1. That we don't have a bigger majority in Congress so we could really accomplish something.
2. That so many got fooled into voting for Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq.
3.That so many of our candidates let themselves get slandered by Swift Boat Attacks and lies about claiming to invent the Internet.
2007-10-25 12:27:38
answer #1
answered by wyldfyr 7
I'm not a fan of the donkey being the party symbol - but that symbol was initiated by a GOP who created both symbols - for a political comic around a century ago or so if i'm not mistaken
I'd like to see more candidates with an even more liberal slant - seriously - we see GOP candidates who are so extreme and fanatic they'd make bin Laden blush - but the Dem candidates always seem to wuss out into a bit of the same milquetoast blandness
slashing the military budget at least in half and reducing greatly the number of oversea deployments
and by the way - Washington is hardly a GOP
2007-10-25 13:02:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
O.K ~ My Name is Robin and I am a Conservative Republican. Three things I hate about my party RIGHT NOW are;
1. The lack of any urgency on border security, and sending all the illegal aliens back to their own country.
2. The Tax Code - it punishes success. We should have a Flat Tax and every able-bodied American should pay their fair share.
3. Communicate better with the American people. Tell the simpletons WHY things are being done. Joe the drunk answers polls about the war from his bar stool and doesn't know a thing about the questions he is being asked.
2007-10-25 13:26:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't hate them. I think it's much too strong of a word.
1) Taking a stance on an issue just because the "other side" picks a side
2) Taking the same stance on an issue because a friend does.
3) Not trying to take the best out of everything and trying to make the party about that.
I think there is much good in conservatism, Liberalism, and so forth. So for the Democratic party, I think it should try to mold around the best ideas, regardless if it is conservative, liberal, republican, atheist, religious, or so forth.
2007-10-25 12:26:53
answer #4
answered by Mitchell 5
I am a member of the Environmental Green Party.
1. The fact that the bow down way to much to Bush
2. The fact that we don't have that much of a voice in Congress.
3. The fact that humanity cannot survive without an environment but that is not the number one issue.
2007-10-25 12:43:33
answer #5
answered by White Star 4
As a libertarian, there are quite a few things I can't stand about my party, but I'll limit myself to the top 3.
1) Taking the free market to irrational extremes (private police forces!?!)
2) Isolationist foreign policy.
3) And, of course, never wining an election.
2007-10-25 12:33:18
answer #6
answered by B.Kevorkian 7
I'm a Conservative Republican. I completely support the party because I cannot stomach the alternative. About your list:
1. Neither party is doing much about this, but we're doing better.
2. This is the stance of the Conservative young. It looks different at 40.
3. There are really cute elephants you can buy which make great gifts. I have a pewter business card elephant without which my desk would be naked.
2007-10-25 12:26:07
answer #7
answered by ? 7
i'm a liberal dem. two things (can't think of a third)
1 they are mostly pro-choice, and i am not
2 they haven't fulfilled their promises (as of yet)
by the way, you mentioned washington in your 3 point. that wouldn't make sense. all of the founding fathers were liberal -- back then the only other real gov system that existed was monarchy. democracy was seen as a radical liberal philosophy.
2007-10-25 12:43:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
1. Barking Exxon dogs
2. Barking Israel dogs
3. Wave Bibles only 2 month before elections
2007-10-25 12:42:14
answer #9
answered by The One 2
1. Not securing the borders
2. Not securing the borders
and last but not least
3. Not securing the borders
2007-10-25 12:23:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous