this is my first baby. I am almost 39 weeks, and I just had a dr appt yesterday. although the doctor said there has not been a lot of change with my cervix, I have been experiencing some things that make me wonder if I am close to labor. I had an ultrasound yesterday to check things out since my cervix hasn't changed much, and the baby was very low head down in position. I have an induction set for next week, but I am beginning to wonder if I will make it until then. here is what I have been experiencing:
contractions(confirmed by doctor). they are still irregular but have been more frequent and painful today (also lower back hurts some with these now). I did not bleed from my pelvic exam yesterday, however, early this morning, there was some discharge that was tinted pink and brownish. right now, I am hurting all over my body.. body aches to the point i want to take some tylenol.
what do you experienced ladies think? I don't feel good at all right now.
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