9 Errors to Inconvenient truth
1 Error: Mr. Gore asserted that a sea level rise of up to 20 feet would be casued by melting of ice sheets “in the near future”
JUDGE: “This is distinctly alarmist:, and will only occur after, and over, millennia.”
2 Error: Low-lying pacific atolls have already been evacuated.
JUDGE: There was no evidence of any evacuation having yet happened.
3 Error: The Gulf Stream, that warms up the Atlantic, would shut down.
JUDGE: It was “very unlikely” it would shut down in the future, though it might slow down
4: Error: Graphs showing a rise in CO2 and the rise in temperature over a period of 650,000 years showed “an exact fit.”
JUDGE: There was a connection, but “the two graphs do not establish what Mr. Gore asserts”.
5 Error: The disappearance of snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro was due to global warming.
JUDGE: It cannot be established that the recession of snows on Mt. Kilimanjaro is mainly attributed to human induced climate change.
6 Error: The drying up of Lake Chad is a prime example of a catastrophic result of global warming.
JUDGE: Insufficient to establish the exact cause.
7 Error: Hurricane Katrina blamed on global warming
JUDGE: There was insufficient evidence to support that.
8 Error: Polar bears were being found that had actually drowned “swimming long distances-up to 60 miles-to find the ice”.
JUDGE: Only four polar bears have recently been found drowned, because of a storm.
9 Error: Coral reefs were bleaching because of global warming and other factors.
JUDGE: Separating the impacts of stresses due to climate change from oter stresses, such as over-fishing and pollution, was difficult
The British newspapers are full of stories this morning about a High Court judge's criticisms of Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth movie. See The Times, Daily Mail and Guardian.
Mr Justice Barton had been asked to rule on the film after the British Government had announced plans to have it distributed throughout the nation's schools.
Justice Barton found 'nine scientific errors' in the film and accused Mr Gore of "alarmism" and "exaggeration". Although he agreed that the film was "powerful, dramatically presented and highly professionally produced," he said that it was a political film and was so "one-sided" that it needed to be accompanied with other materials that provided pupils with balance if the Government was to continue with its plans to distribute it to schools.
The nine errors are summarised in the Daily Mail graphic that is reproduced on the right (click to enlarge).
Even the environment analyst of the BBC - which has been at the forefront of campaigning for action on climate change and was recently forced into cancelling a day of programmes dedicated to the subject - said the ruling would be "embarrassing" for Al Gore.
The Conservative Party's environment spokesman, Peter Ainsworth, has called upon the Government to prepare "a proper, up to-date, education pack about climate change - based on current evidence" and distribute that to schools, rather than the Al Gore movie.
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