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Pregnancy - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I am currently 39 weeks and 6 days. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to discuss induction because it doesn't look like this baby wants to come out. I'm only about 2 cm dilated and I'm not having contractions. Well I take that back. My stomach gets really hard and then relaxes and I've also had some cramping but that's it. No real contractions (only a few like a week ago) and no discharge. I had an ultrasound on Monday and the said a had a significant decrease in fluid but my water hasn't broken. It's at 7.1 cm and I've been reading up on low fluid and I think below 7 is what they consider to be "low". But they haven't done anything about it. I've also been back n forth to the hospital because the baby hasn't been moving like he should. Could it be because the fluid is on the verge of being low? What is going on? Why am I not having contractions? I tried walking, sex... nothing's working. What should I bring up at my doctor's appointment tomorrow? I need help.

2007-10-02 10:08:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

whenever your pregnant..like where the bladder is does it feel hard like a little ball is inside of you? because whenever i press down there i feel something hard, and it hurts..is that ok?

p.s.im not sure that im pregnant or not yet..

2007-10-02 10:02:20 · 6 answers · asked by babygurl 1

What are other forms of birth control besides condoms (dont tell me abstinence or anything) that teenagers could easily get?

2007-10-02 10:01:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had Braxton hicks since about 25 weeks. I am now 36 weeks and they are stronger and more frequent. I wanted to know should I time them? They do not hurt all the time but I do not want to ignore it and something is wrong. In addition, another question is with real contractions they are felt in the stomach and the vagina correct? Because all the contractions are just in the stomach. My Braxton hicks are about 30min apart and they have been ongoing since last night. Can I have responses and advice from women who have experience!

2007-10-02 10:00:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

could this be implantation or pre-pms symptoms?

I have been cramping off and on since saturday. Its a dull ache feeling and light cramping some times intence like today in my abdomin. But no period yet. Im not supose to get my period till the 6th saturday of this month. I am ttc. I have also been having werid leg cramps. for the first time ever i had was awaken buy a leg cramp that was very painful. and some cramps in my thighs and hips. its like a fulling-dullachey feeling.

I last ovulated september 19-23 and had sex 21.22.23
last period was September 8th and i have a regular 29 day cycle. my boobs arent sore like they normaly are and i feel more tired even when i do get 8 hours of sleep.

Did anyone ever had period like cramping a week before there period and so on and ended up being pregnant?

2007-10-02 09:59:31 · 6 answers · asked by Bartels 1

because he thinks the baby is larger than expected. I really had a hard time with my fist C/S and don't want to repeat it if necessary!! Anyone have any tips or words of encouragement?? No sarcastic answers please!!

2007-10-02 09:49:41 · 12 answers · asked by pnkymom 2

my sister is in her 9th month.. will be delivering in couple of days.. jus wanna know like wat all happens n how baby is delivered.. i have to be there wid her in the labor room.. so jus wanted sum knowledge

2007-10-02 09:48:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i use to have my periods before for a week or week and a half until i started to get on the pill and my periods started lasting shorter i have 2 or 3 months i stop taking the pill the weird thing is this sunday i got my period but it was very light and yesterday i bled alot and today i'm just spotting its weird cuz my period dont ever last 2-3 days & this never happen if i get my period i bleed for 5 days also last saturday before i got my period i had terrible cramps like if i was going to vomite and since saturday i still been having stomach pains and i been feeling light headed and tired yes i have had unprotected sex and i'm only 17 could it be a possibility i'm pregnant or something because i never get cramps like this long and my period never ends in 2-3 days and even if i eat i still have terrible stomach pains i even been taking medicine for cramps but its not working

2007-10-02 09:46:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are ketones during pregnancy dangerous? Can you get rid of them once you have them?

2007-10-02 09:46:25 · 3 answers · asked by fawnberrie 5

Ok so im 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant with my first.My due date is on the 11th....My doc. told me that if by the 10th im not in labor yet ill have to get induced,But how does that work??What happnes while getting indueced??Do you get induced right away or do you need another docs appointment....Is it at the hospital???Please help this is my first pregnancy so im not experienced.

2007-10-02 09:46:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need an OB/GYN prefer in Katy, TX but will look at surrounding areas. I just want the best cash plan available. I also had a C-section with my first child. I am not worried so much about my hospital stay as much as my OB/GYN (appts., labs, ultrasounds, etc).

2007-10-02 09:44:15 · 3 answers · asked by sarac4a 1

could this be implantation or pre-pms symptoms?

I have been cramping off and on since saturday. Its a dull ache feeling and light cramping some times intence like today in my abdomin. But no period yet. Im not supose to get my period till the 6th saturday of this month. I am ttc. I have also been having werid leg cramps. for the first time ever i had was awaken buy a leg cramp that was very painful. and some cramps in my thighs and hips. its like a fulling-dullachey feeling.

I last ovulated september 19-23 and had sex 21.22.23
last period was September 8th and i have a regular 29 day cycle. my boobs arent sore like they normaly are and i feel more tired even when i do get 8 hours of sleep.

Did anyone ever had period like cramping a week before there period and so on and ended up being pregnant?

2007-10-02 09:40:15 · 1 answers · asked by Bartels 1

I can't get out of the bed or move my legs around without my husband's help,it hurts when I walk & I can't get in and out of the bathtub without help!!!
Ask the doctor he has no answer for me at all.. none of the 4 doctors I have seen!!! PLEASE HELP ME

2007-10-02 09:39:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My BF and I had sex on the 18th of september and he ejaculated in me i was supposed to get my prd between the 25-26th and it never came even now I don't have it. Yesterday I got a yellowish discharge in my underwear I don't no what that is I was wonderin if am pregnant or not or is it too early to take a pregnancy test.

2007-10-02 09:37:38 · 17 answers · asked by sweetie 4

When they did the sonogram his little head was practically in my groin. Anyways what effect will this have on me later when I "drop" or will I ?

2007-10-02 09:37:12 · 4 answers · asked by Cash, Gage and Jax's Mom 4

So I'm 4 days overdue already and my doc said he doesn't suggest I go a week being late bc it increases my risk of a c-section. I heard that being induced can put you into even more pain? I am trying my best to ride this out and not to get induced bc his method of induction is new to the hospital. He uses Cytotec + Pitocin, while other doctors just use Pitocin. We have even asked nurses at the hospital about Cytotec and they said that it has many side effects including abnormally reducing the baby's heart rate. I also did some research on it and it's usually used for abortions, not delivery. I told my doc that if I had to be induced, I'd like him to just use Pitocin, but he insists that I use Cytotect + Pitocin bc it speeds up delivery using both. He doesn't seem like he wants to comply with my wishes at all and is very set in his ways. I tried to get a new OB, but everyone is booked up. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do?

2007-10-02 09:32:31 · 11 answers · asked by Miley 4

I jusy had my son on may 22 is it safe if i was to be pregnant?

2007-10-02 09:30:06 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I delivered two weeks ago and the bleeding has gone from bright red to dark brown back to heavyish and dark red. Today I passed a clot about half the size of my palm. Also, the past two days I have felt like the flu is coming on, but no nausea or diarriha (spelling...i know)....I have had night sweats really badly and INSANE headaches. Now I wonder if the bleeding and the not feeling well are related...did any of you have this happen?

2007-10-02 09:27:39 · 6 answers · asked by larann78 2

I am on birth control and in the second week I had missed two pills in a row (tuesday and wensday) and I had sex on one of those days (Wensday) because I didnt know I missed those pills. Some of my friends are worried and say that I should be too. But I dont think I am. So, should I be worried?

2007-10-02 09:26:25 · 15 answers · asked by Goldie~Locks 1

Okay, if my boyfriend gets some pre-*** in his boxers and they sit around for a week or so and then I wear them for some reason, could I get pregnant? I know it's a long shot, but is it possible or would the sperm have died by then?


2007-10-02 09:21:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

my braxtons are more frequent & getting stronger although they're not painful....yet, any tips

2007-10-02 09:12:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

EVERY day, without fail, I have contractions. They hurt in my lower back, around the front, pressure in the abdomen, and serious tightening in my uterus (every one of the symptoms EVERY time). they start out usually about 15 minutes apart and gradually get stronger and closer together over the next 2 to 6 hours and then they either stop altogether or start easing up in pain and spreading out until they dissapate entirely. Within the next 4 hours the whole thing starts over again. This has been happening for THIRTEEN CONSECUTIVE DAYS now. Is this normal? Has anyone else had anything like this happen? I'm getting really exhausted from it and my doctor won't induce me until next monday. I'm not sure I can deal with this for that long. Anyone have any advice? I'm just so annoyed.

2007-10-02 09:03:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 34 weeks along with my first. Sometimes for the last month I got this swelling in my crotch. Normally only when I was...excited (you know what I'm saying!)

The labia and clitirous swell up like a balloon and I had to ice them or sit in a piping hot bath to get them to go back down.

Now its happening a lot! almost every day whenever I sit up for awhile. It never happens when I'm laying down or walking.

Ive tryed sitting on pillows,sitting up straighter, putting my legs in different positions, but nothing helps other than laying down, walking, icing my crotch for an hour or sitting in a steaming hot bath.

Once its all swollen down there it burns like its hot, and it itches like mad! I know its not an infection because I just got another exam last week, but forgot to ask about this swelling.

I can always get it to go away but it takes forever! I'm so sick of not being able to sit down!

Did any of you get this? Is it serious? Asking my doctor tomorrow but anyone have any advice?

2007-10-02 09:00:34 · 14 answers · asked by Heather R 6

I just got a BFP on the weekend! I have had a breast reduction with a nipple graft, and I was told that I would not be able to produce milk. That is fine, since the benifits of the opperation greatly outweighed the breastfeeding. Anyways, I was wondering if there are any pregnant moms or experienced moms out there who have had this, because I want to know if my breasts are still going to swell and get big and unconfortable anyways, or is that only caused by milk coming in?
Serious answers only pls. I appreciate your help in advance :)

2007-10-02 08:57:44 · 4 answers · asked by Jennifer 2

2007-10-02 08:51:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

im due the 19th and feeling the baby move already anyone else out there due about the same time??

2007-10-02 08:49:24 · 11 answers · asked by smces2004 2

I'm 34 weeks along and planing a natural birth in a hospital at the moment.

However the closer I get to my due date, the more scared I get about the pain.

I'm TERRIFIED of needles however. I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks and had to have a emergency D&C with an epidural.

I FAINTED when I saw the needle (I've never fainted in my life accept this once)

I don't know if I would do it again, I think I would panic and start attacking the doctors if I ever saw that needle again.

So what did you do? Pain medication? Natural birth? What was your impression? Are you happy with your decision to do what you did?

Any advice would be nice!

2007-10-02 08:46:18 · 32 answers · asked by Heather R 6

i expected my midwife would begin checking my progress at week 36, but she didn't, so i let it go, again at week 37 she didn't check, and then at week 38 i finally asked her, and she said she wasn't going to check me at all, that she didn't see a purpose in it as i clearly wasn't in labor..

does this seem strange to anyone else? i don't find being examined pleasent but i would like to know things like if i am dilated at all, if i have effaced, wouldn't you want to know those things??
I go back in tomorrow again for my week 39 check-up and i am throughly discouraged, i don't know if i've made progress or not..

my husband says i should just go with what the midwife says..

what would you do?

2007-10-02 08:36:54 · 16 answers · asked by Kitterkat 5

2007-10-02 08:09:36 · 14 answers · asked by Latasha G 1

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