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Question: Do you agree with the letter I sent to YA?
Question Details: To whom it may concern, I am writing to request the re-instatement of two YA accounts that have wrongly been suspended. Brian, our Top Politics Answerer has been suspended and so has Suthrnlyts. This is ridiculous. Both these people provide thoughtful and informative posts and are not abusive in anyway, shape or form. They were targeted by people who simply want to see them gone because they disagree with them. I know I speak for many when I say they need their suspensions lifted. YA needs to look at its abuse policy and make some changes. May I suggest the following; 1. If you have less than 250 points you can't report abuse. Many people who report abuse have very low points and are just there to cause trouble. 2. It takes two accounts reporting abuse on one post for the violation to stick. This way one person can't go on a report abusing parade. 3. If the post does not contain foul language and does not demean any other YA poster it does not qualify for abuse. YA is losing many good people because if it's misguided policies on Abuse. Give free speech a chance! Penelope
Deleted Answer: Well Done! I am sending them a letter as well!!
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