they talk of american family values, while they twist the truth until it becomes a lie, while they are making sexual advances to children.
they tell us all good americans pay their fare share in taxes, while they move their business' off shore so they pay no taxes. if there is a problem with a country they don't like, they send our young men and women in and just blow the crap out of them. if one of our son or daughters die, they are patriotic americans! where are their sons and daughters? sipping drinks on the beach somewhere safe! then as good americans, we have to pay to rebuild that country, after they signed away our jobs to some third word country. then they tell us , if we all had a better education and we worked harder this would not have happened to us. we just expect too much! then they find a way to secretly raise your taxes and try to make us think it was our idea! SHUT UP & PAY UP seems to be their motto! I'M TERRIFIED of them!
ben lodin who?
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