A king has some (finite) number of subjects. One day he lines them all up in a row, facing towards the front of the row. He goes from the front of the row to the back, giving each subject a hat - either red or blue.
No subject can see his/her own hat, nor can any subject see behind himself/herself. But a subject can see ALL of the others that come before him/her in line.
So the king has made his way to the back of the line, and now he will ask the person at the back of the line "What color is your hat?" while brandishing a big sword. If answered correctly, the person is freed. If answered incorrectly, the person is beheaded immediately. No communication between subjects is allowed, although they can hear each others' guesses.
You have a chance to meet with the subjects ahead of time - the night before this incident - to give them a strategy that will save the most number of lives (guaranteed, not a probability or expected outcome). The strategy that saves the most will be chosen.
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