1.when will the dark line on my belly appear? 4th or 5th month
2.I'm Rh negative what happens now? ask doctor if you will need rhogam, if baby is rh positive you will get it.3.Is rhogam important ?yes, very important.4.My babies father is older will it cause problems with my baby?yes it could, but he has a chance to be very healthy.5. I have an std can my baby get it? yes.6. should i drink caffine pregnant? try caffine free(sprite) it's not good,but check with the doctor about that, for some people it could cause alot of problems.7.my uterus is tilted, is this a problem? Probably not, but check with the doctor about the warning signs of a problem.8. I'm a junk food junkie?enjoy it, but beware you still need a great diet and so does the baby, try eating healthy before throwing down the junk.9. I love spicey food? enjoy as long as you can handle it.10. I got food poisoning will my baby suffer? your more likely to suffer than the baby will, but still check with doctor.
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