+x

3. 4[5y-4(y-1)] = 3[4(y+1)-7y]

4. 5-3(x-3) = 3-2x

5. 4y-(5y-1) = 5

2007-10-15 12:29:01 · 3 answers · asked by thegreatescape5 2 in Mathematics

John Edward cold reader extraordinare. From Oprah to Larry King, to his own SciFi channel show and CBS 2 called 'Crossing Over'. For only $750 for a 30 minute private session and upwards to $100 for convention style group sessions, this multi-millionaire is the hottest 'psychic' in America today.

People are flocking to watch the show and they want to know about their deceased loved ones, but WHO are they really contacting through John? Read on....

John Edward was born to be a psychic medium. His mother was a psychic junkie who threw fortunetelling house parties. One such guest advised John he had 'wonderful psychic abilitiess'. He went from card readings for family and friends, then on to psychic fairs. Eventually changing his billing from 'psychic' to 'psychic medium'.

Times Leon Jaroff(2001): Now suspicious, O'Neill recalled that while the audience was waiting to be seated, Edward's aides were scurrying about, striking up conversations and getting people to fill out cards with th

2007-10-15 12:28:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

Yes, you drill. The heart of the question arises from the recent San Andreas core samples. How did they get the sample up the hole that they drilled? The rock sample is a tight fit. It must require a heck of a force to bring it up. Where does the drill bit get it's rotation from? (All of the way back to the original drilling rig, or more local to the bit?) Where do the worn rock that the bit chews up go? I assume that Ice cores are done in a similar fashion to rock cores except for a stronger bit.

2007-10-15 12:27:58 · 1 answers · asked by Kilgore 3 in Earth Sciences & Geology

1. largest country in land area ( 6 spaces)
2. capital at latitude 16 S ; 48 W (8 spaces)
3. no in french (3 spaces)
4. direction from santiago to sucre abreviated ( 3 spaces)
5. venezuela's oil rich lake (9 spaces)
6.capital found 150 miles west of montevideo(10 spaces)
7.capital of chile (8 spaces)
8.0 degrees lattitude (7 spaces)
9. strait touching tierra del fuego (8 sapces)
10. southernmost island (14 spaces)
11. cape at southermost tip (8 saPCES)
12. capital found on paraguay river (8 spaces)
13. northernmost capital (7 spaces)

2007-10-15 12:27:33 · 12 answers · asked by americansavage18 1 in Geography

are they born a special way or does a worker ant get chosenor something?

2007-10-15 12:27:27 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Zoology

Find the quadratic polynomial g(x)=ax^2+bx+c which best fits the function f(x)+9^x @ x=0 in the sense that f(0)=g(0) and f'(0)=g'(0) and f''(0)=g''(0)


2007-10-15 12:26:42 · 1 answers · asked by tigersfan48111 2 in Mathematics

2007-10-15 12:26:12 · 1 answers · asked by Corey M 1 in Mathematics

When you have carbonic acid, the real name is hydrogen carbonate. Do you use the polyatomic ion of HCO3 (which is hydrogencarbonate, one word), or do you use H2CO3 (which is hydrogen carbonate, 2 words)?

I think you use the H2CO3 formula, that way it's balanced. I get confused when I see the polyatomic ion of HCO3, and I don't know which one to use for a formula.

2007-10-15 12:24:37 · 1 answers · asked by Ryan14 3 in Chemistry

2007-10-15 12:24:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

You are standing at the top of a cli® that has
a stairstep con¯guration. There is a vertical
drop of 5 m at your feet, then a horizontal
shelf of 8 m; then another drop of 5 m to the
bottom of the canyon, which has a horizontal
°oor. You kick a 0:43 kg rock, giving it an
initial horizontal velocity that barely clears
the shelf below. The acceleration of gravity is
9:8 m=s2 : Consider air friction to be negligi-

How far from the bottom of the second cli®
¢x will the projectile land? Answer in units
of m.

2007-10-15 12:21:18 · 1 answers · asked by dojorno5 2 in Physics

A ball of mass 0:4 kg, initially at rest, is
kicked directly toward a fence from a point
20 m away, as shown below.
The velocity of the ball as it leaves the
kicker's foot is 17 m=s at angle of 51 ± above
the horizontal. The top of the fence is 7 m
high. The kicker's foot is in contact with the
ball for 0:04 s. The ball hits nothing while in
°ight and air resistance is negligible.
The acceleration due to gravity is 9:8 m=s2

What is the vertical component of the velocity
when the ball reaches the plane of the fence?
Answer in units of m=s.

2007-10-15 12:19:02 · 1 answers · asked by dojorno5 2 in Physics

Okay so um...I hope someone can help me in this 'cause this question is really frustrating!!! By the way this is grade 10 math.

The area of a right triangle is 6x^2+x-2. Determine the length of the base if the height is 2x-1.

2007-10-15 12:18:38 · 3 answers · asked by virtue 1 in Mathematics

I'm trying to figure out the name of the country that is to the right of the black sea and directly under Russia. What is that country?

2007-10-15 12:16:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Geography

Hi there! I'm a female of Lebanese (Mediterranean) descent with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, marrying a man of north European descent (Irish-German-Polish) with flaming Cheeto-red hair and brown eyes. What are our chances of having red-haired kids?

My mother and dad: Both dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. Interestingly, due to the European influence to the Lebanese population over the centuries, my dad's dad had platinum blonde hair and ice blue eyes, and at least a couple of my great-grandparents had dirty blonde hair and hazel or green eyes.

His mother and dad: Mom has green eyes and auburn hair. Dad had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. (His brother has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.)

Thanks for your input! This will be fun. :-)

2007-10-15 12:14:51 · 6 answers · asked by greenteaicecream71 1 in Biology

Why might a strong acid such as H2SO4 be used in a dehydration opposed to a weak acid?

2007-10-15 12:13:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

Ok...here's the problem. Person A has an egg and is standing at the top of a set of bleachers. Person B is walking at a constant rate past these bleachers. The objective is for Person A to drop the egg at a certain point so that it successfully hits Person B. What relationships should I be looking at mathematically? How would I go about developing a procedure in figuring out how to perform this with success?

I'm guessing this is just basic physics...I know some kinematics equations that might be used, but I'm not sure.

Thank you in advance for any help.

2007-10-15 12:10:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-10-15 12:08:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

like rain precipation types of clouds

2007-10-15 12:07:56 · 2 answers · asked by amby 1 in Weather

this is a serious question

2007-10-15 12:07:10 · 7 answers · asked by al8067 1 in Other - Science

Can someone describe the structure of atoms?
How many electrons does oxygen have in its first & second enegry level? & which electrons have more energy, the ones in the first energy level or the one in the second?

Please & thank youuu.

2007-10-15 12:01:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

I need help fast. Ansewer fast!

2007-10-15 12:01:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

2007-10-15 12:00:08 · 5 answers · asked by FRED S 1 in Botany

Simular to Hate Crime Laws being thought control?

2007-10-15 11:55:36 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parapsychology

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