My reason for asking is I believe our media and government, (BOTH Rep. and Dem.) have used this false info countless times to foment "patriotism". We see all the time in the media and in government news the figure of approximately 3,000 Americans killed that day, when in fact a percentage were not. Why do we not honor other countries' victims as well? And why do we not in the USA honor the 200 plus Australians(our allies in the "coalition"), Indonesians, etc. killed or maimed in the Bali bombing as well, killed and maimed by terrorists with the same intent. I believe it's blind and ignorant for us to not care about the numbers of other nationalities killed on 9/11, and I've tried to find the numbers everywhere on the net but to no avail. Please don't answer with, "what does it matter who was killed?", or some other non-answer answer. I really want to know if someone has the figures and where they were able to locate it.
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