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I'm a Dem who's first choice is defintely not Hillary (Republican Lite), however, I did come across this interesting bit of information:

Seems to me that any Republican is less electable then Hillary.

ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Sept. 27-30, 2007. N=1,114 adults nationwide. Fieldwork by TNS.
"If [see below] wins the Democratic/Republican nomination for president would you definitely vote for him/her in the general election for president in 2008, would you consider voting for him/her or would you definitely not vote for him/her?"


Obama -- 39%
Clinton -- 41%
Edwards -- 43%
Giuliani -- 44%
McCain -- 45%
Thompson -- 54%
Romney -- 57%


2007-10-25 12:05:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics


Dems are prepared to play just as dirty. We won't take it sitting down this time.

2007-10-25 12:11:27 · update #1

15 answers

Liberals tell this to us because they lie and intimidate us from voting.

2007-10-25 12:09:14 · answer #1 · answered by RICARDVS VII 3 · 6 6

that's what case Hillary has to make, otherwise she has no highway to the nomination. She is familiar with she can not get a 20% chief on Obama in each final state and a couple of/3 of the relax superdelegates to capture as much as him, so she is making the case difficult that he's NOW unelectable simply by fact of recent scandals and desire the go out poll demographics confirm her statements (which they have not.) in certainty, Obama have been given greater white collar electorate in PA then the did in maximum previous states. yet we are going to see how the following day seems. i'm guessing he will win the two and she or he'll might desire to drop out then. reaction to poster above me: No she does not have the main prevalent votes. at the start, she is utilising Michigan (which Obama wasn't even on the poll), she's utilising Florida besides (which her and Obama signed statements claiming those votes won't count quantity) and she or he's utilising the style of delegates won in caucus states simply by fact the quantity for prevalent votes as Obama's prevalent vote count quantity in those states that's OUTRAGEOUSLY underrepresented (think of a state the place the prevalent vote is 35? LOL). This shows she's the two a liar and a cheater.

2016-10-14 01:16:58 · answer #2 · answered by olmeda 4 · 0 0

I just don't see what states that she can win that Kerry and Gore didn't. And she needs to because she needs to get to 270. Gore got 266 and Kerry got 252.

But that poll is really interesting. I mean they talk about Hillary being polarizing but I mean anyone who runs for President just gets completely ripped to shreads so maybe by the end they're all polarizing. It might be like this for years, just polarizing candidates trying to get the Ohios or the Floridas and the Pennsylvanias just to get enough electoral votes to get over the top. Whoever wins this thing in the end I don't think can unite the country very effectively, and I don't think Kerry could have done much better than Bush on that front either he got pretty much ripped apart in the campaign.

2007-10-25 12:11:45 · answer #3 · answered by Super Tuesday 3 · 2 1

It's easy.

Sometimes, girly-boy Republicans allow their fantasies and prejudice against women to rise to the surface while they are in public.

The party handlers work constantly to control what those girls say in public but girly-boys will be girly-boys.

How would you like to be a Repugnant handler after the Repugnant candidates have had their weekend exposier to the Press?

Man, that's got to be a very difficult Monday morning at the Party crisis room.

Say what?

Oh! I'd vote for Clinton over Jesus if he returned and ran as a Republican.

I'd vote for Clinton over Moses if he returned and ran as a Republican.

I'd consider voting for Idi Amin over a Republican for any office, anywhere.

I would vote for certain Republicans, however to spend time in


So, I have to admit that under very special conditions I would vote Republican.

You see, I have spent the last seven years in the United States and I remember the way the country used to be before, well, what was it Sinclair Lewis said:

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying the cross"!

I'm with Sinclair on this one.

2007-10-25 12:24:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because she is a woman . And not because America is not ready ... the very quickly changing climate of World Leaders who
want Super Power status are not. Waiting like wolves at the door. They will bait Bush into a war with Iran that Hillary can not finish.

The only vet that can. Negotiate abortion & immigration later.
The rest of these International concerns will not wait. Just watch, it will take center stage. Thanks.

edit: If there is a Clinton on the ballot expect dirty. But be sure many have learned from the masters. And Hillary is no speaker like Bill. Hoof in mouth disease continues to plague her campaign. I almost think a woman's scorn is at work here. She did begin as a Young Republican in college... those days when she let her heart overwhelm her head (Wiki H Diane C yourself!)

2007-10-25 12:12:47 · answer #5 · answered by Mele Kai 6 · 1 3

I don't agree with people who say that (which is why I fear the destruction of America, as her election I think is very likely).

However, doing things like belittling American voices after they've voiced against the DREAM Act isn't really going to help her chances.

2007-10-25 12:15:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

she has waaaay too much dirt in her background....she cant even stay in her Senate seat once the gloves come off and the real dirt starts flying

2007-10-25 12:18:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hillary comes with way too much baggage and there's a whole lot of groups out there that are just waiting to bring it all back up. You think the Swift Boat Veterans were tough on Kerry, just wait.

2007-10-25 12:09:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

I dont take polls seriously. Remember the presidential exit poll fiasco? Hillary is not electable because she is absolutely despised by so many people. I think a lot of people will come out to the polls just to vote against her if she is the nominee.

2007-10-25 12:10:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

people who say that are just dumb
it's either hillary or john edwards for me

2007-10-25 12:24:33 · answer #10 · answered by Military Supporter! 6 · 1 1

Most Americans don't want more socialism which is Hillary's platform...I'll never vote for her.

2007-10-25 12:12:28 · answer #11 · answered by Miss Kitty 6 · 5 3

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