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Pregnancy - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

female coffee drinkers, say you drank coffee for a while with no real jitters, then you stated getting light headed, and nauses, like you had to throw up. did you soon discover that you were pregnant.
I drink like a cup six days per week, I don't think I drink too much coffee, so why do I feel like this. this mornong I had a cup and I coul not finish it, and the smell made it even worse. but I am on my last day of a really light period with a 20 day cycle. what do you think?

2006-09-20 05:06:11 · 4 answers · asked by mrs understood 1

Yesterday I recieved the exciting news that my little lays is pregnant. However, I soon learned that she had been sleeping around. How early in her pregnancy can we test to see if it is mine.
Thank you all.

2006-09-20 05:05:06 · 16 answers · asked by eifersucht9 2

I am 5 months pregnant and my Mom lives 7 hours away. She wants to throw me a baby shower, but can't do it until I'm 8 months pregnant. I'm having a sheduled c-section so I'll probably have the baby around 38 weeks and don't want to push it so close. I'll need time to find out and get the things I'll still be needing, right? Plus alot of the furniture for the baby is coming from family members so I'll be setting up the nursery with a big huge belly and MAYBE 2 weeks to spare. So I'm thinking about letting my friend throw me one sooner-around 30 weeks. I've explained all my reasons for doing it sooner to her, but she just says it'll be okay.How can I do this without hurting her feelings?

2006-09-20 05:03:39 · 15 answers · asked by tammyb752001 2

2006-09-20 04:59:02 · 16 answers · asked by its_me 3


After loosing your mucus plug and being dialated 2-3 cm. How long does it usually take for labor to actually begin?? I know it varies,but how long does it USUALLY take?? And also is 37 weeks far enough along to deliver?

2006-09-20 04:54:50 · 18 answers · asked by ♥AmBeR♥ 1

my last period was aog.11 2day is sep.20 i spotted on sep. 15 i feel queazy at times,lower back pain,and my breasts r tender,took 2 hpt both neg.what else could it be???

2006-09-20 04:52:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-20 04:50:09 · 12 answers · asked by Sherika 1

And if so how did that go for you during the preagnancy?

2006-09-20 04:41:47 · 3 answers · asked by Jen n CraigB 2

what could this be besides being pregnant?

the symptoms that are possibly imagined:
1. bigger appetite
2. more fatigued than usual
3. moody

the symptoms that are unmistakably factual:
1. 16 day late cycle (should've started 09-04)
2. spotting after orgasm for 30-60 mins, now not even spotting after that
3. cramping in lower abdomen (sometimes very painful)
4. dull lower back pain
5. tender, swollen breasts

i've had 2 miscarriages. once when i was a teenager (17) again when i was 25. i've had no live births. my cycle has always come like clockwork. i know stress can change that, making it absent or more heavy. my breasts have been swollen and tender to the touch since the end of august though. i have a heavier appetite but that happens sometimes before my cycle begins. yes, i could go get a pregnancy test, i thought i could maybe get feedback from some of you. i dont have a doctor so going to one would entail me going to the ER, which i dont want to do just yet

2006-09-20 04:36:58 · 14 answers · asked by adore 1

i went into preterm labor at 25wks they stopped it give me steriod shots 4 her lungs i have 2 other children but i got put in with both so ive never went into labor on my on my labor with both only lastd 2 hrs. i have a weird feelin i was havin contractions yesterday every 2min but they was quick but that lasted 4 a hour. today my back hurts my lips&face is swelled my stomach feels like its in knots & i dont kw how to tell if my water is leakin?! i just have a feelin thats not good!! help please!!

2006-09-20 04:34:49 · 10 answers · asked by brittany 2

2006-09-20 04:33:26 · 10 answers · asked by vijju 1

what are the chances of one getting pregnant if she had penetration for about a min. and the male did not have a orgasm, then she had her period the next day?
*the day i started my period i also started taking the birth control pill, but period was normal first day and gone by third day. is this normal??

2006-09-20 04:32:43 · 11 answers · asked by Gabby 1

Last night I lost my mucus plug and was sent to the er. They put me on the monitor and the babys heart beat kept going all the way to almost 180 and then back to where its suppost to be.. They sent sent me home because I was not having enough contractions...What causes the babys heart rate to go so high.. Does it have anything to do with labor?

2006-09-20 04:31:50 · 5 answers · asked by ♥AmBeR♥ 1

2006-09-20 04:27:22 · 13 answers · asked by brittany 2

I had my son 14 wks ago. I barely breast fed, only a couple weeks, so I've been off that for sometime. I still have 9lbs to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Question is: will my breast return to their original size? I used to be a 32B, now I'm a 32D! Not that I'm totally complaining...just wondering if this is normal, or is it the extra weight?

2006-09-20 04:27:10 · 12 answers · asked by tish 3

I am now going to the doctor and I had test on my tubes and found out that they were close.

2006-09-20 04:24:59 · 11 answers · asked by Joanne P 1

I have most of the signs of being pregnant but I have been bleeding lightly. .should I wait till I quit bleeding? and if so would it be to soon to take it? Thanks !

2006-09-20 04:24:08 · 10 answers · asked by amber22davis 1

Why is it so many people (mostly teenagers) come here worrying about being pregnant although they are on the pill. Ok, I know the pill isnt 100% affective but its close. I never worried about being pregnant when I was on the pill, and I missed several periods at that time. Does that mean that kids are being put on the pill and not being told what its actually for? Obviously I'm not saying they dont need to panic if they've had sex without another form of contraception (ie condoms) but thats more about STI's not pregnancy!

2006-09-20 04:18:34 · 11 answers · asked by Claire O 5

Is it any way that i could see a doctor withouth my parents being with me? Because i recently took home pregnancy tests and they all came out negative, but i still havent gotten my period for this month. I want to go see a doctor about getting a blood test to find out am i pregnant or not......because im getting so worried. So is there any way that i could go to the doctor with out having insurance? Please help! im getting worried and scared.

2006-09-20 04:18:09 · 12 answers · asked by sha9609 2

I'm 8 weeks pregnant with twins. We found out there were two babies after an early u/s 2 weeks ago after I had some light spotting. One baby was a little smaller than the other but the dr said prob nothing to worry about. I went for another u/s yesterday and baby b has not grown hardly any while baby a is right on schedule. Both babies have very strong steady heartbeats and they said that other than the size difference everything looks ok. The dr had an emergency and had to run out before we could ask questions. I go back in 2 weeks but does anyone have any advice or suggestions of what could be wrong??? I'd appreciate any answers that could help!!! Thanks!!

2006-09-20 04:10:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

well I had my periods on 22 august 2006.After that me and myBF had unproyected sex like 5 times.I had all the symptoms like Bloated abdomen,Mood swings,Sore nipples.Etc.Like they have in pregnancy.I was supposed to get my periods on 19 of september But i have this spotting that started on !7 of september and ended last yesterday.I have fever since yesterday and i am very dizzy,very very dizzy.Wat do u think it is??
genuine answers plz.

2006-09-20 04:10:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had sex with my bf last weekend friday and sunday and i was suppose to start my period on tuesday..... we didnt use a condom but im on the pill. so im not that late but my bf is starting to get worried about it and so am i now..... how big are the chances of me becoming preganant or am i just worrying about nothing...?

2006-09-20 04:00:18 · 15 answers · asked by camilla_mizza 1

I am ussually regular each mon. this mon. only spotted 4 a day,I feel tired n afternoons,feel queazy at times,and my breasts r tender,took 2 preg. tests both neg. what gives???

2006-09-20 03:57:28 · 4 answers · asked by daleswife 4

My due date is Sep. 30 and I have a question about some symptoms im having. My doctor is not in is office today and I dont consider this an emergancy. Anyways I have cramps in my lower stomache but there not what I would think a contraction feels like. I have a high tolerence for pain but even so if these are contractions surely I would now right? As of last week I was not dialated at all but the baby's head was low. I have an appointment tomorrow. This is my first pregnancy.

2006-09-20 03:54:34 · 16 answers · asked by kimmiekim85 2

My wife and I have a five your old mildly autistic child. We have waited to have another child but we are both getting older and we want t have another one. Is there a good chance the next child would be Autistic?

2006-09-20 03:48:51 · 9 answers · asked by Mscott21 2

my last NORMAL period was on July 13th. me and my hubby are TTC and we had sex around my ovulation time. then my next period was supposed to come around August 13th but it was 9 days late and it was lighter than usual. the first day was BAD cramping and light blood not enough to fill up a pad (TMI). and it ENDED 2 days early. i usually go for 7 this time it was 5. that has NEVER happened to me. i took 2 test in august but they were negative. and i have some symptoms like fatigue, back ache, tired all the time and some nausea. and i have been cramping a little. so my period should come in the next 2 or 3 days. Should i take a test now or wait to see what happens? Thank you

2006-09-20 03:44:09 · 19 answers · asked by Lisa S. 1

The week before I was suppose to get my period I took a test. I have had two miscarraiges and really would love to get pregnant. The week I was suppose to get my period I was extremely tired and my stomach was bugging me. I took a pregnancy test then and it was negative. I had an appointment later that week and they did a blood pregnancy test, negative. Since then I have had another blood test taken and another urine test. I do not have tender breasts but I am really tired. Could I still be pregnant even though I have had 2 negative blood pregnancy tests? or what else could it be?

2006-09-20 03:29:33 · 12 answers · asked by lrn1201 2

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