The pope should definitely not apologise,what for? He was reciting a quote,for those muslims who don't know what a quote is, well is a "word from a text or speech written or spoken by another person". the Pope was merely reiterating the conversations that took place and is recorded some 500 years ago. If Islam was not spread about by the sword what else was used. If Islam does not allow proper dialogue there is no question that force was used to spread it. I am sure that all those who are protesting have not even read the Pope's speech. if the muslims are bent on revenging, then go dig up the guy who made that statement.As a journalist, if i'm writing an article or feature and I quote a person that was interviewed wrongly, then i could get sued.
And how many apology have we got from the muslim extremist so far, with all the bombings i.e London,America,India,Egypt amongst others.
This is the 21st century and it's time the muslims start respecting other people and their religion
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