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I'm nine weeks pregnant and having the worst morning sicknesses ever? What did you do to feel better and How long did it last?

2007-01-04 15:47:03 · 5 answers · asked by carissa t 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

5 answers

I had morning sickness for 24 hours day for 8 1/2 months........I couldn't eat or hardly drink anything..........The doctor wanted me to gain only 14 lbs during the whole pregnancy and I wound up gaining a little over 13...........One of the best things I found was to drink seltzer as much as I could..........It helped a bit and that was the one liquid I didn't hurl..........Lots of luck with the baby.........It will all be worth it once that little one is here.........CAT


2007-01-04 15:51:12 · answer #1 · answered by Sandi 4 · 0 0

Well if you just have a mild case try gingerale and things of that nature, (when your blood sugar dips to low that's when you really get sick, so have a lot of "small meals"), if you have a worse case go to the Dr. ask for Phenergan, and see if that works if not you can resort to Zofran. That saved my life and that of my sons,, no side affects at all with that and all are very safe to take while preg. No need to suffer that badly when you already have enough to deal with. Also another treatment you can try before the meds or with would be the wrist bands that are for motion sickness, you can get them at Walgreen's...the Phenergan is generic and I know that Target and HEB have a new scrip plan that does not require ins..(it was put in place for those who don't have ins, but you can use it instead of it, just not both together) and it would be about 4-5 dollars).

2007-01-04 23:58:04 · answer #2 · answered by cateyes 3 · 0 0

It depends on what triggers you sicknesses. I had to make sure I ate alot of small meals or just keep a snack near. If you are sick in the morning it could be because your hungry. If you do wake up at night eat something like a bowl of cereal. It's heavy enough to hold you but light enough so you may be able to go back to sleep. During the day keep things close like fruit or veggies that are easy to keep and won't spoil. Good Luck!

2007-01-04 23:51:56 · answer #3 · answered by lifeisbeautiful 3 · 0 0

My doctor allowed me to take Gaviscon. I woke up sick, but if I took a piece of dry toast and some ginger ale, my stomach settled. I had to have JUST a LITTLE something in my stomach all the time, because then I would start to get queasy. Mine went away when I was about five months pregnant, but everyone is different. Yours could be sooner.

edited: I hope you don't get heart burn in the later months, but if you do, just keep anti-acids handy, or doctor could prescribe you something better.

2007-01-04 23:52:14 · answer #4 · answered by * 4 · 0 0

saltine crackers or toast.... and it could last all throughout your pregnancy everyones body is different... good luck

2007-01-04 23:49:02 · answer #5 · answered by ~~MISSY~~ 1 · 0 0

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