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Pregnancy - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Doc says it's ok, but so far nothing

2006-06-24 06:34:19 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm two weeks delayed and my urine and blood tests came out negative. I'm not surprised about this because this has happened to me during my first pregnancy. I found out that I was pregnant when I was almost 5 months preggy thru an ultrasound. I shared this with my doctor (he is not my doctor w/ my first child) and he is doing a blood retest next week. If it turns out negative, he will schedule me for an ultrasound...but my concern is, don't you think it's too early to have an ultrasound when I would only be on the 14th day of my missed period? I want to make sure that I will start an early prenatal care. Thank God my first child came out normal and healthy after not having prenatal care for 5 months. Can someone share any experience about this? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

2006-06-24 05:42:08 · 6 answers · asked by lexie 1

2006-06-24 05:22:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

When a women ovulates, how long is the womens egg around

2006-06-24 05:16:38 · 16 answers · asked by Janie 1

I had a FSH done, and it shows I am not going through menopause. Dr. Put me on provera, and I actually felt like I was drunk for almost 24 hrs. I talked to the pharmacy and they said they have never heard of such a side affect.
I feel like I am going crazy. 3 months of breasts hurting and a pregnancy mask on my face from going out in the sun. I feel sick in the morning, but afternoons I feel fine. Dr. did a urine pregnancy test and that was negative. She also checked my thyroid. Blood tests all normal. Has anyone else felt like this? I can't take the provera, I have two children and a husband to take care of. (I really can't function taking provera)

2006-06-24 05:15:13 · 11 answers · asked by sharir2777777 1

2006-06-24 05:08:52 · 21 answers · asked by R S 4

I have been taking prescribed xanex for 7 days and my period is 7 days late. I am concerned about the possibility of a birth defect if I just became pregnant.

2006-06-24 05:02:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend( a guy) wants to have a baby. He wants a answer and this is the only place i know has great diversity of people to answer it.

2006-06-24 04:40:55 · 17 answers · asked by Maria 2

2006-06-24 04:15:16 · 8 answers · asked by nahleens 3

if my gf tends to hint on having a baby too much...and i dont really care for one now...is that a problem?
any suggestions would help :P

2006-06-24 03:24:06 · 16 answers · asked by Iceman 4

i was between 18/19 weeks and the ultrasound said it was a boy i have towo boys now and just wondering if they could have been worng but i don't wanna get my hopes up cause as long as it is healty i really don't care. can any one tell me if they heard of a doc fooling it up

2006-06-24 03:03:48 · 21 answers · asked by doreen h 1

I'm 40 weeks pregnant was due yesterday..and this is my first baby. I've been having what I think could be contractions,but was wondering if anyone can give me their opinion before I do anything. I've been having pains every like 5-10 minutes that feel like menstrual cramps for the past hour and a half. My water hasn't broke and there's been no blood,so I'm not sure what to do because I heard those are signs of true labor.And the pains only last about 15 seconds.I was told on Thursday that I am dilated 2 centimeters and thinned out to 80%..What should I do??

2006-06-24 02:44:34 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you think of women who get pregnant to try and keep their boyfriend or husband in the relationship? Does it ever work? (My sister has done it twice and both relationships have failed.)

2006-06-24 02:15:15 · 33 answers · asked by yogazen 4

my brother who is going to be freshmen in highschool and just graduated 8th grade started having sex and fears since his gf and him did not use a condom for first month and half and he fears she may be pregnant and now she is worried cause she usually get her period every month . i got pregnant at 18 this year with by first real bf of a year but miscarried he nows i have condoms in my top desk shelf but chose not to get them i thought he would learn from my mistake the condom ripped w/ me but i did not think to get emergency contraceptive. i am angry ith him and hurt i explained what happened to me and still he did not listen now he wants me to buy a pregnancy test for her and not tell my mom and dad?should i?i feel so of this was my bad example and i want him to learn from this.

2006-06-24 01:32:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

can our baby hear through our ears if we r wearing headset??or ear phones?? i want make my baby hear songs....is headset possible or shud i remove the headset and put in speakers??

2006-06-24 01:06:39 · 7 answers · asked by Battery Life 2

Is is pain full because she is not very intrested to do so, but i am strongly willing to do. What is the right way to do it without difficulties.

2006-06-24 00:39:58 · 16 answers · asked by Smart Guy 2

i'm in my 20th week of pregnancy, i realized some movements like bubbles and flutters but sometimes i feel it over my belly, is this my baby or gases? and where should i usually feel my baby's movements?

2006-06-24 00:06:33 · 9 answers · asked by uaepearl80 1

2006-06-23 23:36:02 · 15 answers · asked by cutie 1

i have been feeling really sick the last week or so im extremely tired all the time needing to pee more feeling hungry more but when i get something to eat i dont want it and feel sick,i have lower back pain headaches and lightheadedness,im not due my pd till the 28/29th also i have starnge white dot type lumps on my nipples.could i be pregnant?

2006-06-23 23:21:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-23 22:22:42 · 10 answers · asked by amith_2584 1

2006-06-23 21:28:09 · 8 answers · asked by Miss U. 2

I want to become a surrogate mother for couples that cannot have babies of their own. (It would not be MY egg... it would be the intended parent's sperm and egg.)

My question is: Would this make me a bad parent? I have two kids of my own but I'm afraid somebody would say I'm an unfit mother for carrying another couple's child, having my children know the circumstances, and then giving the baby to the people he/she belongs to.

Would a mother lose custody of her kids over this?? Some people call it "trafficking". Advice please... Please answer honestly. Thank you!!

2006-06-23 21:00:42 · 15 answers · asked by DearAbby 3

my girlfriend says it hurts her if i go in all the way.... wat duz this mean.. could she b pregnant or am i too big (serious question)

2006-06-23 19:50:02 · 22 answers · asked by paulwallballa 1

I'm 18 years of age and I am now at great onyx job corps while my soon to be husband is in the milatary makin money. I have been here at job corps for about 4months and a week after I got here I met a guy. We have been chillin since then. He soon told me he loved me and I said it back like a fool but didnt mean it. We soon had sex not to long ago and I am now pregnat with his child. But the twist is while Im talkin to him I still have my soon to be husband on the side but the guy at Job corps knows about the guy in the mliatary but he dont really care he still says he wants to be with me but the guy in the milatary dont know about the guy at job corps he still thinks everything is all good. So what am I to do I think i do wanna be with the guy at job corps. how would you choose!

2006-06-23 19:07:41 · 26 answers · asked by brandnewyear06 1

My FRIEND is pregnant and wantz to know what she should name her child wheter it turns out to be boy or girl??? Do you guyz know any nice, meaningful names?? Or whats your name? DO you think YOUR name would be a good name?? Why???

2006-06-23 19:04:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Also, I had an ultrasound when I was about 15 weeks, now Im 24, but are still unsure of the sex of the baby. If I request it to my doctor, can I get another ultrasound?

2006-06-23 18:37:26 · 21 answers · asked by totally unsure 1

besides medical reasons

2006-06-23 18:28:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that usually during pregnancy your boobs tend to get larger....
But since I have become pregnant, they appear to have become smaller than what they used to be.
Could this be caused from the weight I lost during morning sickness??
And if this is possible, what is the cause??

2006-06-23 18:21:41 · 11 answers · asked by *Brooke28* 1

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