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Politics - 25 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

So are many Young men of course, but I notice in here a group of younger woman(if the avatar is legit) that echo verbatim the Faux News daily bullets?... no names, but is there a connection between teen and young adult media saturation that might be an explanation? ,,, those nasty Islamo-fascists, that hate you because you have Teeth whitening gel?, or because you sport a 3rd generation Nano I-Pod?

2007-10-25 12:42:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are now more honorably discharged democrats in America than chickenhawks who never served!

2007-10-25 12:40:42 · 21 answers · asked by The President 3

People especially women would say that women are the more discriminated sex but I disagree with them. I believe even thoug the workforce favors men over women the law favors women over men because they are seen as weaker. I can give many examples of this point. #1 issue women can run for president, voluntarily serve in the army, get financial aid and benefits yet only men are required to sign up for selective service. Another issue is the law and society tends to be lenient. After Debra Lafave was convicted of statutory rape in Florida she was not given jail time also she was able to do an interview special on Dateline with an American public who was not as outraged had it been a man with the same charge. Also society puts pressure on men not to report it if a woman slap or touches them below the belt but for women its is more ok. And last but not least people forget that divorce and child custody gives woman an advantage in court.

2007-10-25 12:36:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-25 12:35:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

particular reason.

any witful comebacks for stupid remarks about my country? i am really tired.

2007-10-25 12:31:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

how did george w bush brake the constituion

2007-10-25 12:26:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would vote for ANY candidate that would PROMISE and FULFIL that promise to CUT Government waste.

Scott Walker the current Milwaukee Country Supervisor is the ONLY politician who ran on CUTTING waste around here and actually DID it. He is coming under fire now from those who DO NOT PAY TAXES for cutting some wasteful entitlement programs. He's my hero and I can't vote for him because I do not live in Milw. County.

2007-10-25 12:26:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

O.K ~ My Name is Penelope and I am a Conservative Republican. Three things I hate about my party RIGHT NOW are;

1. Lack of Motivation or Courage to protect our borders.

2. Too much caving to the Religious right on issues that don't matter.

3. The Elephant GOP symbol. Change it to Reagan, Moses or Washington dressed in his Revolutionary Garb. Something that stands for Self Reliance or Freedom.

2007-10-25 12:16:50 · 21 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

Do you admire these countries that have flat tax?
Albania, Estonia, Georgia, Guernsey Guernsey, Kazakhstan, Iceland,Iraq (It is not clear how effectively the Iraqi tax is being collected in practice.)Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia ,Mongolia, Montenegro, Mauritius, Romania, Russia, Serbia

2007-10-25 12:14:16 · 15 answers · asked by oohhbother 7

2007-10-25 12:11:48 · 24 answers · asked by Dastardly 6

I'm a Dem who's first choice is defintely not Hillary (Republican Lite), however, I did come across this interesting bit of information:

Seems to me that any Republican is less electable then Hillary.

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Sept. 27-30, 2007. N=1,114 adults nationwide. Fieldwork by TNS.
"If [see below] wins the Democratic/Republican nomination for president would you definitely vote for him/her in the general election for president in 2008, would you consider voting for him/her or would you definitely not vote for him/her?"


Obama -- 39%
Clinton -- 41%
Edwards -- 43%
Giuliani -- 44%
McCain -- 45%
Thompson -- 54%
Romney -- 57%


2007-10-25 12:05:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm conservative but I think his stuff is great.

2007-10-25 12:04:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-25 11:58:00 · 20 answers · asked by You 2

There is absolutely no difference between those 2 parties when they are actually elected (with the exception of one or two irrelevant social issues). Both parties want War against Iraq, War against Iran, Socialized Medicine (though Republicans will lie and say that their scheme is "Free Market"), open borders, to destroy civil liberties and turn America into a police state, and a "humanitarian" war against Sudan.

Both parties stand for the exact same things. Why is it that so many of their membership assumes that once the party in power is gone, that things will be better? Bill Clinton waged wars while he was president and George Bush has doubled the size of the Department of Education and passed the biggest new entitlement since LBJ. Are the partisans of the 2 parties as stupid as they appear to be, or are they just deceived into believing their party's rhetoric?

2007-10-25 11:56:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-25 11:55:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

That's what Bob Jones of Bob Jones University says. And he has now given the thumbs up for Romney, even though he says that's a cult too.

I guess the right wing fundamentalists will do anything to keep the Democrats out of office.

2007-10-25 11:47:46 · 10 answers · asked by wooper 5

2007-10-25 11:47:35 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

The News, Just Tells You The Lies Bush Tells You.

Heres A Source Of The Page.. Which I Say Is Partly Bull...


2007-10-25 11:47:07 · 7 answers · asked by look at the truth 1

It would be great, wouldn't it? Eliminate this corrupt system of capitalism and a society of classes and have a world where no one is superior to others and people aren't labeled as such; a world without poverty and a world where you are no different than anyone else. Just another person. No better. No worse. Absolute equality would be ideal, yes? We were are humans, shouldn't we treated as such?

2007-10-25 11:37:26 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why doesn't anyone care about thousands of children murdered every day right around the corner of their house Because,"It's my body, I'll do what I want!".

What about the baby's body? That IS NOT yours. THAT body is the baby's, not yours.

2007-10-25 11:37:08 · 23 answers · asked by The prophet of DOOM 5

The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes
(The top 1% pay more than a third: 34.27%)

October 4, 2005

This is the data for calendar year 2003 just released in October 2005 by the Internal Revenue Service. The share of total income taxes paid by the top 1% of wage earners rose to 34.27% from 33.71% in 2002. Their income share (not just wages) rose from 16.12% to 16.77%. However, their average tax rate actually dropped from 27.25% down to 24.31%

*Data covers calendar year 2003, not fiscal year 2003
- and includes all income, not just wages, excluding Social Security
Think of it this way: less than 3-1/2 dollars out of every $100 paid in income taxes in the United States is paid by someone in the bottom 50% of wage earners. Are the top half millionaires? Noooo, more like "thousandaires." The top 50% were those individuals or couples filing jointly who earned $29,019 and up in 2003. (The top 1% earned $295,495-plus.) Americans who want to are continuing to improve their lives, and those who don't want to, aren't. Here are the wage earners in each category and the percentages they pay:
The top 1% pay over a third, 34.27% of all income taxes. (Up from 2003: 33.71%) The top 5% pay 54.36% of all income taxes (Up from 2002: 53.80%). The top 10% pay 65.84% (Up from 2002: 65.73%). The top 25% pay 83.88% (Down from 2002: 83.90%). The top 50% pay 96.54% (Up from 2002: 96.50%). The bottom 50%? They pay a paltry 3.46% of all income taxes (Down from 2002: 3.50%). The top 1% is paying nearly ten times the federal income taxes than the bottom 50%! And who earns what? The top 1% earns 16.77% of all income (2002: 16.12%). The top 5% earns 31.18% of all the income (2002: 30.55%). The top 10% earns 42.36% of all the income (2002: 41.77%); the top 25% earns 64.86% of all the income (2002: 64.37%) , and the top 50% earns 86.01% (2002: 85.77%) of all the income.

2007-10-25 11:35:36 · 12 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

toxic toys for our tots. God bless globalism. The American dream is still alive and well.

2007-10-25 11:34:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

The majority of Iraqis love us and want us to stay. Their ecomnomy continues to grow rapidly with the quickly dwindling insurgency. True bombs are loud, it takes very few people to get that kind of attention that fuels the Communist News Network's liberal lying hate rocket. The majority of Iraq's people are more than thankful.

The only hinderances that stand are dirt balls like Ike skelton and the rest of the moonbats in congress who overstep their boundaries on publicity crusade.

2007-10-25 11:08:06 · 32 answers · asked by The prophet of DOOM 5

will u
a) leave the us
b) start a political revolt of some kind
c) actually commit violence
d) something else and what would that thing be????

2007-10-25 11:05:27 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or will the nannification of America by moral busybodies and nitpicking maternalists who use government power to micromanage our personal lives protect us from ourselves?

I just can't wait for HillaryCare! I wonder if she will tuck me in bed at night and wipe my bum while I wait 9 months to see a downtrodden Government Doctor to get pap smear?

This socialist utopia is going to be so wonderful!!!!!

The food will be horrible and uneatable but at least everyone will have a place at the table.

Someone tell Karl Marx I said hi.

2007-10-25 10:52:32 · 16 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

Tell them that if they don't stop antagonizing Turkey AND Iran that we will leave them to fight their OWN war....Unless the US is PAYING them to do so...good way to broaden the war in that area and try to get Iran's oil... Then blame IRAN for starting the fighting.

Any ideas other than what I have commented on?

2007-10-25 10:51:35 · 12 answers · asked by Fedup Veteran 6

that would be fun

2007-10-25 10:40:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for responses based on personal experience.

2007-10-25 10:27:17 · 16 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5

"After a lengthy critique of Bush administration education policies, Joe Biden attempted to explain why some schools perform better than others -- in Iowa, for instance, compared with the District of Columbia. "There's less than 1 percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4 or 5 percent that are minorities. What is in Washington D.C.? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."


Democrats - pretend a Republican said this. How would you respond?

Just curious.......

2007-10-25 10:23:23 · 25 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

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