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Politics - 8 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

In Europe it is occasion that Presidents or Prime ministers speak 3 or more languages!

2007-08-08 07:18:37 · 43 answers · asked by Ivan 2

The Marxists are right in the sense that ultimately there will be one producer or one small handful of producers of X but that X becomes ever narrower - - - - ultimately Coke or Pepsi will win or at least the two combined will maintain their extremely high market share - - - - in the market for COLA. NOT in the market for soft drinks, for cold drinks, for drinks.

Nobody NEEDS Cola. There are several SUBSTITUTES for Cola. Cola must compete with those substitutes for your beverage dollar. All of that means that Coke and Pepsi can't just charge "whatever they want" for their products.

2007-08-08 07:07:39 · 18 answers · asked by truthisback 3

I was going to grab a link, but the story has been taken down or moved. But Musharraf has withdrawn from a committee of Pakistani and Afghan leaders to work towards peace. His spokesman said there was too much meddling coming from Washington about violating Pakistan's sovereignty. Obama has been shooting off his mouth without thinking again (or maybe he doesn't do thinking!). A couple days ago, he said he would attack Pakistan to try to kill Al Qaeda leaders.
Musharraf has been a good ally in the war against terrorism, but old "Make it up as you go" Obama has made the President's job a little harder. I guess that is ok, if you operate on the premise that the harder Bush's job is, then the more likely Democrats will gain advantage.
Can anyone deny that Liberal B.S. is killing US Servicemen? Pretty much the same way as they did during Vietnam?

2007-08-08 07:03:11 · 31 answers · asked by plezurgui 6


2007-08-08 07:00:58 · 13 answers · asked by truthisback 3

How can people seperate the Muslims into two different groups - Terrorists - Non-Terrorists?

When they ALL go by the same teaching out of the Quaran, which says to kill the infidel.

Are there two different different Quarans, or just one?

2007-08-08 06:59:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Take my DEM Representative....Pulleeeeeeze!

2007-08-08 06:56:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


I was checking my AOL email and I logged out and came upon this article. The headline grabbed my attention: 'Elizabeth Edwards' Regret: 'We Can't Make John Black'

I clicked on the link immediately and read it because it was presented on AOL as if it was a 'controversial (i.e. racist) remark, I had to see it for myself. She was NOT being a racist. She wasn't even being sexist. She was just stating her thoughts.

I won't go as far as to say that Obama is only going after the black vote or Hillary is only going after the women's vote like Liz is implying, but every comment of this sort isn't made out of malice or racism. So why do the media constantly misconstrue them as such?

What do you think?

2007-08-08 06:55:18 · 23 answers · asked by Still Beautifully Conservative 5

I am not looking for antiquated liberal banter. It seems as if liberals today not the mainstream Democratic Party but true card carrying left wing liberals have a deep seated hatred for this man. Why? Please enlighten me and if you can please do so with out using the term "con", right wing conservative would be fine. Hate is a deep seeded emotion. So tell me why?

2007-08-08 06:51:49 · 38 answers · asked by fire_side_2003 5

I asked a similar question earlier and most of the people who answered must not have heard this story. (I guess it wasn't reported on The Daily Show or CNN aka Clinton News Network).

A student at Pace University in New York was arrested for commiting a hate crime because he put a Koran in a toilet. Isn't that freedom of speech? Why is a religious book protected while it is perfectly legal to burn the American flag?

Read this article:

2007-08-08 06:49:06 · 27 answers · asked by Dude #2369™ 4

give me a solid reason that makes abortion acceptable in society

2007-08-08 06:43:04 · 13 answers · asked by austinblnd 4

when it had no solid evidence that there was any need to do so..
Let’s see how many ways can they try to spin the truth

2007-08-08 06:42:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do Intelligent people think W.M.D.s in Iraq should be uncovered yesterday?

2007-08-08 06:39:52 · 11 answers · asked by john 2

I'm rather confused here. It seems to me that we are stuck in a two party system, both parties staffed with individuals that who would qualify as being retarded on most accounts. Of these two parties we have red states, and blue states, and party lines...has anyone stopped to ask "Hey, whose establishing the parties ideals and addenda?" So my question is this...has everyone lost the capacity to think for themselves and is the ability to hold an open debate lost forever to be replaced by the lip service of a stogy party, which from where I sit is drastically outdated and out of step with America?

2007-08-08 06:39:15 · 16 answers · asked by Blue 2

Would this country be better or worse off if J.F. Kennedy was't killed? Please explain why.

2007-08-08 06:27:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-08 06:18:58 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous



"They believe in letting everyone fend for him or herself. They believe in what the president calls an ownership society, which is really you're on-your-own. It's the yo-yo economy; some go up and some go down and the strings are pulled by other people," Clinton said, repeating a familiar theme from her campaign speech. "I don't think that's how America works best."

Do you agree with this? Or should those with bad credit and with a low income be more cautious when purchasing a home.

2007-08-08 06:17:35 · 26 answers · asked by Still Beautifully Conservative 5

If you've followed the owner's statements and news conferences I'm really interested to see your opinions on how he's handling the disaster and the media .

So far it sure seems he knows his stuff backwards and forwards .
And the best part of it all is . . . . He ain't afraid to say it !!

What do you folks think ?

2007-08-08 06:14:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone explain how the ideas of modern day affirmative action, universal health care and the Fairness Doctrine are not goose steps toward socialism?

2007-08-08 06:14:17 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2

I want to know what he knew and when he knew my cable went out.Should the Congress hold Hearings and call Ted Turner as a witness?

2007-08-08 06:11:21 · 13 answers · asked by john 2

Liberals: OK, OK.....This is serious here. OK. Here she goes!

I am going to say something nice about Bill Clinton! Oh Gosh, I know I can do this.....I think I can, I think I can, I think ICan.....OK Little Train GO:

I supported Bill Clinton on Kosovo, NAFTA and Welfare Reform....................BLAHHH, Oh Geeze, Holy Cow I did it! I need to lay down, maybe get some water but I am OK.

Your turn! Name something nice about George W. Bush!

2007-08-08 06:07:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Understanding that there are many Items of Intel.That the Public has no access to.

2007-08-08 05:58:16 · 20 answers · asked by john 2

Whats the matter are your stocks all tied up?
Should've been smarter about where you put all your eggs.

2007-08-08 05:58:04 · 18 answers · asked by Enigma 6

I mean, she's a little extreme and possibly evil. Definitely power-hungry as anything. Is there a chance she could win?

2007-08-08 05:53:52 · 31 answers · asked by Mrs. Eric Cartman 6

all of these blithering fools have to do is visit the fairtax.org site and look at the FAQ to clear up this nonsense they are spreading that they pulled from some NYtimes OP-ED. it makes me sick.

2007-08-08 05:44:15 · 6 answers · asked by vituperative facetious wiseass 3

Would you rather see things made in the US even if you had to pay extra for it?

The recent warnings and recalls about toxic toothpaste, tainted pet food, contaminated seafood and lead paint-laced toys from China haven't gone unnoticed by American consumers - the vast majority of Americans (82%) said they are concerned about purchasing goods from China in the wake of many media reports about faulty goods from that country, a new Zogby Interactive poll shows.


2007-08-08 05:40:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

After all it is the red states that have had their guard units called up and its those red states that have had their kids in the military sent to Iraq .
Its the pulpit at church that convinced them to support this nations military over the years as good patriots and people who love Jesus .

The red states are the one who are sacrificing the most in this war and although they asked for it reality is a bitter pill to swallow . They think liberals feel that their kids deaths mean nothing if we can not declare a victory and win in Iraq .

Truth is all we want is to save the ones still there who we can return to their homes and families .

2007-08-08 05:36:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or is it simply who you know.

the L curve affects my life. How about yours?

2007-08-08 05:34:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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